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Everything posted by BasketballJunkie3

  1. Any word or rumors on this one? It's been awfully quiet.
  2. Not much history to that program, or at least recent history. That would be a tough job I would think.
  3. Didn't Renner do something totally out of character for his teams the last time they played? For some reason, I remember seeing that somewhere. If that was the case, do you think he was thinking way ahead in preparation for a possible Sweet 16 matchup with Fern Creek?
  4. I need his basketball training job if he can afford TWO 100k cars for his kids. This guy is eating up his 15 minutes of fame and unfortunately I see it going up in flames and affecting a lot of people that aren't just his kids. The guy is nuts and delusional.
  5. And will probably get worse with the new high school opening next year.
  6. Who would want or be available to take this job? If they're not bringing in players from other places, is there reliable talent there? Although, I guess you could say that about most schools.
  7. To my limited knowledge on charter schools, they should only have an impact on the bigger cities (Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green). And probably not even Bowling Green or Lexington. I don't foresee schools popping up everywhere now just because charter schools are/will be allowed. The county schools "should" stay the same unless someone in a certain area gets an idea to start their own school. Louisville will be the main area affected IMO, and who knows what that impact will have. It probably won't have much on the powers (Trinity, Ballard, PRP, etc), but may impact the lesser powers. That's all my opinion, and who knows if it's right or not.
  8. There aren't any seeds in any regional tournament. It's usually top team is home, etc. I saw Valley in the LIT and they looked like a rec league program. I think one coach had jeans on, and there were random people on the bench. Any excuse people give for a mistake like this in a post season game, is just ridiculous. Wheat needs to own it and say it's his fault, but he probably won't,
  9. It seems like more schools are selling out that way. Seems like there's AAU "ties" to a lot of teams.
  10. In the last 5-6 years, is Waggener the most underachieving team around?
  11. You can also take a charge with your back turned...I wonder how many people know that rule?
  12. Don't count out PRP. Great draw, and best coach in the region, hands down.
  13. Trinity. Better coached than any other team and have 2 studs with a great supporting cast.
  14. Haha the funny thing is that most of the people that complain about calls & officials don't really know the rules themselves. "We lost," or "I didn't enjoy watching that game," so let's blame officials. Watch a few games objectively with full knowledge of coaches, players, and officials involved in said game and see what you come away with. Yeah, there are bad officials...but there's also bad coaches, bad players, bad accountants, bad garbage men, bad bartenders, bad teachers, etc. Move on, and realize that most people try to do a good job no matter what they're doing. If we push for bad officials to retire, can we push for whiny, know it all message board posters to retire as well?? P.S. The original post was asking for a guy to retire because he disagreed with his 5-second counts hahaha.
  15. I think the state (most of it at least) knows how hard it is. Especially in the 11th and that district with Dunbar always seems to be a juggernaut to get through.
  16. WOW! This is a total shocker...probably more than Dunbar losing in Districts as well
  17. I agree fully with this. Have to be able to control yourself in those situations. He has made a living off of controlling the refs...I guess he doesn't like it when it doesn't work.
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