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Everything posted by InItToWinIt

  1. If this is the case, why do we teach little kids to refer to genitals as "private parts?"
  2. I don't get it. No matter how we dress, act, talk, etc... Every single person on this earth is unique. There is not and never will be another being on this earth with the same fingerprint, hand print, or DNA in general. This little 7 year old boy's mother needs to embrace the fact that her child is different from every other kid just as he was born. Hopefully it works out for the kid and he comes to accept his true identity (if it was even his choice to "change" to a girl).
  3. I would say vote for what's right. Put your morals before your political views. With that being said, there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. Don't overlook the good ones.
  4. I remember going to the St Louis "Science Museum" when I was in first grade. Also went parasailing on lake of the Ozarks. Great city.
  5. My best argument would be to say Kyrie Irving or Chris Paul. Paul has averaged 17.9 ppg, 3.9 rbg, and 9.8 apg over the last 4 years. Westbrook has averaged 22.6 ppg, 5 rbg, and 7 apg over the last 4 years. Kyrie has only been in the league for 3 years and the last two seasons have been significantly less than 81 games due to injury. Pretty good looking case for Russ.
  6. CCH's Assistant Bacigalupo worked in sales for TQL a few years ago, but actually got another degree and is now teaching at the school as well.
  7. Makes sense. I'm assuming Joe probably connected the two parties. I guess that's more what I was asking.
  8. I have had the same thoughts as well. Here is what I've come to think: God knows what we will decide, how long we will live, and everything else we could possibly know. Perhaps these decisions are presented to us and we do have a choice, and the one we ultimately decide if the one God knew we would since the beginning of time. So I think God has given us free will and the ability to choose between right and wrong, even though He knows what each of us will eventually pick.
  9. Heard Notre Dame was in town to see CVH last Friday or Saturday. Assuming this is true its 100% because of Frederick, right?
  10. Well, I'm disappointed... Not at Covcath, but at myself for believe if this was actually "the year." Congrats to Highlands, they manhandled us on both sides of the ball. Good luck to both teams the rest of the way out.
  11. When I was younger, I was scared when my parents said "Come here for a minute."
  12. Heights are tough. I wouldn't call it a fear or "scared of," but if i kill a spider I get the chills immediately. "What if it has a family?"
  13. The referenced user is suspended. Congrats to SK even though they beat my Colonels :banghead: Sounds like an exciting game...Flea Flicker with 2:00 to go... Good stuff.
  14. Bengals Announce $200,000 Grant to Covington Catholic HS for New Athletic Field
  15. Ha. Obviously you stay out (and I don't blame you) because they have their own forums now! And have for as long as I've been on the site. :lol2: Now, I am not an Obama supporter at all, and I normally disagree with everything he does. But I am not Commander-in-Chief so I don't know how long it takes to strategically organize then mobilize troops for an airstrike. I'm glad something is being done though and like I said, cannot be unhappy because I don't know how long it takes.
  16. I obviously am not going to tell you what to do, but I'll just tell you what I think about it. I know that nothing that is real is that simple. That, at least for me, is what faith is - "being sure of what we hope fans certain of what we do not see." (That's from the Bible, 1 Corinthians somewhere). I think we suffer for the souls in purgatory. We try to suffer for others as Christ suffered for us. Again, this is JMO, it's not my place to tell you what and how to believe.
  17. For the posters who are disappointed with CovCath: I have a relative who lives in a 3 bedroom apartment in one of the most expensive parts of the country, she does not work anymore, and she lives 100% off of Social Security checks on the 1st of the month, and she gets an aid to stay with her almost half the day, and all of her medical expenses are on Medicaid. My family, with lots of sacrifices and hard work, would have the resources to take her in and live with us in cheaper NKY, take shifts in working as an aid, and could put her on an insurance plan out of pocket. Now, is she in the wrong for applying then accepting a third party (government)'s aid and stay where she is? Its not illegal, and there are PLENTY of people who live on the streets in her neighborhood. They are not willing (or have not shown the willingness) to apply for government aid. Her applying for government aid does not affect their ability to apply for the same. Does that make my aunt in the wrong? Now look at CCH. They could raise an additional $200,000 for the turf with lots of hard work and sacrifice by the development committee, then an additional sacrifice by 10 or 100 or 1000 donors. Now, they could spend all of the time begging people to give up their hard earned money to CovCath, or they could go to a legal, willing and able third party (Bengals/NFL) and apply for a grant of $200,000. Does that make CovCath in the wrong? There are plenty of other schools just minutes away that could use a new football field more than CovCath, but they are not willing (or have not showed a willingness) to apply. CovCath applying for a grant did not affect other school's ability to apply for the same grant. So why is CovCath in the wrong?
  18. Because God loves us, he gave us free will, literally the ability to choose whatever we want. So, crime exists because people make the choice to go against God, or what they know is right. For starvation and disease, perhaps these things are tests (like you said) presented to us so that we have the opportunity to choose between Good and evil. If God did not give us challenges to see if we turn to Him or not, we would be living in a utilitarianism type society.
  19. Who is this directed toward? Did someone say Bengals are lacking fans? I was just making light of the Atlanta Hawks situation because I think its dumb.
  20. Hopefully Mike Brown won't send an email saying he thinks it has to do with the demographics "scaring" fans away...Too soon? :ohbrother:
  21. For everyone who is for some reason critical that the money is going to an already "well-off" school, relax. Yes, there are plenty of students/families who are well off, but keep in mind last year alone Covington Catholic families receieved more than $435,000 in financial aid. ( Covington Catholic High School: Tuition Assistance ) I'm aware that this is the case at a lot of schools but since CCH has the reputation as a white-collar family place, I want to give a friendly reminder that there are plenty of blue-collar families as well.
  22. She doesn't, but since she is going to be a reality TV star she can afford it... Poor girl needs help.
  23. She wanted to bring attention to this, and that's what she did. Why she wouldn't just go peacefully is her choice, but to say a 4 letter word on live TV is really inexcusable.
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