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Everything posted by InItToWinIt

  1. Makes no difference. Doesn't really matter what somebody claims to be, what really matters is if they practice what they preach or not. I agree, Facebook posts about prejudice against the President (anyone for that matter) are annoying and usually uncalled for. I in no way shape or form agree with most of Obama's actions, but he is the leader of our country so I'm not going to bash him to bunch of people on Facebook who already hate him.
  2. They still are all over. In Walton Verona, KY there is a “Society of St Pius X” or something like that. The diocese made it very clear they are not Catholic. (Covington bishop cautions faithful about attending SSPX Walton, Ky. church | Catholic Telegraph ) Please see above article for info about the priests who claim to be Catholic. This short Bible passage is applicable for for everyone (not just clergy). In brief, what you say doesn’t matter if you don’t practice it, meaning just because someone claims to be something does not mean they are. James 2:14-26
  3. 1. Beetle 2. McDonald 3a VonHandorf 3b. Pangallo 5. Weyer 6. Schuh 7. Snapp 8. Stanley 9+ The rest. I would agree with mostly everybody Beetle is 1 and McDonald 2. IMO CVH and Pangallo are neck and neck and both of their teams will go as they go this year. Weyer will surprise some people this winter. I've watched and played with him and he's improved big time. If playoff Bo Schuh shows up the whole season, then look out. But as of now he needs to be more consistent - I trust he will be come mid January. Snapp is a very good high school player and has a big load to carry but I assume will do well. I put the space because I think there is a gap after that top 7. I think Stanley is the next best but isn't capable of leading Boone to generate any buzz next year. 1. NCC 2. CCH 3. Covington Holmes 4. Dixie 5. Cooper 6+ The rest 1-3 should be obvious... Dixie doesn't have any superstars but their team has some experience now and hopefully will have more opportunities with BH gone. They may have it in them to play close with the top 3. Cooper is similar in the no superstars aspect, but it would shock me to see them compete with all of the first 3. If the rules are the same as last year, practice starts tomorrow(?). Anyhow, good luck to the 9th region and rest of Kentucky Basketball. Looking forward to being able to watch a few games this year and bring that trophy back to NKY!
  4. Get the tissues ready. Great, great, great story. One last game - Local 12 WKRC-TV Cincinnati - Top Stories
  5. If they are Sedevacantists, then they are Sedevacantists. Catholics are Catholics. The people who do not believe in the validity of Vatican II are not Catholics.
  6. Can you please give me an example? Honestly. I mean teachings, not language or structure, I mean what Catholics believe.
  7. I say this with no disrespect or accusations because I don't know if you are, but are you implying that Church teachings have ever changed?
  8. Bishops say gays have gifts to offer church This is really interesting. Bishops had a meeting, and came out of the meeting sharing the same beliefs and stance that the Church has stood by for over 2000 years... and for some reason its taken as a "shift in stance(?)" :ohbrother:
  9. I figured that's what you meant :woot: I think that the guilt is only an internal thing because of the Law of Human Nature. Everyone on earth knows 2 things 1)there is a way we ought to behave and 2) We feel bad when we do not in fact behave that way. I think the guilt comes from the LHM because we know we did not do the right thing. JMO (and CS Lewis's :laugh: )
  10. Interesting post I read on Facebook. Think about this: Just a few weeks ago everyone was saying what a tragedy it was that Robin Williams committed suicide. They said he didn't have a choice and it was a result of mental illness. Now this lady has a choice and is being called "brave, courages, etc." Unbelievable. This guy is extremely to the right but this article is worth a read. There Is Nothing Brave About Suicide | TheBlaze.com
  11. Wow, I generally agree with your posts, but this is harsh. I've been to Africa on a family vacation. FWIW the places Americans generally go are not dirty and infected with diseases... Also, if when I was over there and the media decided to blow up this virus, why the hell should I have to pay to stay there for 30 DAYS? If I already paid for the flight in advance (which nearly every American in Africa does) do I get a refund? Americans should be able to come back. No question. Another example, I had a good friend who just got back from Africa. He was doing a mission trip helping out with mentally and physically handicapped people and spent every dime he had to go there. But because he hasn't been "cleared" for 30 DAYS he should have to stay there and pay for food, clothing (at least washing) and a place to stay? Get Americans back in their home with the best hospital facilities, doctors, and medicines in the history of the universe.
  12. It's shocking they don't require ID's to vote. First, its not racist at all. If illegal aliens can get ID's in New York and LA (HuffPost Live & New York City creates ID card so 500K illegal immigrants can get services - Washington Times) then surely anybody could. Second, the rising amount of voter fraud is a concern. No link but I seem to remember a NC man saying he voted 4 or 5 times in 2012.
  13. Absolutely! Maybe... Do you mean guilt as in a person will feel guilt as a result of someone else pushing it onto them? Or guilt because they have done something objectively wrong? : ) Yes thank God, who did indeed create marriage!
  14. Which is funny, because it is a complete misconception (at least in the Catholic Church). Sex is and always has been viewed as "noble and honorable," (Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sixth commandment #2362)
  15. Like CWB I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "God's work," but I can give my input. God gives us free will because He loves us. Without free will we would not have the choice to love Him back or to turn away from Him. Whichever one of these choices we choose becomes the sole purpose of our lives: To love God with everything He has given us or to throw it all away becoming our own self. So, I guess yes, to answer your question. The more I think about it, the less I can justify this woman's suicide. I am aware that she is suffering but suicide is objectively wrong, and there is no such thing as "situational morality." It is obviously difficult and not the answer everybody wants to hear but I believe its true. We [Catholics] do believe life is sacred from conception to natural death, right? But in the end it is not up to you or me to decide what is right or wrong. That would be our Creator's job.
  16. Like most say it is hard to say if this is okay or not because we/I have never been in this situation. It is suicide by the way (the action of killing oneself intentionally). But I have to think there have been so many cases of a sick person being given 6 months to live and they live for 5 more years, so why would she end her life early. I think the problem I have with this and suicide in general is that somebody taking their own life is acting as if they have control over life and death, not God. Ultimately, God decides when it is time for our natural death and for someone else to assert their power over God's is not okay. (Disclaimer: I know people who commit suicide often have mental disorders and in special cases it may not be their fault.)
  17. Great job for sharing! Wish more stories like this were shared more often.
  18. Agreed, and maybe I did jump the gun too quickly but there's a difference between a six year old girl seeing it once and everyday. Sex is one of the (if not the) most addictive thing in the world. If we can avoid exposing young children to it maybe there is a better chance they won't grow up to have an obsession. Disclaimer: I say young children in the context of this discussion. At some point (it differs for every child) children do need to be educated about sex. I think in general 7 years old is too young.
  19. I've probably met up to 10 BGPers, but not a single one (I think) knows who I am. :sssh: :sssh: :sssh:
  20. Should we all just be nudists? If we were to teach young children that seeing other people's (specifically the opposite gender's) genitals was okay because they cannot feel sexually attracted, what is going to happen when they are old enough to be sexually attracted? There is no way a 13 year old boy who gets excited for the first time when seeing a girl naked is just going to be okay with no longer seeing girls naked once he starts to enjoy it (becomes sexually attracted). Just look at Europe. Most young girls go swimming with no top, and its not uncommon to see a young boy swimming naked. Now, every TV there gets pornographic channels, there are movie theaters that show porn, and prostitution is arguably more prevalent there than any other area of the world.
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