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Everything posted by ggclfan

  1. I LOVE Urban Meyer but this really perplexes me. How does this happen? Zeke did not get the ball two years ago in a huge game (loss). Samuel did not get the ball last year in a huge game (loss). It is a disturbing trend.
  2. I just don't agree at all that a 2 loss OSU team has a 39% chance of going to the playoffs. This loss tonight was just a beat down. No way you can overcome this one. Bama, Georgia, ND, Clemson, Oklahoma...I just don't see how OSU can pass any of these teams...and I really like OSU...
  3. I think Buck does a solid job and I do like Smoltz. And Michelle Beisner likes the job Joe does and that is more important to him than what Schue thinks:)
  4. Just a great guy from all accounts but he drives me crazy...get em on, get em over, get em in...(have heard him say that 1,000 times). On double plays...5 - 4 - yesiree 3...ugh. When an outfielder is camping under a ball 30 feet from the warning track and he says the ball is going to the warning track...all that stuff about him is very irritating to me...
  5. (1) Pam Anderson, (2) Gena Lee Nolin, (3) Brooke Burns, (4) Erika Eleniak. Nicole Eggert was extremely hot in her day but wow...she did not age well...sort of like Julie on the Love Boat...
  6. I want this guy in an American maximum security prison with as many bad actor prisoners as possible...you know...the worst of the worst. I think they will treat him like they treat child molesters. Let's just say they will make this guy wish he was dead.
  7. I work for Huntington Bank downtown Cincy. Huntington will not hire a smoker now. Now some current employees who are smokers may be grandfathered in but they have a strict non-tobacco policy as far as new hires. No smoking at any of their offices either...so no smoke breaks. I ABHOR cigarette smoke so I love it.
  8. This is a little sooner than I expected. He has been very patient this go round so my guess is he really feels good. He is making his first start at his own tournament - The Hero World Challenge. I know I will be watching! I don't expect to ever see the "old" Tiger again but I do hope he is competitive. While golf is in a good place with all the young great players we have now, it will be much better if Tiger is back in the mix...
  9. Bad month for ugly looking leg injuries. I thought Gordon Heyward's was hard to watch...this one was worse...it looks like his leg will be saved now...thank God.
  10. If the committee is stuck with Bama (undefeated), a one loss OSU (Big 10 Champ), a one loss Oklahoma (Big 12 Champ), a one loss Clemson (ACC Champ), a one loss Georgia (close loss to Bama in the SEC title game) and a one loss ND...yikes! That will fun to watch the committee try to figure that out. That could be the impetus for an 8 team playoff sooner than later.
  11. I don't disagree. With all the stud athletes at OSU, it is just CRAZY that their kickoff coverage is that bad. When you have 4 and 5 star athletes on your bench, they should be playing special teams and be working their butts off to make an impression on the coaches. Special teams should always be a strength at OSU...a lot of pressure on the special teams coaches right now.
  12. How can you fire a coach "for cause" just because he said he received death threats? With social media the way it is now, I am sure through social media, he has received numerous death threats. Go ahead and fire him if you want but IMO you have to pay him the contract amount. It is not like he is being accused of cheating or paying players or something like that.
  13. I think so. OSU IMO clearly was the better team tday but crazy mistakes almost beat them. If they clean them up and JT continues to play like he is right now, I see no reason why they cannot compete with anyone. The D line is really fun to watch. On a side note, I cannot tell you how strange it is to watch Sam Hubbard playing defensive end after watching him (about 5 games) play safety in high school (Moeller). He literally lined up 20 yards off the line of scrimmage in HS and was just a stud at safety. He has probably put on 75 pounds of muscle while at OSU...I don't think ANYONE who watched him play in HS could envision him playing D end in college...linebacker maybe but D end??...just crazy
  14. Not bashing PSU because I actually like them but they are doing absolutely nothing to stop OSU. OSU is clearly beating themselves.
  15. OSU just cannot catch a break today. I am not saying that should have been an INT or TD catch but I am shocked they overturned it. Every close play going against OSU. False starts killing OSU. A PI that should have been called and one that was not have both went against OSU...just nothing going right for OSU today.
  16. Really bad...totally changed momentum of the game too...
  17. Dobbins running wild and then OSU feels the need to throw the ball sideways...smh
  18. 14-3 PSU - with about 5 min to go in the 1st Q...
  19. As bad as OSU is playing right now, and they are flat awful, if they score a TD here, I like OSU's chances...
  20. ridiculous.. 3 false start penalties in the last 8 plays or so
  21. OSU needs to do something now with good field position. PSU has not stopped them yet...OSU has with one mistake after another.
  22. Not over but what a horrid start. Stupid KO and fumble. Just cannot make huge mistakes in big games...
  23. I am watching the Elder -Lasalle replay on TV (from last night) this morning. On the bottom line scroll, it is giving HS scores throughout Ohio. It said "St Xavier 16 - St Xavier 14...lol...did not identify which was which!!! I had to come on here to find out who won!
  24. I have no idea if this is even a possibility and this may be for another thread, but is James Franklin a potential NFL head coach soon? Whenever I hear him talk I am impressed and he has done a great job at Penn St IMO. Do the coaching experts on here think he has the ability or desire to move to the NFL? If so, would the Bengals have interest? The last coach who they took from college was Sam Wyche, who obviously had a pretty good run...
  25. This has to be the one of the most impressive accomplishments (if not THE most impressive accomplishment) of all time in any sport. I wonder if anyone else has even come close to this? To go ten years without missing ONE PLAY is just insane...
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