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Everything posted by 4luvofthegame

  1. And why not? Because you say? Other than the head to head games of T vs H and T vs Scott Co neither of the other 2 schools schedule has been significantly better than SKs. I acknowledge T's early schedule had some serious competition on it but would argue with the lack of defense played in CKY Scott Co may have had easier defenses to go against. I know history shows that it is an up hill battle trying to compete against the Louisville schools but I am going to go out on a limb and say all 4 teams mentioned offensive numbers are relatively close. I will also say that all 4 teams numbers are hindered by having their JVs play a lot of minutes in the second halves of games. Since there is a good chance these 4 will meet in either a regional final or semi-state it will all get worked out on the field. For the record I think the 6A ranking is right on. The only thing we don't know is the size of the separation between those 4.
  2. I realize I won't change your opinion and that is ok with me but I will make one last statement. Production doesn't lie. I can almost agree overall LB speed may be down slightly but Carter is faster than either Deaton or Hicks. Enjoy the Caramel corn I have a bag every week.
  3. I am guessing you have not seen SK very often this year. Brian Carter is more athletic than either linebacker mentioned. Brian had similar tackle numbers to both last year in a part time role as a soph. He will eclipse both Deaton's and Hicks' tackle numbers from last year this year as a junior. I also think they are better in the middle linebacker spots this year. As for the D-line while, they lost a 3 year starter from last year they have another 3 year starter in Tucker Mueller and a 2 year starter in Blake Powell. Add in Mitchell Kreidenwies and Drew Pompillio, both juniors and you have a very good 4 man rotation. This team is far more focused and athletic across the board than last year's team.
  4. I would argue this year's SK front 7 is not only more disciplined but a better front than last year.
  5. Totally different Ryle team up front compared to last year. SK is much more diverse offensively and much more disciplined defensively. Ryle's QB adds a very dynamic playmaker to their offense. This game will likely look nothing like last years.
  6. 37-9 SK Logan Scott TD pass Racke 3 TD throws and 1 run
  7. 30-9 SK at half Dillon Powell 2 TDs Luke Vance 2 TDs
  8. I remember reading somewhere it was his throwing shoulder.
  9. BS will struggle if their QB is not back. Even with him I am not sure they have enough to keep up with Scott Co.
  10. I did not bring SK up in this thread. I responded to one of your posts by simply asking a question as to why you see a 19 point deficit in a game not being a large margin. You gave your reasons why you think it was closer than the score indicated and I gave mine as to why I thought it was not. You continually bring up previous scores of SK games saying we played them closer, well that is right for the most part. Both CAL and Bryan Station were closer but the others were not. Predictions by fans have zero relevance in the outcome of this game. I never said this game was a blow out but I will say this game was clearly controled by SK and the game was never in doubt. As for the 6 points allowed in the second half that happens constantly with SK. When they are up several scores play calling gets very conservative and more about clock management than scoring points. By the way holding Dillon to 60 yards rushing in a game has no relevance when you give up 180 total team rushing yards. SK's coaches will gladly have Dillon only gain 60 if they run for 180 as a team. As for the Louisville schools they are ranked where they should be. They have consistantly shown their domination over NKY schools. That doesn't mean they should be put on a pedastal. When you bring them up in conversation about two NKY teams it makes it sound like who cares who is better because neither team will beat them. I don't know about you guys but I would much rather have my shot against them than to have lost in the second or third round of the playoffs.
  11. Not sure what the two Louisville schools have to do with anything in this debate but I am still curious how often have you seen the two Louisville schools?
  12. Oh where to start? First off weren't you the one berading people for mentioning injuries when it came to the Lex Cath Cooper game? Second go view the hudl video the spot was correct. While your at it view the SK catch at the one yardline that was ruled out of bounds I think you will see he was clearly in bounds. That would have been a first and goal from the one instead of a missed FG. The 2pt conversion ruled out of bounds on the last SK score was incorrect also. Third I am not sure why SKs margin of victory in other games is even mentioned in this argument. I mean SK only scored 37 against Boone but still one handily. As for the dropped int I am not so sure he scores on that. Finally you brag on holding Powell to 60 yards yet you don't mention the fact that SK still ran for 180 yards for the game including 90 by Racke. Oh and by the way about 75% of Cooper's offense was gained on two plays.
  13. So if winning by 19 points and more than doubling them up in total yards from scrimmage isn't a big gap what would constitute a big gap?
  14. I think we are talking about 2 different things here. At SK home or away, parents stay on the sideline until the team has bee addressed and broken huddle. After they are dismissed they then join their family and friends near the sidelines.
  15. 23-0 SK 3 minutes left in Q1 Dillon Powell 2 TDs Cam Racke 1 TD
  16. In CWB's defense the same SK team that beat Highlands 42-3 beat Conner 54-0 at Conner. I don't see anyone below HHS fairing any better against their schedule.
  17. Yeah Yeah, I think you are right. :sarcastic::ylsuper::lol:
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