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Everything posted by 4luvofthegame

  1. I have no doubt what you are saying was true but my question is, is there a need to have special seedings for 6A now. I think you can certainly rotate the 4 region winners but if you do I believe you should do it for all 6 classes not just one.
  2. So why would we call them regional finals then? Nearly every class in every state runs their state tournament through a district a regional then sectional format. Why would there be a need to have one class in your state be run differently. I am quite sure there will always be stronger districts and regions in every class. I do not know any of the politics of past formats and don't really care about them. Get it right now and move on.
  3. Love that pizza. Top it off with the white chocolate dessert pizza with raspberry and Carmel drizzle and you have the complete package.
  4. U Didn't Fieger play that same struggling HC team along with Dayton Ludlow and Bellvue?
  5. Not sure what would happen there. It would be interesting. Since he did not play varsity at Ryle and did move from the Hazard area would he be allowed to switch with no penalty? For the record, I think Tanner wins the battle for QB and the fact that Aaron can excel at another position has a lot to do with it.
  6. Just curious, what do you think Ryle's JV's record would have been against Hazards varsity schedule? I would bet close to .500. Why are you so quick to dismiss Aaron O'Hara's accomplishments at Ryle the last two years?
  7. Good quick read and spot on as far as what a kid can learn from playing HS football outweighing the risks.
  8. Like most I'd buy a new house and cars maybe a kick butt house boat and travel a lot. I would also take care of family and friends and donate to several charities. To tell you the truth the coolest most fun things would be the little things. Like leaving a huge tip to a well deserved waiter or waitress, picking up a check for a young couple on a special date or buying groceries for a big family you see at the grocery store. I could see supplying tons of football or baseball tickets to inner city organizations and donating tons of sporting goods. Scholarships for deserving kids would be a must.
  9. No reason to type slower but you can try to keep up. I brought up last year for one reason. The very kids that HHS will be counting on this year were playing in those games last year. I have no problem saying HHS has been the class of NKY football for years. I just don't think the level of separation between other NKY teams has been as wide in the last few years as the Bluebird faithful like to let on.
  10. Past won't matter but let's look further back in the past. Yeah that makes sense.
  11. Yes because of the routes they put on the 6a teams last year.
  12. I think that the program and the coach are at a point right now where one lopsided loss will not run them off. If HHS were to run off 6 lopsided losses in a row it may be a different story.
  13. Lose one state championship and the school opens back up to out of district kids. Jeesh Just kidding guys just couldn't resist. For the record I have know idea or do I care how many out of district kids are on the football team. As already stated most public schools offer tuition to out of district students.
  14. Very physical sometimes chippy basketball game. Scott had to be physical with SK's bigs to have a chance and they were. At times they frustrated Mullins but in the end Mullins does what he does 22 and 17. The kid is just a flat out workhorse inside. Combine that with an easy 19 by Fries and 22 points mostly on driving layups by Robinson and SK gets a pull away victory. First time I have seen Ohmer play in a year. His pull up game has gotten a lot better and it makes him a nightmare to guard. He can now score at all 3 levels. Scott plays hard they are just lacking size any size. They could benefit from a football player to bang inside and at least move some people off the boards. They will be a tough out for whoever the play come tourney time.
  15. Scott will struggle with the length of SK. Not just interior length they are long at every starting position. SK will have to prove they can defend the drive and 3 pt line better than they did against HC. If Scott gets hot from the arc this should be a very entertaining game. I will take the home team, SK by 8.
  16. Happy birthday from Independence. Quite Frankly though I expected a much longer thank you post. The over under was set at 200 words.
  17. I have never seen Morgan but I have seen O'Hara and he is going to be a very good HS QB. What skills does Morgan have that O'Hara is lacking that fits better in Ryle's system. If Morgan is the starting QB does O'Hara try to transfer? It would be a shame if he does not get at least a chance to play QB at Ryle.
  18. I heard the official signup number for SK next year is 128 soph to senior. This year's number was over 100 as well but fell to around 88 by the start of the season. I look for a similar result but maybe not all the way to 88.
  19. I think if he chooses Alabama over KY it will have zero impact on the voting.
  20. The whole not enough evidence to overturn is a bunch of bull. 99.9% of the time they have more evidence through replay than the referee on the field has live. Make a determination and do your best to get the call right. BTW I am rooting for ND, I just thought they totally wussed out on that call.
  21. And for the record there are much worse bowl games out there.
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