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Everything posted by OLinePride

  1. CinciSportsFan brings up some pretty good points. There are a handful of teams in some classes that don't make the playoffs, but in others it is everyone makes it. We are very close to every team making it, but to me it is either we all make it or only the top couple of teams in each district makes it. We are in a six team district and have to win games to get in(which is good), but other districts just make it anyway. We are proud to make the playoffs because we earned it. It has to be one way or the other, it can't be almost everyone makes it!
  2. Coach Maynard and the Rams roll to round 2. Good luck to both teams. Raceland 48 South Floyd 7
  3. Western Hills has talent, but Russell does too. Tradition leads Russell to victory. Russell 24 Western Hills 12
  4. The choices mentioned above are very deserving. I just wanted to throw out a couple more. Coach Hughes guided Lewis County to an 8-2 record, won the district, beat Mason co for 1st time in 23 years, beat Russell for the first time in school history. Big turn around from 3-7 last year. Coach Siple from Bracken Co. Led the Polar Bears to their first winning season. I think it is great to have so many success stories to choose from!
  5. Nothing classless about it. You win by 49 and complain about that? All season people have been accusing your team of classless stuff. I disagreed with their opinions. In this case though, I disagree with you. What does it hurt if they recover and score??? I guess your lead would have only been 42...
  6. On a very soggy field, the Lions got the offense firing on all cylinders. Clark went 7 for 7 with 3 TD passes. Parker caught 2 and ran a kickoff back for TD! Jv got a half of football in this game. Magoffin is young and will be better the next few years. Up next, Powell County part two! Go Lions!
  7. In no way am I taking anything away from Powell's win earlier this year, they played harder and deserved that win, but Lewis County's offense was just about non-existent in this game. 4 Turnovers in the first half alone. The offense had very limited snaps in the second half, leaving the defense on the field far too long. I know both teams will be ready for this game...talk about a great first round matchup!
  8. You got it. And I did take into account that the Raceland game was a scrimmage. On paper, we shouldn't have beaten Russell, but that is why we play the games. In this case, I think it is a toss up on paper as well as on the field. I don't see this score being lop-sided either way. It's a prediction thread, so I picked Russell by 2. Either way, both teams are likely playing football for a couple more weeks after the regular season. That is a nice feeling...one that I hope the Lions will be feeling as well!!
  9. We played Raceland in the grid, and Russell two weeks ago. I know Raceland has improved from the first of the season. Russell players hate to lose and hung half a hundred on East Carter this past week. Neither team is perfect, and they both have things to work on (not much though). Should be a great game Russell 22 Raceland 20
  10. This one could get ugly very quickly. But maybe the David andGoliath reference will make a difference...eh, probably not. Good luck to both teams. 52-12
  11. Lewis County defense kept them in the game first half. Big stand in the red zone to end the first half. Offense got going in the second half. After 1st score, lewis' Mike Mustard made a huge hit forcing a fumble giving LC the ball again. Long drives and a very tough defense put the game away! Russell coaches are 1st class, and were gracious in defeat. Russell players played hard, as always. 26 years since Lewis won the district...great win boys! Keep rolling and we will take it to West Carter. That win would be for undefeated in district and EKC play!
  12. This game is for the District Championship. Lewis has never beaten Russell. This IS a very big game for both reasons. Coach McGlone is as classy as can be, and his team is tough as always. Lewis County expects a very good game will take place this Friday. Good Luck...game on!
  13. Raceland, Lewis County is pulling for you. Good Luck
  14. Congrats to Raceland on the win. I have seen Raceland stats but have not seen any for Nicholas. How did Caleb Pope do? Keeping him out of the endzone is a pretty good accomplishment! Scribe, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings. I have no ties to NC, they were just playing some pretty good football before the game Friday night.
  15. Coach has been doing it the right way for a long time. He is tough to beat on the field and as a person!
  16. The Lions prepared hard to beat a solid Mason County team and executed their gameplan! They believe they can play 48 minutes of competitive football with anyone, and the defense has confidence and swagger. They played a complete game tonight and absolutely dominated the Royals! On the other sideline, Coach B is humble in victory and very gracious in defeat. As always...class act. The Lions were ready, but that tweet by #16 really made the Lions go all out! O Line...that is how you do it! I knew you could!
  17. If you think I was hammering on Raceland, it is obvious that you have never gotten into trouble...kudos to you. I think you will see how well Nicholas is playing right now when they play Raceland. Can you really validate Raceland being ranked ahead of a 4-1 team?
  18. How is Nicholas County (5-1)still getting overlooked? Maybe it will take them beating the #8 team this week, (2-4) Raceland, for them to get some love. How can a team that is 2-4 be ranked in the top 10??? I have a lot of respect for the tradition at Raceland, but tradition should have no bearing on rankings.
  19. Great win for Lewis Co. Their Defense played very well. No reason for Fleming to hit the panic button. When Wood gets time to throw he can be an effective QB. Taylor can help out too when they run the Wildcat. Fleming needs a good week of practice and who knows...the Red Devils aren't invincible. Love the comment a FC player made during the game..."come on guys it's just Lewis County" Well, guess you won't be saying that anymore!
  20. Rowan can put points on the board, and Ashland can put points on the board. This game will come down to defense. Ashland D will win it or lose it for Ashland. I think Ashland D is bit better than Rowan D. Ashland 24-16
  21. You might need to give Nicholas County some consideration. After their 3 point week one loss, they have really stuck it to their opponents. Their RB C.Pope has to be in the top 5 rushers in the state, all classes included.
  22. Coach B's description of Josh couldn't be any more correct, with the exception of just how hard he worked to be as good as he is. Injuries are bad for anyone, but it is very unfortunate when they happen to kids that go all out all the time. Mr. Harris, good luck with re-hab and we look forward to watching you thrive at Kentucky!
  23. He has been a dominant force in both of their games thus far. And his brother is a pretty good QB too. I honestly believe that if Mr. Pope can keep his cool and be as dominant in the classroom, he should have no shortage of offers. He is fast and strong and just a real good runner
  24. Nicholas County is a much different team when C. Pope plays. So I wouldn't use that line of logic, since he didn't play against East Carter.
  25. Great win fellas. Keep it up and bring the program to where it should be! When you know how to win, even the Administration can't mess that up.
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