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Everything posted by OLinePride

  1. As ChiefSmoke mentioned, many schools are struggling with numbers. Some of that is due to baseball and track. Sadly, a good portion of it is that there are quite a few kids that don't want to put the work in during off-season conditioning and weightlifting. I see both sides to the argument, don't want kids to get burnt out, etc. However, I do think that this is a sign of the times. When I was younger you practiced every time you had a chance to, in all the sports you played. I don't think the numbers issue now is a real indication of the numbers you will have when things become mandatory. Most, if not all schools are going through this. I think our neighbors to the west will be just fine this year. Good luck
  2. Their Sophomore QB from this past season (#14 I think) would be a good place to start. He actually threw the ball better than J. Hunt early in the year (scrimmages and 7 on 7's). I know he didn't throw it much during the regular season, but I think he will fit into Coach Grizzle's system very well. Good group of kids they have in Greenup Co. They will be fine.
  3. Good point. In this case it seems like the Coach has ties to the community and has coached most of the players on the current varsity team. The way people automatically get the red butt when a Middle School Head Coach is hired is pretty foolish. There will definitely be cases where it won't work out, but TC has tried the other way without much success. Hard for me to say this is a mistake before the guy even gets a chance to run a practice, much less a game.
  4. Coach B, I never met your father, but from all accounts he was a great man. Much like him, you are a great man as well. This opportunity you got to meet Coach Dungy was definitely Heaven sent. There's definitely a common thread with your father, Coach Dungy and yourself...Christ is priority number 1! Keep it up Coach. I'm looking forward to whenever our paths will cross again.
  5. Very true. There are way too many variables here just to isolate one. We have a lot of work to do to get Kentucky Football where it needs to be.
  6. The arguments made on here would be great if we were all in a room together. I think we could get a lot of stuff ironed out. As far as the committee/no committee thing goes, I can see positives and negatives with both. I reckon that whatever system your school uses, you gotta just hope that the best decision is made. Sometimes the best coach isn't the best applicant. Sometimes the best coach is not as strong in the classroom. I think athletics provide so much for a school and a community and I am a big fan. I do think there needs to be a good balance between education and athletics for them both to thrive. Saying a school can only be good if X coach is hired is kind of like saying there is only 1 person on this planet that you are compatible with. I think the major problem we have today isn't that Ag takes away a lot of our "big uglies" or that the Principals' buddies are getting hired, but it's the players we have to work with. Think about how many kids now don't want to put the work in during summer practices or off-season conditioning. I think this, like many problems we have, goes back to the way these kids are raised. Now, I'm not saying all the blame is on the kids, but even when I was in school (graduated in 2000), the attitudes and work ethics were different. They are products of their environments, both home and at school. I just think our expectations have been lowered and they are now comfortable under-achieving. Here at Lewis County, we have several kids walking the halls that would help our team, when we ask them about football they just don't seem interested. I think it takes a special person to be a football player. Not everyone is cut out to be a football player. We are just running out of kids that want to put the work in. Why? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that parental expectations are WAY lower than they used to be.
  7. Until someone gives me a reason not to be, I will support Coach Ray Graham. He is a man of great character and faith. If Coach Graham is guilty of something "unfavorable" then I will be shocked. For the parents that are opposed to Coach Graham, what would make you feel that way??
  8. If he was only hired because of his teaching reputation, then whom would you say would have been a better hire? Having coached against his teams the past few years, it is quite apparent that his teams have improved greatly each year. Their defense this past season was by far the best that Greenup has had in YEARS! This wasn't just an academic hire. Coach Mullins is a coach that absolutely has my respect, and I do believe he was one of the hardest working coaches in our area. The culture at Greenup has changed for the good, and it is in large part, due to Coach Mullins.
  9. Having only coached at Powell County and Lewis County, I can't say that I've been part of teams that have played a vast majority of teams in the state...BUT, if you want to know what kind of impact a head coach overseeing a youth football program, all I have to say is Russell Red Devils. During the McGlone tenure, they ran the same 10-15 plays all the time. They learned the plays in the 3rd or 4th grade and ran them until they graduated. It wasn't just the athletes that won those games...it was athletes that had been part of the same system for almost 10 years.
  10. Basketball coach, not sure what state...all over the news yesterday
  11. I think I have more of a problem with the school and the higher-ups than with Coach McPeek. It is possible that he had a heavy hand in what was going on, but the admin without a doubt had a heavy hand in what was going on. He deserves a second chance. If the same things happen again, then he will have wasted his second chance. At least he didn't head-butt a referee...
  12. Congratulations to all of the EKC award winners. Our Conference is always well represented by players and coaches of outstanding character and commitment. Good luck to those still playing tonight. West Carter, put on a show for us tonight. Russell, good luck at Belfry. Greenup County, keep that defense going! Raceland, get some revenge.
  13. Congrats to the Blue Jackets. I will not pick against them the rest of the way.
  14. I mean no disrespect when I say this, but Bath Co. is the most complete team. Having said that, I don't know how he does it, but Coach Hop always gets the absolute most out of his kids and they ALWAYS play hard. If this was in Owingsville I'd say Bath by 2+ scores, but since it is in Carlisle, this one will be less than 7 points. Bath Co. 35 Nicholas 32
  15. Hard for me to agree with this. I could see it being a slap in the face if he had went for 2 up 48-14 or something like that. But in a 7-6 game that had been a defensive struggle, they might not even make it back into field goal range. I don't personally know Coach Matney, but I do know that their coaching staff has a lot of confidence in their offense picking up 3 yards. I would have probably kicked the PAT in that situation...but even the best kicker in the state doesn't make every one. There's a snap, hold and let's not forget blocking that must occur for a PAT to even be attempted. Long story short, I don't think this is a slap in the face or an insult of any kind directed towards Ashland.
  16. I think it would be fair to say that both teams have struggled at some point this year. Currently, it would be hard for me to say that Russell is struggling right now. After the Fleming County game, they have been firing on all cylinders. At the beginning of the season, I honestly thought that Raceland might be the top team in our area, but that is not the case anymore. This is the type of game where people will quickly assume that Russell has it in the bag...but in a rivalry game...you never know. I do think Russell wins this game, but I think Raceland makes them earn it.
  17. Russell was ready to play. It was a bad week for us to play them coming off of the Fleming loss. They could have beaten anybody last night. No, they didn't have to call timeout to score before half, but at the end of the day it was our job to stop them. Best of luck to the Devils in the playoffs.
  18. I agree on this point also. Lewis County has never been in a district where all the teams automatically make it. We have made the playoffs less than 10 times in our history and when we do we are proud of it. I don't think we should just even up the districts so that everyone gets in, but I do think the districts should all have the same number of teams in them. Playoffs should be earned. The district we are in now has 6 teams. You can bet that we are working to try to earn that 4th spot. It means something to us. I think every district should have to do the same...back to the thread...Thank God it's Game Day! Perfect weather for football and two teams that will leave it all out on the field tonight. Can't ask for anything more...well, an upset would be nice...:up:
  19. So we should just give up and not even play the game then? SMH...Several of you thought the Fleming game would be lopsided as well. There is a reason we PLAY these games.
  20. PD is very consistent and he also works well with coaches and players. I've never seen him get rattled.
  21. Can Fleming contain Brown? I think West wins in a close shootout. 42-40
  22. Lawrence Co. offense vs. Greenup Co. defense is an intriguing matchup. Lawrence uses a bunch of formations and looks pretty decent running the option and jet, plus their QB can sling it. My only question is can the Greenup Offense score just one more point than Lawrence does? Best of luck to both teams...this one will be close GC 22 LC 21
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