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Everything posted by miragesmack

  1. I used it myself actually. My ex and I went to court over this Public vs Private issue. She even ran to Indiana to bolster her case, thinking I would back down. To compromise temporarily during litigation, I agreed to put my daughter in public schools in Jeff County, even though she live in Jeffsonville Indiana officially. We used my address in KY for official records. Thankfully she wasn't old enough for sports at the time, or........ :fight: Anyway, after two years, I won the right to put her in private schools, and she now lives with me. Oddly enough, my ex now also has her other kids from a new marriage in Private schools. Hmmmm.
  2. My step daughter attended Atherton. All I know is there were several armed policemen at her graduation ceremonies. Is that normal? Atherton used to be strong in sports, but they are misguided these days. They have no turnout for their games, but pack the house to protest a few years ago when Atherton proposed wearing a uniform in school. I was there. It was laughable, hearing them claim it violated their rights, and I'm talking about the parents. Then they send these kids out into the workforce (where they have a uniform usually) and leave us to deal with em. Sad. My point is this. Atherton doesn't focus on, nor do they care about sports like other schools. So they aren't ever going to win, no matter how many teams you pull out of the pot. Bad example.
  3. They're like NASCAR, making it up as they go. :lol:
  4. I though everyone had the same rules? The bolded statement implies the extra restrictions the publics have put on themselves are correct. Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, what the catholic schools are doing is better for the kids? It is about the kids, isn't it? Or is it just about tax bases and other nonsense? I guess this ends all my hope of public schools creating more opportunities for girls, instead of only focusing on boys sports. Now they definately won't have any field hockey or lacrosse teams, cause there will be no one to play. The public system truly is a "good ole boy" network for sure now. :mad: It's downright shamefull what public schools do for the girls, or don't do I should say.
  5. Not sure if Tressell has broken rules at OSU, in fact, until he gets caught I would say he hasn't. However, he flirts with danger quite a bit. Every knows about Claret and he had questions while at OSU that were largely ignored, then Tressell turned his back on him as soon as he wasn't useful anymore. More recently, he did the speaking engagement fundraiser at a school in Cincy then received a commit shortly thereafter. That's been borderline questioned since money was raised for the school of a committed player. Then bringing the criminal Patrick Lazear in for a visit after he committed armed robbery and was on house arrest. Apparently he had an ankle bracelet on at the time. Oddly enough, he ended up being recruited by Rodriguez to WVU with all his other criminals. I am of the belief that where there is smoke, there is fire. However, legally you need proof before launching serious accusations.
  6. Agreed. Talk really is cheap, has to happen on the field. I'll take a wait and see approach.
  7. How does this work for a kid going to a seperate middle school building from the high school he will attend, such as parochial grade school and catholic high schools? Those who favor kids playing up, are you in favor here as well, or is there a difference?
  8. Congratulations! Does that mean you adopt him, or can you adopt him?
  9. I guess my defintion of "negligently laying around" would be if the gun was loaded and a 3 year old could get to it. So this fits the bill. When my daughter was younger, and still occasionally, I ask the parents of friends before she goes to their houses, "do you have guns in the house?" In one case, I went over to the house because the father was a Coast Guard Commander who I knew had guns and how to use them. He had his locked in a safe, and I didn't tell him I was coming over. He clearly did it the right way. Whether he took them out at night for protection, I don't know. But they weren't just laying around. People don't need their guns 24/7, even though a good friend of mine (who was insane) wore his nickel plated 45 under his tux when he got married. Why not wear them to church, because there has been violence in churches too? I don't believe you can call it an accident since so much negligence is involved. Accidents are created, they just don't happen. At UPS, if a driver gets hit by a car running a redlight, it's still the drivers fault. It a plane shorthops the runway an clips your truck, it's still the drivers fault. It's this way because people can avoid these incidents if they are alert and use their brain. I don't support the 2nd amendment at all anymore because NRA types don't make any effort to concede in any way. No locks, no fingerprint triggers, no nothing. The technology is out there to make guns 100 times safer, but the NRA won't allow it to happen. Other than showing cartoons in school about gun safety. :creepy:
  10. I'm not saying I need tons of scoring. My daughter plays field hockey, and led her team in scoring last season, with a whopping 7 goals. Half of our games usually have at least 1 team scoring ZERO, so I get the defensive angle. Fast pitch is very interesting, it's just not always exciting. Most non-parent or non-coach fans won't be looking at bunt coverage, delay steal etc. I just happened to see four of five shutouts, so maybe my logic is skewed.
  11. I think it due to having larger schools, and KY have so many counties with their own schools. Ohio has many more people with fewer counties. Every Ohio school my daughter played field hockey against last season had 2500+ students.
  12. Thats pretty much spot on. Cantwell has 20 or more yards arm strength on Brian, but Brian has what's going on in his head and accuracy. As a Cat fan, Cantwell makes me nervous, but our defense will be tougher than what he practices against. Kiper puts him in his top 5 QB's, even saying Saturday that he may get drafted higher than brian next year, FWIW. That's pretty strong for a guy with only 4 starts under his belt.
  13. Here's a view from a casual fan only, as my daughter plays another sport. I went to my 1st fast pitch game a few years back, and thought WOW!!!, that's amazing. I was mesmerized by the pitcher, so I went back for another. But after the 5th game, I realized I only saw maybe 10 hits, and half of those never left the infield. So I got kinda BORED, even though I was cheering for my daughters school. My sister played slow pitch for the same high school in the 70's and 80's, and it really was more enjoyable to me. I know it would be different if my kid played, and I loved watching fast pitch on TV, but they entertained you in other ways. But it will never go back, so I wish ALL levels of fast pitch would look at ways to make the game more interesting. Major league Baseball did by lowering the pitching mound 5" in 1969, to help the pitchers out. That worked.
  14. I know she signed with a powerhouse, but can you imagine the effect of her signing with a local school, preferably my Wildcats? I wonder why more don't, when they could make the program a success almost all by themsleves?
  15. This always confused me. There is such passion for single class basketball, with all the "little" guys thinking they can knock off the "big" guys. Which is awesome! But in football, there is more of a defeatist attitude. Is it just the numbers? Or is it that we are a basketball state with a huge history of the "little" guys winning? Other than that, I like it the way it is, but think it will eventually change as that is the way the rest of the country has gone.
  16. This myth has already been debunked. The attendance was down at first, but it has since rebounded according to a local radio guy who calls IN games on air.
  17. A friend has crawdads with no stream in sight. We dug down one time, and found an underwater stream. It sounds like a waterfall when you put your ears up to it. I have similar holes in my backyard, which is a huge problem because it is a 100% Midnight Bluegrass field hockey field for my daughter. First I thought they were bees, which I had a few years back and they make the same size holes as yours. Mine turned out to be earthworm holes this time though. The main entrances can be up to 2 inches across, and you'd never think they were from worms. They are wrecking the field which needs to be putting green flat, and they leave small "casts" which mae the turf too bumpy. Some nights I would find 50 new holes.
  18. Phillips scares me (X fan) to death every time he gets the ball. A lot like Brohm did when he stepped back to pass. Only one more year of that...:cry:
  19. Since I own 4 of 'em, I guess it would be 1967 GTO. I own a coupe, 2 hardtops, and a convertible.
  20. Billy Clyde had 20 players on his last TAMU team, counting all the walkons. They are great for stepping up the quality of practice, plus they may step up big in a game now and then, like Ravi Moss did. I love all the walkons.
  21. My mom got to see the real Von Trapp family singers after the war. One interesting thing, Leezel (sp?) the cute oldest girl was actually a boy in real life. I am secure in my manhood, but that is my all time favorite movie. I'm 42, and it's the only movie I have ever seen more than once!
  22. We (the St Raphael Giants) do send a lot of great players to X, though I wish we could have sent the Dutton boys there as well. Awesome kids!:thumb:
  23. Apparently I'm no math guy either. I may have gone back another year and picked up the big blowout. Bottom line, X needs to win the big one, or I'll be sorely disappointed....again.
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