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Everything posted by Musketeer_alum97

  1. Nothing happening in Northeastern Ky as of yet.
  2. Chuck Norris was born in a log cabin that he built with his own hands. There is no Theory of Evolution, only a list of animals that Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
  3. "Live your life so that the Preacher won't have to tell lies at your funeral."
  4. I am waiting for my copy of "Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" by Scott Cunningham, to come any day now. I have also been reading on a history of the fire service, published by the Fallen Firefighters of America. It has some great stories and photos in it.
  5. I am so glad to hear that. I will try to call him again soon to check up on him.
  6. I spoke with Old Rambler this evening. He sounded good considering what he has been through. As Red Rambler has already stated, though, he is upset about the steroid/HOF problem. Hopefully, the voting panel will show mercy on him.
  7. I really hate to hear this. Rambler, I hope and pray tha you get feeling better soon, my friend. If there is anything I can do, please just let me know.
  8. I agree Wireman. Any time that an athlete can make a career out of doing what they love, it's a good thing, IMO. granted, they may not make millions like their NBA counterparts, but at least they are still playing.
  9. I have 5 (as you can see)- 2/girls and 3/boys. I really didn't have much time to adjust. I went from one kid to 4 kids, then to 5. I wouldnt trade a big family for the world.
  10. Thank you, Sidelinedoc, for all that you do. If you don't mind me asking, what group are you going over there with?
  11. It sounds to me that we need a Blue Grass Preps Invitational Bowling Tournament, lol.
  12. I still read the newpaper every chance I get. There is just something about sitting down in my recliner, opening the paper and spending as much time as possible reading it.
  13. Probably somewhere in Montana for me. I have never been there, but I would love the solitude of it, I think.
  14. My high was a 256. I used to bowl in a league, and was carrying a 180 average when I quit. Now I would be lucky to bowl a 175.
  15. I would help, but you have already ruined my year with your "the BGP clock is slow" comment.
  16. Happy New Years to all of my BGP family!!!! Here's to hoping that this next year is a time of great joy and fulfillment for you all.
  17. I will be working, as usual. Hopefully, the wife and daughter can come over to the office. If they can, we will try to find a ball dropping on the internet somewhere.
  18. I am working a full shift tonight, and another one tomorrow night. This makes 5 years in a row that I have worked both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.:irked:
  19. That Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite, followed by christmas Vacation. My least favorite, by far, is Christmas Story. I can not stand that movie. I have banned it being watched at my house while I am there and awake, lol.
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