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Everything posted by whataboutthis

  1. Not to mention one of Dixie's best freshman from last year starts for Highlands.
  2. Both of Dixie's back-up QB's start D on the varsity. So by some people's opinion they should cancel their JV season.
  3. Why would anyone bring this up in week 5 of the season this thread is nothing short of rumor spreading.
  4. Why let facts get in the way of some good ole coach bashing.
  5. Much like Beechwood was this week??? Bitter much??????????????
  6. You may have sent the questions but if they would have won 10 games they probably would have been disreguarded. So in my OPINION it is about W's and L's. I doubt they would have been so eager to let Brossart go if he had the talent to win a state championship like Rodenberg did.
  7. Found this to be a very interesting quote. Wirth said. “It’ll be nice to get the first win under our belt next week against Lexington Catholic.”
  8. I think people should let go of it and move on, Stop blaming a coach who is no longer there for all your problems. I would worry about how to fix a defense that gave up 400 yard rushing.
  9. I love this reaction you assume the coach who has won over 500 games made this decision with nothing in mind other tHan winning a ball game. Could the kid have been sick, his arm hurting, or another reason a Coach would decide not to use him. I love that you automatically assume the coach made the wrong decision, for this game maybe (heck you don't even know you later say it wouldn't have mattered who pitched) but for the season maybe not.
  10. I disagree I think it has more to do with the competition they play early, They do get better as the season goes but their competition gets easier also.
  11. If you look at the teams they have played in week 1 for the last 7 years, I think you might understand their slow start. Elder 02 Highlands 03-06 Beechwood 07 -08
  12. Dixie beat Conner last year and has as much if not more returning.
  13. Change that Bush is gone yes........... on the other I'm not so sure
  14. You mean excuse. Either way they lost that night because Dixie played better, and that could Happen Tonight.
  15. If he wasn't a true Freshman he wouldn't be allowed to play he is a first time freshman. when adults take shots at 14-18 year old high school kids they are not acting like adults.
  16. Going got tough and they quit. I would guess the team doesn't need people with that attitude. I hope my child never comes to me and says this is their solution. oh well. So playing 3 teams good enough to make the State finals with a very young team had nothing to do with loosing the 1st 4 games fair enough. Coaching High school kids is about a lot more then winning. Besides the coach at Dixie has done plenty of winning. I know Highlands fans will bash this comment but I respect what Tom has done at Dixie, and for years he was one of the only coaches in NKY to challenge his team by playing Highlands when he didn't have to.
  17. Just 2 questions Do you think this seasons slow start could have had anything to do with the combination of inexpeirence and playing 3 teams that are playing in the State finals in the first 4 games? What players quit that were contributers before they quit? I think Scott will be hurt most by SK's run to the finals now kids can see both programs as better alternatives with SK possibly being the better one because every couple of years you will be opposite of the big dogs, and Dixie will have to face the biggest dog in 5A twice to get to a Championship game.
  18. Congrats to SK. How tough is the NKY 6A district going to be next year? WOW
  19. This was in another thread but I have to know if this really happened? I am not sure I know what a fake double reverse is does that mean there was no reverse at all?
  20. I don't know how anyone from Highlands could complain about a messed up squib (onside) kick. They once won a game 55-0 and they onside kicked nearly every kickoff (Fern Creek 2000). If you recover it then you get pretty good field position. Congrats to Dixie, and for the reverse pass doesn't Highlands love to work on those in games maybe the Dixie Freshman were working on it so they can use the rest of the season.
  21. I think where Highlands football get sold short is when people are critical of other programs for not stepping their program to Highlands level. Not because that shouldn't be the goal, but because if it was easy to duplicate then it wouldn't be that special. In NKY every program should strive to be like Highlands but doing so takes a community effort. Highlands isn't great just because of the coach and players they have in a given year, they are great because of the many great coaches, players, and supporters they have had over the years. Highlands is a special place because the expectation and the drive of the players is there every year.
  22. Highlands district games wins by 64, 55(by the 1's at least), and 61. WOW!!!! They are pretty good.
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