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Everything posted by whataboutthis

  1. You make a great point. It isn't why they lost, but it would have been nice to have that TD.
  2. You are mistaken they didn't score on that drive. So I still say the pentaly that took points off the board when the pentaly was enforced wrong had more impact.
  3. Very impressive. Freshman back-up leads the JV team to 38 points WOW!!! I know he had help but QB is a pretty important position. I would be willing to bet there isn't another team in NKY and possibly the state that could do that. Can you say Football Factory.
  4. The horse collar rule in High school is different than the NFL. In high school if you pull someone down from behind who is not engaged with someone else it is a horse collar. DPI and OPI need changed on the High School level it is not a harsh enough for DPI and to harsh for OPI.
  5. I didn't say anything about the rule, I said If you are scared to get hurt you shouldn't go out there I would say the same about a player. But I think the Horse collar rule ( at least the high school version) is stupid. The 2 times(one on Cov. Cath. ,one on Dixie) it was called Friday what was the kid to do let the kid score or tackle them from behind.
  6. He/She might show up and be one of the best officials out there.
  7. I say the official should be banned from football and have to ref soccer games. Where he can be nice and safe. Besides he isn't very good at football. Besides a good official would have said coach back them up on the 3rd play not thrown a flag. This guy is scared, in 2 games he did that I have seen he has called 3 sideline warnings. In 18 other games I have seen this year I have seen 1 other sideline warning. He should focus on the field and not the sideline because a blocker could tackle someone in front of him and he wouldn't call it.
  8. If you are scared of getting hurt on a footbal field, be it a player, coach, official, or media person you should not go out there. Football is a violent game and anyone scared does not belong on the field.
  9. Please name the 7. It is easy to throw numbers out there but Dixie starts way to many seniors for them to have had 7 starters playing JV unless they had seinors playing. Besides that Dixie has had so many injuries on varsity it is more likely they had JV starters playing varsity than the other way around.
  10. After they gave up a fumble on the opening kick off and Cov. Cath scoring on a short field, Dixie Heights dominated the game.
  11. I bet those pentalies occured on the field not on some random camera man. If he didn't throw the flag would anyone have even known that a person taking pictures was in his way 35 yards behind the ball? Holds, blocks in the back, things that occur where the PLAYERS are impacted are different than this situation. This guy was bad. He called a late hit on Cov. Cath and all the guy did was put his hand on the guys shoulder when he was out of bounds. This official wanted people to know he was there tonight, and he made himself very known. So I guess he got his wish.
  12. This is what is wrong with that call 2 teams went out and played their tails off in a big district game and we are not talking about their efforts but a call that was made. Best of luck to both teams the rest of the way.
  13. If the same had happen to Cov. Cath. I bet you would sing a different song.
  14. Is that what the rule says if you run into someone it is a pentaly or does it say you can't be in the area. I would guess the official on that side was a better official and knew it had Zero impact on the plays the KIDS made. If this pentaly was a clip, hold or anything else that made the kid be able to go 90 yards it would be easier to take. But a person taking pictures 35 yards away from the ball come on I think someone just wanted to let everyone know they were there. This rule is stupid, because it is not enforced equally Dixie side was enforced and Cov. Cath side the coaches were in that area all night. I do not begrudge them because the official didn't say anything to them.
  15. I apologize for upsetting anyone. I was making a tongue and cheek statement to the post I quoted in my last post. Go Red Colonels!!!!!
  16. Thanks I was wondering if Cov. Cath's D was as good as Highlands. A Cov. Cath. supporter like you would know
  17. Says the person who has the score of the Dixie Conner game wrong, and says Highlands always schedules a bye before Cov. Cath. What is that saying about Glass houses and stones?
  18. My point is if Dixie could muster up nearly 400 yards against Highlands D you would think they might be able to get a few yards against Cov. Cath's (unless they are better than Highlands D) I used your quote to make a point that it could be spun both ways.
  19. I hate to point out facts but who did Cov. Cath play the week before Highlands? I will give you Highlands was preparing a new varsity QB, but Highlands did not have a let down against Dixie. (If I am wrong I know a bird fan will let me know) I think this will be a great football game.
  20. I don't think they are homers (meaning making calls on purpose). I think they are just bad officials.
  21. Would you rather play on Dixie's field or Scott's? I hear that Scott is getting the new field soon so that may help keep kids. With this being said Greg Preston played his home games on the worst field in NKY. So kids are not choosing SK and Dixie over Scott because of the field.
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