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Everything posted by whataboutthis

  1. Tell me this how many times had Dixie beat Cov. Cath before Spritzky arrived and how many times after he arrived? Or tell me one program in NKY that is competitive with Highlands. I am not saying you shouldn't strive to be Highlands but no one in NKY has, look at Highlands track record in NKY they have lost to 2 different NKY schools since 1996. BTW one of them was Dixie Heights. If people want to be productive to HELP Dixie Heights you don't do that by going on message boards and bashing the coaches.
  2. What about principal's who have joined. I heard a story about one that did just that to defend their actions.
  3. I think any adult who blast 14-18 year old kids over performance in a GAME needs to take a look in the mirror. Any coach who would blast his team or players in a public forum needs to get out of the buisiness, handle it in the locker room.
  4. I could see 0-3 but not 0-4, Scott is their 4th game. Looking at their schedule they could be staring another loosing season in the face.
  5. I don't think T or X have had a loosing season recently and Cov. Cath has had 2 in the last 5 seasons. So I will wait for Cov. Cath to show me before I believe, but Highlands is as dominant in their class as any school.
  6. I agree with most of your post but Dixie had a whole lot of talent on the freshman level just a couple years ago so I would guess that they will have a little more than just Conner Brock.
  7. 2004 Dixie Heights victory over Trinity. The only time in the Beatty (sp?) era Trinity did not make it to the State Title game.
  8. LN you are right on I imagine that a teachers job would be easier if they had 30 students wanting to learn. Also with this theory we would produce more productive citzens that would contribute to society and posibbly make more tax revenue availiable(because there are more tax payers not more taxes)to raise teachers, police officers and firefighters pay.
  9. I disagree at that time the opinion was probably about the same as today.
  10. I am not saying he was great I am just saying he is better than W. Bush, because he was not a war monger.(sp?)
  11. Compared to the last 7 years I will say his 8 years were much better.
  12. I think Cov. Cath will have to reach Highlands level of dominance in NKY, before they can be compared with Trinity and St. X on a state wide level. As long as NKY schools can have success against Cov. Cath. it will be difficult for them to establish a dominance like the BIG 2 in Louisville. But adding Middle School can't hurt.
  13. Like I said I am only familiar with the NKY schools that wanted to move, so can you tell me which of these schools request was accepted and which ones were denied. Casey County- regional move East Jessamine- Wanted to go to 5A and they wanted to pick the district Fleming County - region move Green County - Up to 3a district 2 Knott County Central - Up in 3A district 6 Madisonville North Hopkins - up to re-establish rivalries McLean County - play up 3A district 1 or 2 Ohio County - Regional Move Russelville - Geographic concerns Somerset Southern - regional move Washington County West Jessamine
  14. I never said or implied any team in NKY requested a move. Does my opinion not matter if I support say Scott, Holmes, or Dixie. I am not a parent of, fan of,or alumini of, any NKY school I respect the accomplishments of schools like Beechwood, Highlands, NCC, and I love High school sports, and I like rooting for underdogs. I miss the Kentucky Post because they made following NKY high schools easier to follow. I just don't think anyone should be able to move up, and last time I checked I am entitled to my opinion no matter who I support. I just don't look at the world as if you question anything these programs do or get you are wrong. My opinion is not an attack on those who want to move but how about on a flawed system that doesn't let everyone move just the ones they deem acceptable. Lloyd and Newport had to travel for years did you take up their cause as well?
  15. If the reason that the KHSAA allowed schools to move up was to decrease travel how do they justify letting Cov. Cath move when in their original district their average travel distance was 61.85 miles, and they moved Grant Co out creating an average travel distance of 69.17 for them in their new district. Had they let them stay and kept Cov. Cath out their average travel would have been 33.21 miles. There is no doubt that Highlands moving into 5A decision can be justified based on proximity, but when you consider the way Grant County was displaced it just looks like the KHSAA valued Cov. Cath.'s finances more than Grant County and all their new district teams. I am not picking on either of these schools as I actually respect them (at least 1 of them) I just live in NKY and these are the schools I know that requested to move. Like LN said it is impossible for the Board of Control to know everyone's true motive to wanting to move so I think they should let everyone move up or No one move up. Like I said let's go back to 4 classes play where you fall.
  16. My complaint is that the teams that request to move get to choose their district and others do not. I don't believe that any school would choose to be put in say Trinity,X or Highlands district even if they had to travel 2 hours for district games if they stayed put. So if you really think teams didn't consider the competition factor when deciding to move I would think you may not be correct. I just think going to the highest level within travel distance would show the real reason the school wants to move up is for cost reasons. I agree no one should be allowed to move down, that is just crazy IMO.
  17. I will concede and say the highest level with in travel proximity. I just don't think teams should be allowed to pick the district and level they would like to play. I understand logistics and money issues. I liked the old 4 class play were you are suppose to allignment.
  18. I am of the believe that if you want to move up you should have to move up to 6A. Teams that petition to move up get to choose their district (if they are approved) and no other schools get to choose their district. I understand why Cov. Cath and Highlands would want to move up but would they still want to move up if it meant competeing in 6A instead of an easier 5A class? I say no or they would have made that request last year as there is a 6A district in NKY they could walk through also. So I do not believe teams should be allowed to choose who they want to compete with if you want to move up go all the way.
  19. Yes in Kentucky public schools the superintedant is the only one who (pending board approva) can official terminate or hire anyone. Now how easy it is to terminate someone that is a different story. See KRS 160.380
  20. This is not true the Superintendant is the only one with power to hire and fire personell. The principal makes recomendations in these matters but the super is the one that has the power.
  21. I am sure telling an interview committee I don't know much about Football but I will hire guys that do will get you a job. Any head coach that is any good understands the game they do not have to make all the decisions but they better know the game. Why would quality assistant coaches want to coach for someone who doesn't know the game? Imagine it is 4 and 3 on the 40 yard line in the 4th quarter and the head coach (who doesn't know the game) decides to go for it and comes up short. I am sure the quality defensive co-ordinator will be happy he decided to shorten the field for the opponent.
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