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Lewis County 64 Pendleton County 58

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So please explain again to me why Lewis County didn't go to school today (Friday) much less all week long but the roads were good enough to play Basketball tonight? And some wonder why children don't seem to get the idea that their education is important?


Sorry, it just doesn't make sense to me.


Basketball is much more important than education. You have your priorities mixed up.


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While I did pick on Lewis, I do understand there are other schools who also missed school but played games anyway, and that is where I see the problem. See, I think getting kids an outstanding education is the job of the local school board, and not worrying about missing basketball games. I see it as telling a kid that it's okay to miss school because the roads are too bad, but the roads are indeed in good enough shape not to miss a basketball game. Seems strange to me at least to think sports are more important than education!


No school, then no games..... Sorry, but I want kids to understand that getting a education is more important than playing games, as it seems some adults in the Commonwealth don't!


It's a different decision when you are considering bringing 1500 kids in a district to multiple schools (elementary, middle and high) in the morning before the road crews have had a chance to clean up every road in the district where many many busses will be traveling v/s 20 kids on one bus going down one road in the afternoon.

These decisions are not easy ones, but there are much different considerations IMO.

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I thought he suffered a broken leg in football?


He did, but it has really slowed him down. He has a hard time trying to guard anybody and he is shooting the ball off of one foot. He is playing with a lot of heart right now but really hasn't been helping the team much. I really hope he can get that shot back before post season starts.

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