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Liggins declines to go in game....


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Shows a lot of immaturity, from this Freshman. He may have been a star in High School, but in College almost everyone is talented in many aspects.


He has potential and talent but not ready to start on this UK team. Watching him play, he looks like a Freshman going through highs/lows. If we don't hear about an apology for his decision soon to his teammates, then I don't see him lasting at UK.


Sometimes the mistakes made be Freshman, can be overcame and then some can't deal with the spotlight not being on them.

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If I watched Porter get all of my minutes while getting yanked for a single turnover, I don't know that I would want to play. However, he handled it the wrong way.


As far as messages go, what kind of message does it send your players when Porter makes mistake after mistake after mistake and sees no reduction in minutes while Galloway and Liggins make one turnover and get yanked?

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