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Question about Boyle County


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Coach Pardue and company are doing a great job of turning boys to men...the W/L colum (especially with the BRUTAL schedule) is truely over rated. If someone could show me that the current staff is leading youngmen down a path of poor decisions then this discussion would be valid.


Coach Pardue and company suffered through a poor season (BC standards), yet went to the 2nd round...and held a ship together that had several rats aboard. I do not think the current admin is supporting the staff they way they should...if so this discussion and rumors about winning big would not be happening and there would not have been a "meeting" last year.


Coach Pardue and company are great men, teachers, leaders, fathers, and coaches.


Witch hunts are over rated!


I would totally agree, if it werent for the fact that one assistant has 2 infractions with the law and one of those such infractions was during state week, yet he is still on staff. But, Pardue is everything, everyone has made him out to be, a good role model, a excellent coach, and a hell of an OC. I think that Pardue has got these kids playing hard and together too

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AllUsedUp, RebelRev and Coach B, Great statements. Things at BC are going to be fine if everyone will allow the coaches to coach. This Boyle team could go 4-6 and still win state. BE PATIENT. I do not think this will be the case (4-6), but show some faith in the players and the coaches. 3 years ago Chris Pardue was the only man for the job, and definitely the only one that would step in and take over such a dynasty. Coach Smith was a great coach and no one will ever doubt that. Chris Pardue is as well. And ever since he has taken over; the Boyle "Faithful" as they think of themselves; have criticized and complained. These kids are surrounded by great coaches, with great character, that want nothing but the best for the kids. To my knowledge all coaches on the Boyle staff either have state championship rings as coaches or players. So do you really think they are in it for their self? Come on. Being close to several of the coaches, I can tell you that these men put in more time than 99% of coaches in the state of KY, and all they have heard for the last 3 years is complaints. They have big shoulders, and they can take it. But when student athletes get on BGP and read posts, like almost all do at some point, do you not think that all of these negative comments effect them as well? Do us all a favor and try to stay positive with your comments, concerns, etc. By being negative you are only contributing to the Boyle program in one way, and it sure isn't positive. Good luck Rebs tonight against a solid Henry Clay team. Stay the course and overcome all obstacles.

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BCPride06 Absolutely! I could not agree more. Chris Pardue is one of the top offensive coaches in this state and much of Chuck Smiths success is directly attributed to his offense. TOGETHER they built a powerful successful program. for whatever reason the program could not sustain itself. At least to this point. Maybe it is because Chris does not have a counterpart like chuck did or maybe, and this is what I believe, people were so sure things were going to fall apart that they made sure they did, consciously or unconcsiously. I really think Boyle should have a good team this season. I hope Henry Clay is overlooking them. No wait I hope they're not so we get their best punch, because Boyle will give them all they want tonight.

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Administrative support is key. Tom Mills was the superintendent at Boyle when Chuck was building the program. His role in the building of the program should be mentioned as well. As a former coach, he understood the importance of athletics in the overall scheme of district success. He understood what a source of school and community pride could come from a successful athletic program. He supported Chuck in his early days when his "break 'em down and build 'em back up" philosophy of getting every ounce of potential out of his players must have been questioned by more than one parent or community member.


It's no secret that I think Chuck Smith was one of the top coaches in the state during his tenure in high school ranks. But, let's not forget that Chuck's style had NOT worked at Campbellsville just a few years prior to his coming to Boyle. The players did not take to his coaching style and he actually had to cancel games because they didn't have enough players left to play. Some teams take to that style and some rebel. It sounds like last year's squad had a bit of rebellion. There's a fine line between passion and madness and Boyle fans would be wise not to rush to judgment. Chuck's style worked wonders in his first year at Boyle when they went 7-4. But it also misfired the second year when they went 2-8. Things also went south in 1998. But I think we all know what happened from 1999 - 2003 after the players, parents, fans, and administration stayed the course.


I'm telling you, Chris Pardue is a winner and the people of Boyle County would be wise to stay the course and realize that he has an unforgiving schedule but that they couldn't find a better person to lead their team.

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