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How Big is Texas?


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I read an amazing fact :


If you parceled Texas off into 5,000 square feet lots and put 4 people on each lot, you could put the ENTIRE WORLD POPULATION in Texas.


Your first reaction is "no freaking way, dude," right?


Do that math.

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I-10 runs thru Texas from the New Mexico border in the west to Louisianna in the east. It is 881 miles from border to border. While it is not a straight bee line, it is very indicative of just how big TX is. I've driven across TX, and it is one huge state w/ as diverse terrain as you will find in any other region in the world.

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I have no problem believing that. If you start off on Interstate 10 on the Texas / New Mexico border just west of El Paso, you can drive 880 miles to Orange, Texas, without crossing any state lines. I drove every mile of it two months ago. What is hardest to believe is the degree of climate change that occurrs within the same state.









Thats what I get for letting my wife interrup me for 5 minutes before I hit submit for my post.

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Just so we're clear, the world population is approximately 6.6 BILLION people.


6.6B fitting in Texas?


The math works, what is even more amazing is that the world population could fit within Alaska as well and they wouldn't have to share the 5000 sq ft. area with anyone.

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The math works, what is even more amazing is that the world population could fit within Alaska as well and they wouldn't have to share the 5000 sq ft. area with anyone.

5,000 feet is almost a mile. How could there be almost 6.8 billion square miles in Alaska?

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5,000 feet is almost a mile. How could there be almost 6.8 billion square miles in Alaska?


There is not. However, there are 656,425 square miles in Alaska. The original question was using lots each of which were 5,000 square feet.


1 square mile is equal to 27,878,400 square feet. Therefore within each square mile 5575.68 or these lots exist. The total number of these lots within the state of Alaska would be 3,660,015,744.


Originally I didn't do the math so I was a little off, but you could still get by with an average of less than 2 people per lot.

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A 5000 sqare foot lot is just slightly larger than 70' x 70'.


Even still, that's a thought provoking statement, 81. Pretty interesting.


My question is if 1/4 of the population of southern Texas would live with 14 people per house, how big of a lot could I own in San Antonio?

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Kinda of reminds me of a joke that goes like this:

A Kentucky farmer and a Texas farmer were talking about all they had and land that they own. The Kentucky farmer said,"I can drive my Truck form the Northern part of my land and not reach the Southern part until the next day."

The Texas farmer said, "I can start a the Northern part of my land drive all day and night and into the next evening and still not reach the Southern part of my land."

The Kentucky Farmer bowed his head and said, "Yeah, I used to have a truck like that too.":lol:

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