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Travel ball...has it helped or hurt HS softball?

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I believe everything you're saying because I have definitely heard my share of horror stories. But I would have to think she is just in a tough situation because hardly anything you are describing is played out that way in our program. Not saying we're better or anything like that, I'm saying I think we are more of the norm and what you are describing (unfortunate for your daughter), is more of the minority. I say that without any facts and hearing just your side of the story. I'm trusting what you're saying is what you believe and how you feel.



and i'm not on here to bash the program...we have a ton of talent on the team and upcoming. Heck, we could have 5 or 6 returning seniors this year:) I wish they all could start. Would I change some things? Yes. Knowing what I know now and how i've seen it play out, I would have had mine play travel, if we could have afforded it...but she is very scholastically motivated, and we have one playing club ball...we couldn't travel with two and be there for all three:) Just one of those things. I think our coaches have the best interest of every kid at heart, and it's not their fault that this year they will probably have more talent that they have room for on the team...THAT's what I have seen travel ball do (in the past two years alone) and it's NOT a bad thing...if you are a coach. But tell that to the kid that's played for 11 years and they might not see it that way:) Now if we can just get her healed up in time to get back at it (second grade 2 ankle tear in two years) we should be good to go...it's just hard to build a kids confidence up when she knows alot of kids are ahead of her just because they played travel ball...ahhh...the joys of having three teen aged daughters:) LOL

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I am pro summer ball!


There is a level to challenge EVERY ability and develop skills by playing games!


IMO The key is too get as many innings between the lines as they can! It helps the hitter to face as many different quality pitchers and how to handle the different pitches! Same with base running and Defensively to have a better grasp of the game!


What coach wouldn't want kids that have worked to get better and refine fundamentals while gaining a better grasp of the game by playing 30-40 games over the summer.

I am not saying there hasn't been great high school players that didn't play summer ball but could they of been better if they had played 40 more games over the summer. I bet you they would have!


As far as expense it's not cheap but it's not expensive either.

My Daughter played on summer ball team that was made up of girls from around the 275 loop likewise that's where most of the tournaments they played were (we did play in showcase tournaments in Dayton and Columbus each year which were overnight stays). The fees ranged from 300-500 per summer and they played typically 8-10 tournaments! For kids that may struggle with those fees I believe the RBI Team affiliated with the Reds don't charge a fee.


Our personal experience:

My daughter was told by a youth coach about the 7th grade she should stick with dance that she would never be a good high school fastpitch player!


She started working with (Chipp Gregg) the next week for lessons and clinics! In fact the first lesson she puked on him! The comment by that coach has always been a chip on her shoulder along with hard work and a love for the game and some great coaching over the years she became a decent High School Player who just had a DREAM SENIOR YEAR that she will remember the rest of her life! So will I!! It is a long story that I would love to go into with all of you some day under a different thread!


The important part of my post is thanks to the life lessons she learnt from playing a game and the friendships she developed playing the game she loves she has developed a great work ethic that will follow her the rest of her life! It has been my pleasure to watch her develop into a fine young lady that ran on and off the field every time, and if you can't tell I am very proud of her! This Young Lady wanted to play college ball, but chose to forgo the dream of playing at a smaller college (possibly Bellarmine or Mount St. Joe) to attend Evansville University where she has received a 6 year academic scholarship which includes direct entry into the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program!


Long story short is the life lessons taught and the life long friendships developed by playing a game while developing a solid work ethic were all benefits my daughter got from playing a High School sport while spending 3 summers playing a game she loved while she worked to improve was priceless! When one of these young ladies gets her college paid for its simply bonus action in the big game of LIFE!

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Program at the start of the thread, coaches would have started Brandi Rice and batted her cleanup if healthy. No travel ball experience.


True:) I'm mainly saying this is how I see most programs headed...to be on Hs you must paly travel...def wasn't like this when we started in 7th grade six years ago, but a sign of the times I think:)

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True:) I'm mainly saying this is how I see most programs headed...to be on Hs you must paly travel...def wasn't like this when we started in 7th grade six years ago, but a sign of the times I think:)


The more you play the better you get so yes, those who travel ball play more and get better so more travel ball players play on the high school team.

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Some travel ball leagues are way overrated!! You have to watch what team and where they play their tournaments, because my DD has been on a few travel teams and it was like traveling in Rec Leagues. She played on one real good one and they folded about 1/2 way thru the season. The good players out there are good for putting in the time at home. My DD has improved over the years with her Pitching and Hitting and it wasn't just because she has a pitching lesson every week. Her pitching coach tells her I can't make you good in just 1 hour a week, you have to take it home with you! Hitting is the same way, you can't improve without busting your butt behind the scenes(At Home) This is her senior year and she is expecting the Moon and Stars, but she has put in the extra time to expect that.

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I couldn't agree more with greenandpurple. Even the pros have to go outside of just playing to get better. Practice, practice, practice, then some more. Also don't forget a good stretching and strength program can help a athlete go along ways. Also, positive mental focus on and off the field makes a huge difference.

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