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Donald Trumps Challenge to President Obama

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“If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications ... and if he gives his passport applications and records ... I will give to a charity of his choice - Inner City Children of Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS Research - a check immediately for 5 million dollars.


The check will be given within one hour after he releases all of the records ... he'll be doing a great service for the country if he does this.


If he releases these records, it will end the question and indeed the anger of many Americans ... they'll know something about their president ... their President will become transparent ... like other Presidents."


Here's the clip:

Video - Donald Trump announcement - San Francisco Pop Culture | Examiner.com



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“If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications ... and if he gives his passport applications and records ... I will give to a charity of his choice - Inner City Children of Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS Research - a check immediately for 5 million dollars.


The check will be given within one hour after he releases all of the records ... he'll be doing a great service for the country if he does this.



If he releases these records, it will end the question and indeed the anger of many Americans ... they'll know something about their president ... their President will become transparent ... like other Presidents."


Here's the clip:

Video - Donald Trump announcement - San Francisco Pop Culture | Examiner.com




Another scare tactic, it never stops!

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Trump will pay it regardless since he mentioned it. Why dont he pay Obama 10 millon to quit the election. And a college scholarship for both girls to college of choice and for Michelle, a full paid for vacation, with no 90 min. tour to have to go through.

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Want Ad posted in Washington Post 2 hours ago:


Wanted - Talented photoshop artists. Experience with digital forgery and digital document creation a must. Must know how to flatten created images before posting on internet. Interviews at side gate of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Many positions available. Former employees of Fact Check given preference.

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Not a Trump fan but he is smart. I'm sure he already knows whats in the documents he wants Obama to produce. Just seeing if he will come clean on his own. Like woodsrider said. If Obama has nothing to hide he would be a total idiot not to produce...

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Not a Trump fan but he is smart. I'm sure he already knows whats in the documents he wants Obama to produce. Just seeing if he will come clean on his own. Like woodsrider said. If Obama has nothing to hide he would be a total idiot not to produce...


Does put him in a interesting position doesn't it? If Obama doesn't play along he has basically taken $5mm out of a charity's hands and gives the impression that he is indeed hidding something.

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Who are top 5 donors to Obama, Romney campaigns? - Associated Press - POLITICO.com



Speaking of money, I found this artcle and thought it interesting.


The difference in amount donated to the Romney campaign as opposed to the Obama campaign was unbelievable. Another difference was the age of those donating to each campaign.


No Jay Z or Trump though.

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