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Everything posted by kyvince

  1. So the Beechwood Freshmen team and the Highlands Freshmen team held a seperate 7 on 7 against one another, or was it part of the Varsity 7 on 7?
  2. I recognize that scholarships are an expensive outlay of cash. However, after speaking with two different Football coach's in the same conference as Georgetown I am not convinced that going D3 will save them much money if any at all. In NAIA you can give (don't have to use them all) 24 scholarships. According to 1 NAIA coach they usually use anywhere from 6-9 scholarships on incoming freshmen. Those 6 -9 scholarships are usually spread across approximately 24 - 35 athletes. In addition they will recruit another 25 -30 kids without using any football money. Some schools like Campbellsville bring in as many as 80 freshman. It is the opinion of this particular school that of the 25 "walk on's" that they recruit, less than 10 would consider enrolling if there were not a chance of "football Money" down the road. That means an equivelant of 30 full time students enroll at the college with out "football Scholarships", who otherwise would not if they were a non-scholarship football school. If those numbers are even close to being accurate, Georgetown could lose a huge number of revenue producing students each year. To put it simply: an investment of 9 scholarshps at approx. $30,000 a year ($270,000) returns you 30 additional students at $30,000 per year ($900,000). The basic cost of the program does not change from NAIA to D3, so there would be minimal if any savings. In my opinion it is a bad business decision for Georgetown.
  3. Does that mean that Cohorn is the back up QB? Because Zeke is not playing in the NewCath game that becomes a pretty big issue for that game.
  4. A very touching funeral, when his four children somehow managed to read the prayer's of the faithful. Absolutely broke my heart. Matt was good guy and real role model for the kids he taught and coached.
  5. Physically it is WR in a run dominated offense. Not as easy in a pass dominate offense, but I still think it is a place you can "hide" a sub-par player. Mentally I think it might be Nose Tackle. In most schemes it is pretty straight forward mentally speaking. On the physical side it can be a very tough position to play, most time getting double and sometimes even triple teamed.
  6. Not only do I think that scrimmages are necessary, I think it is a real detriment to teams if they only have 1 scrimmage. This is especially true if you have a young team, especially at QB. You don't get the opportunity to watch films, correct a few things an have another trial run. No matter how hard you try the speed of the game is very seldom replicated in practice. That feeling in your stomach before the 1st hit is pretty difficult to "practice".
  7. I think there are two distinct ways to measure the most difficult position. One is physically ie. the other is mentally. Physically I think it is a toss up between LB's and RB's. Both require exceptional athletes who have violent collision play after play. Mentally: I think QB is the most demanding. However, I think playing defensive back, specifically Corner back requires significant mental toughness. When you make a mistake everyone knows it. You have to have a very short memory and be able to recover from bad plays before you can even catch your breath.
  8. I agree about Mullins. His lead blocking was absolutely critical to their running success. Throw in his running ability and you have 2 big dimensions that need to be replaced. I haven't heard if Mullins is playing in college, I thought for sure he would have caught on somewhere.
  9. If the 2011 team is better than the 2010 version, then yes I think that changes things. I still think we would be talking margin of victory for Colerain, but perhaps not talking blowouts.
  10. Absolutely agree. Ryle would match up better against the Elder's and St. X's of the world. My guess however is that once Colerain gets up they will use this game to work on their passing game. This is traditionally not a strength of Colerain's offense. So unless Colerain has a better passing game than in years past, this might keep the game closer.
  11. I look for the Colonels to have a very good year. However, I think had the past 2 years had this year's schedule you would have had 8-2 or 7-3 type records in the regular season. I think the Beechwood and Highlands games will be the key games in this year schedule. I am not overlooking anyone of the 1st 4, but by week 5 and 6 you have a pretty good indication of what type of team you are. In Ky. High School football you can start out slow, and improve week after week and you still have legitimate shot at making post season noise. (See SK from 2009) If the Colonels can be 4-2 or 5 -1 heading into the bye week, with no ugly losses it could be a special year in Park Hills. As Clyde said the key will be the defense and specifically the run defense. If they improve significantly in that area of the game, they will have a very good year.
  12. I can see it now 400 red sweater vest, pacing back and forth in the stands, perhaps a towl draped over their shoulders. I agree that Coach L will be greeted warmly. He embraced the crazies to the nth degree. No matter what the reason(s) for his departure he will always be remebered as a good man who truely understood the mission and purpose of CovCath.
  13. In KY High Schools are allowed two pre-season scrimmages (1 if you play during week 0), that is for the entire HS. Many schools allow the Frosh to have a portion of the scrimmage time, but scheduling a seperate Freshmen only scrimmage would count against the two. If Highlands varsity Scrimmages Male varsity this year then it could happen, otherwise it wont'.
  14. Were there no Kids from Beechwood in the game last night?
  15. Wait a minute I think you have something here, the economy has been on the decline for about 4 years... hm what else has happened the past 4 years?? Ok for the good of the economy I am going to have to root for CovCath to dethrone the Birds as state champs this year. I think all red blooded Americans should do the same!
  16. My apologies to the o-lineman on both sides. I end up being the Joe-bag-of-doughnuts fan, and simply watch the ball in games that I watch for pleasure. As a result I miss the boys in the trenches do their thing. I will say I was impressed with the running game for the west, both Bradley and Mullins had some very nice holes to run behind. For the east on Slaybaugh's TD, I don't think he was touched. The Guidugli kid from Brossart also so had a couple carries where he didn't see a white jersey until he was a good 5 yards down field.
  17. I was very impressed by the athletes on both sides last night. It amazes me that more of those young men are not playing at least at D1 aa (FBS whatever) or MAC type D1 schools. From the west Mullen was down right impressive running, receiving and blocking. Is he playing at the next level? I was impressed with him during the year and last night confirmed the type of player he is. Dvontae Bradley is a steal for TMC! That kid can flat out run the football! Baldwin is as advertised he is the real deal, I predict an outstanding college career for that youngman. Jerry Arlinghaus had a rough night statistically, but he embodies what HS football is all about. He plays hard and is gutsy, and fights till the end. For the East as someone else stated Connelly and Leonard were very impressive. Connelly is a very special football player, he runs great routes and makes plays on the ball when it is in the air. He has the makings of a NAIA all american at Georgetown. I am not familiar with who Georgetown has at WR, but my gut tells me that Connelly will be in the line up by mid-season. I felt bad for Josh Jasper, who I think will have a nice career at TMC, but he had to play against both Connelly and Leonard old teammates with NKYFL Raiders. He played hard, but was a little over matched last night. Paul Ritter had an outstanding game for the East, and with no disrespect to Mr.Oden, I thought Paul should have received the DB award for the east. I'll admit I am a bit biased in my view, but Paul had two picks and was all over the field making tackles. Seidel, Huddleston and Lofeland from Highlands all showed why they have four rings on their fingers. They emody the Highlands defensive philosphy, the play fast, hit hard and are always around the football. Congratulations to all the players who played last night, and to the entire class of 2011 NKY Football players. It has been an absolute joy watching you play these past few years. Remember as you get older your HS exploits will improve, your wins will have increased and the ref's will be responsible for most of the games lost!
  18. What side of the ball do you think Soph's Hayes, Wrobleski and Hergott will play?
  19. As the overall year at NewCath shows, the class of 2011 was a very talented class. Perhaps the best since 1975 when they won 5 regional championships. Having said that I think this years schedule is a very managable one. I see problems for them with Dixie, Sk and Beechwood. My guess is they will probably go 1-2 against that group. McNick I am not as familiar with, but what I hear is that they lost as much or more than NewCath did with their senior class. I would agree if they go 8-2 or even 7-3 they will be one of the favorites in 2a. I don't think Campbell or Holmes will be as good as they were last year so I think they can definitely have that type of record when all is said and done.
  20. That is a very impressive number. Having watched him play football, I did not realize he was that quick. I knew he had good speed, but nearly 60 stolen bases is a huge number. I personally think base stealing at all levels of Baseball is somewhat of a lost art. To see a youngman in today's game steal almost 60 bases is outstanding.
  21. Is this one a question or is it the age thing again ?
  22. I guess everyone's experiences are different. I find the vast majority of HC fans to be great fans. Passionate about their team, with out being nasty or over the top. They had the opportunity after beating CovCath in the seeding game, and earlier in the year when the broke the basketball losing streak. On both occasions they were very complimentary of CovCath's team, and were not boastful or arrogant in any way.
  23. What happened to the previous coach? I didn't know he had left the program. How many years was he there? Seiple definitely has a strong resume. Is he also teaching at the school? Good luck to Coach Seiple and to Bracken county!
  24. The last two #1's in the Enquirer poll are both eliminated.
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