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Everything posted by punttheball

  1. Yes. He and the first baseman converged on a ball at the fence in front of the first base dugout. He played through the pain to finish the game. He is a very tough kid and has worked very hard at his craft.
  2. Good to see Wyatt Roe's name pop up. Good kid that puts in the work in the off season. His summer team's coach really puts in the time with Wyatt, and I am sure Dixie's coaches do too. And good to see Chaz Gerding having a nice season too. His dad is a Highlands grad, so i am sure it is sweet to get the game winning RBI against them.
  3. I will break it down for you. The NCC/CCH game was a good game. Has nothing to do with who won and who lost. Besides the good NCC/CCH game, there were other good games played at CCH on Saturday. The Ryle/ CCH game that ended on a walkoff hit should be considered a good game. The Ryle/Dixie game ended with a 5 run difference, maybe not a great game, but not bad by any means.
  4. I know a guy that used to posts a lot of information and stats for all of Covington Catholics sports teams on BGP. I do miss reading his reports.
  5. I am used to working outside in very cold weather. But just sitting and watching baseball in conditions like that is brutal. I usually do not like run rule shortened game... I was okay with that one ending early.
  6. Bailey also had the single that could have tied the game in the 7th for SK had it not been for a great throw and tag by the Colonels. I liked Coach Roberts sending the runner in those conditions. Hard to make that play in that weather. Good job Colonels.
  7. Don't let your critics get to you. BGP needs more people like you reporting on games in all sports. You kept the book, if you say it was a hit that's good enough for me. Keep up the good work!
  8. My guess would be that you will have to take your truck to any Ford dealer to have the original recall done. I may be wrong, but this may be considered a safety recall. It may never expire. Call Airport Ford's service department and ask for Guy. Have your VIN handy and tell him your situation. He is a good "guy" and give you answer to your problem.
  9. I am not sure about the type of sonar that BCWRT has but I am sure it is close to being the latest and greatest. Their boats and equipment are very nice. They do a good job of applying for grants and getting very good equipment.
  10. I can only speak about the Boone County Water Rescue Team. They are very well trained in every aspect of water rescue. Their boats and equipment are very good. And they train and train and then train some more. I have always been impressed by their professionalism and dedication. They are volunteers. I believe the plan to recover the car is to have a commercial dive team come in with a barge and a crane. Once the barge is stabilized they will lift the car and set it on the barge. They want to be very careful to not damage the car because it is evidence. If the Boone County Water Rescue Team were to recover the car they would use an airbag to float the car and then tow it to the shore or a boat ramp if one is close.
  11. The sonar image that they have is no where near clear enough to see if occupants are still in the car. In fact, to someone with no training in looking at sonar they would not even be able to tell that it is a car that they are looking at.
  12. I was a Covington firefighter for 23 years. 911 calls about river incidents are very unreliable. With that said, emergency crews always will investigate these type of reports to confirm whether or not they are accurate. I am sure that the initial response and search for the car also included searching for victims down river and along the shore. Witnesses often mistake things such as logs, tires, etc with actual victims.
  13. Absolutely rooting for the Breds! Does not matter that they knocked us out.
  14. AJ guarded Weyer early but picked up a couple of fouls. If he is to guard him tomorrow night he will need to stay out of foul trouble.
  15. Have not heard of it. I will ask my wife if she has seen anything about it. She takes care of all of that stuff. I do not really watch much TV besides sports.
  16. Still screwed up. 528 has picture and sound but is not HD.
  17. CBF had a lot of issues when we first started using them. Over the last year they have been MUCH better.
  18. Let me know how it goes. I will give him a hard time if he doesn't treat you right. LOL
  19. Yes, I have the same problems you are describing. Earlier today I reconfigured the way all of the wires from the wall to the fioptics box and then to the TV. I was just trying to do a better job of hiding the wires. I had to unplug everything. So I figured I had messed up a setting on my TV until I saw this thread. Very relieved to find out it is CBF problem and not mine.
  20. Did you call Randy? He is the owner and does not have a bunch of employees or a building that causes him to have a lot of overhead. From the people I have referred to him, every one has been happy with the job and the price. And it does not cost anything to have him take a look.
  21. Diamond Deck Services 859-907-5552. Randy Bibbins. He does pressure washing and staining. Not sure if he replaces any wood but I am sure he knows somebody. He has years of experience and provides a good service for a good price. He also has a lot of experience with "Deck Over" type materials. It is like a super thick paint or stain that can make an old deck look really good.
  22. To me it is where the ball is thrown. If you are trying to have the defender knock it out of bounds, throw it below the knees. Teammates of the inbounder said the coach had made reference to throwing the ball at the nose. And the girl that was supposed to inbound it would not do it so she gave it to another teammate. The coach also pointed to his nose right before the ref was to hand the ball to the inbounding player.
  23. You will understand when you see the video. It is deliberate ball to the face from about 3 feet away.
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