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Royal Uncle

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Everything posted by Royal Uncle

  1. I know you have to work, but rather than staying with Schwan's, I would look for a job where you are not punished for excelling. This sounds like the company I work for. In the last 4 years, our commission structure has changed 3 times. Each time to the benefit of the company, of course.
  2. Anywhere near ANWR? Sorry, that should be in P&R.
  3. With freedom comes responsibility. With responsibility comes the ability to use common sense. My small govenrment mentallity tells me to recall every senator and representative, but my common sense tells me that isn't feasable. For the small time it takes to vote, get over yourself, wear non-partisan objects, and vote however you want.
  4. :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:That is a great post. Back on the thread subject. Wearing a political statement (button, shirt, hat, whatever) to the polls could become a distraction. You may not mean for it to be, but less reasonable people could be inclined to comment or just make stupid remarks in an effort to draw you in to an argument. I currently have a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on my truck. Since putting it on, I have been flipped off 3-4 times a day while being passed by someone with an Obama sticker in their back window. While I don't do this when I see the opposite view being displayed, I'm sure some McCain supporters do. With emotions riding so high on the outcome of the election, common sense says to ban all political propaganda from the polling places. If this keeps one assault or fight from happening, it is worth it.
  5. Jones and Green are awesome, but they only have to account for themselves. Pryor is running the offense. That's what pushes him ahead of the competition. But hey, this is only my opinion.
  6. I'm coming to the party late, but a few things posted in this thread I would like to comment on: H, you keep referring to Palin as an intellectual lightweight. You really do not have anything to back up this claim. It is a personal attack, and you should keep those on the facts. Second, you say the amount of oil in ANWR is a trickle. Whether it be a slow leak or a gushing fountain, every opportunity to gather domestic oil should be attempted. Oil is our lifeblood. Good or bad, we are stuck with it until alternative energy sources become mainstream. If we have it under our soil, we should get it. And lastly, you continually call Palin an empty suit. Dude, get your eyes checked!
  7. The bias on this board against OHIO STATE is showing. Pryor is the real deal, and is unquestionably the best true freshman in college football.
  8. "Texting is a scourge on our society." I agree! Texting is completely out of hand. I see teens texting in church. My wife tells me about kids texting during class. Just this week, the kid being paid to change my oil at the "quick lube" place took about 3 minutes to read and send several text messages. This was 3 out of 20 minutes I was there. By that, in an 8 hour shift, he is stealing 72 minutes from his company. He wasn't happy when I told him he could finish his important business after he was finished with my truck. Texting in innapropriate settings is just plain bad manners and should not happen.
  9. Wall Street will recover from this without government help. I am happy to see this $700B form of socialism fail.
  10. I'll Go To My Grave Loving You - The Statler Brothers
  11. Now that I have kids of my own, there is a song from the early 80's (I think) that means a lot to me. It is Ricky Skaggs' Thanks Again. After that, Red Dirt Road by Brooks and Dunn is pretty awesome. Talks about growing up in a small town and all the lessons learned from it.
  12. The doctor should have consulted with the patient first. It appears to me, rather than discuss this with them first, he just went off half cocked and made the decision by himself.
  13. My favorite part of his speech was when he mentioned the helicopter he was on being forced down in the mountains along the Afgahnistan/Pakistan border. It was "forced down" by a blinding snow storm. It was too dangerous to fly around in the mountains, while not being able to see the peaks. He makes it sound like they were forced down due to some sort of military action.
  14. We've had a thread on this before. My answer is the still the same. My favorite sport to watch is whatever my kids are playing at the time.
  15. This list is messed up. How does Kemper Arena in Kansas City not make the top 100? This is where "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair defeated "King" Harley Race for the first of his 16 world championships. WOOOOOOO!
  16. Are these of all time, or current? If all time, the old Boston Garden would have to make the top 10.
  17. That traffic cop is really cutting into today's profits. I hope Royal Uncle doesn't smack me around again. I am not endorsing prostitution or abuse, just making a bad joke.
  18. Good luck with that. You shouldn't have a problem getting a job, as so many US jobs have been outsourced to low cost countries. McCain 85% nObama 8%
  19. I go for Dave's. A few years ago, a buddy of mine wanted to try it. I suggested he put a little on the tip end of a toothpick. He, instead, dips a butter knife into the bottle and gets about 3/4" of the knife covered with the stuff. He then inserts the knife into his mouth, closes his lips around the knife, and pulls the knife out. The inside of his lips blistered almost immediately. I've seen grown men cry over the death of a loved one, experiencing a joyous moment, or even from a religious experience. This was the first time I've seen a grown man actually weep from pain. Needless to say, the next Christmas, several of his "friends" gave him a bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce and a box of tissues.
  20. You're probably the same guy that goes to school when your kid gets in trouble to jump on the teacher. The kid knows he is taking a chance of getting caught. He better be ready to face the consequences. And thank The Good Lord I'm not the one that found him.
  21. The article says he was charged and bonded out. I'm sure the prosecutor will drop the charges, or if he decides to present them to a grand jury, they will. If not, like somebody else said, ask for a jury trial. He will walk.
  22. That's what I say, only louder.:laugh:
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