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Everything posted by Jumper_Dad

  1. East 211 West 186 Final from Indy. Lillard 39, Jalen Brown 36 and Haliburton 32 for the winners. Towns 50 and SGA 31 for the West. MVP was Damian Lillard.
  2. East 183 - 161 mid of 4th There have been 3, THREE fouls called. 😆 East has already hit 36 3's. Just flipped over to check out the end...rooting for 200 points for the East at this point.
  3. So you're complaining about his after game press conference?
  4. A lot of beer was bought and people rested up their typing fingers all day. All just to prepare for several hours of bashing Cal and this team tonight after their expected drubbing at the hands of Auburn and the mighty Bruce Pearl. Well at least they can still get drunk...sorry UK won and ruined your night. 😆
  5. I don't understand all of the negativity about her and her accomplishments. I've seen and read several knocking her game and what she has done. Everyone realizes that she will have played more games than Pistol will have, no one is saying she's better just that she will now have the record. Swoops came out swinging in an interview discussing Clark and was very uninformed in her arguments against Clark's ability and why she won't be successful in the WNBA. I think she has brought a ton of needed attention to the women's college game and has been great for women's basketball.
  6. I'd say we'll see the first tax evasion prosecution of an athlete for unpaid taxes within next 18 months.
  7. They all perform for free, always have. The sponsor, Pepsi I think, and the NFL pay for the show production but the artist are always free. That said, artist generally see a huge boost in sales right after the Superbowl which probably is pretty nice compensation.
  8. $3.01 in Lexington yesterday. $3.09 -$3.14 in Somerset today.
  9. Does Ohio State firing their coach this week ratchet up the pressure to fire Payne now, so the Cards can jump in the coaching carousel before a possible coaching target is snagged by another school.
  10. Auburn beats So Carolina by 40 tonight...they looked great.
  11. He could read defenses, I think the issue was with making line calls. For some reason that wasn't in his skill set. I think at NC State he didn't do it either.
  12. Everyone keeps saying this but Coen and Stoops have both said it was Coens to run as he saw fit. Big issue that slowed them down a lot this past year was that Leary couldn't read defense and then make line calls. An O Lineman had to make the call at the line then Leary would go into cadence. If Leary changed a play he had to wait for O line to make a new line call. This was mentioned during the season by Freddie Maggard I believe.
  13. I think because with football only playing once a week you see many schools schedule their bye week to coincide with fall break. The other sports use the breaks to get in extra games or take out of state trips to play. Football with just one game a week isn't afforded that opportunity to play extra games, so many coaches use that week for a physical and mental break for their programs a few weeks before the playoffs start. Many softball and baseball programs play out of state games that week, allowing for players and families to schedule "vacations" to coincide with playing games in southern states like Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.
  14. As I understand it, one quarter isn't then end of overtime anymore than the end of the first quarter of the game is.
  15. I get way more tired of the State Farms ads than all the Swift stuff combined.
  16. Romo said if the clock ran out on the Chiefs it would just be like the end of a quarter and play would have continued into another quarter.
  17. That's true about the Patriots, but two big differences. 1) Andy Reid is very likable while Belichek wasn't and 2) Patriots caught up in video scandal very early on in their run. Kelce and Gronk are basically the same version of moron TE as the other. Another factor, right or wrong deserved or not Mahomes doesn't come off as arrogant as Brady did. I'm not a Chiefs fan at all, my Rams allegiance had me rooting against the 49ers tonight though.
  18. This is how the team looked preseason. Sheppard, Dillingham, Burks, Hart and probably even Big Z were initially recruited with the expectation that they would all return. Reeves 5th year transfer Mitchell 5th year transfer Thiero Soph recruit Onyenso Soph recruit Bradshaw Freshman recruit 1&D Wagner Freshman recruit 1&D Edwards Freshman recruit 1&D Dillingham Freshman recruit Burks Freshman recruit Shephard Freshman recruit Hart Freshman late recruit Ivisic Freshman late recruit Who do to not recruit??? You can't blame a kid for leaving if there is high level interest in him. You also can't ask a coach to hold a kid back for "team sake." Collins, Ware and Frederick were all older players that decided to transfer. They could have added older depth but we probably don't get Mitchell and Thiero may have left if Ware and Collins had stayed. I get that people want to point fingers after every loss, but I'm not sure what coach or team in America would have turned down any of the top 8 or 9 players on this team.
  19. It's in a post two above yours. Parents are from there, they own a business there and moved back.
  20. On the Sunday before they played Villanova in the finals I was bored looking out of my dorm window in Keene Hall. There was a Limo and Coach bus parked in front of Alumni (EKU) Coliseum. I went over and found an open door by the intramural courts. For about 5 minutes I stood and watched Georgetown practicing on the EKU floor. Then someone noticed me and I was quickly booted out... 😆 After a while a small crowd gathered around the bus. The bus had been used by Memphis State that weekend, so the bus driver had a stack of MSU Final Four hats that he threw out to the those of us hanging around. When the team came out they were all giving high-fives and a few signed autographs. Ewing and Coach Thompson got in the limo and left while everyone else took the bus. The bus actually stopped at McDonald's and I was told team managers went in and got lunch for everyone. I'm sure Ewing and Thompson ate a little better. They of course went on to lose in the biggest finals upset ever the next night.
  21. True, my apologies! I've been looking forward to it for years!
  22. Not really a game question, do they take a bus or plane to Nashville?
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