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Everything posted by cometscoach

  1. Our two fastest players were timed running 4.7's this weekend in a camp. We are a small school and that is fast for us. What are you guys seeing.
  2. Guess this is a great example of why the SEC is the SEC. Year in and out I hear how the SEC is down basketball, football, doesn't matter. I hear the same squack every year. Maybe true that they are down but still hold both national championships and obviously the strongest conference in the country with both sports. Some people just set the bar higher. Maybe some of the other conferences will set the same standards and remember the importance of academics. Oh I forgot, Louisville and the Big East played more Thursday night games than any team or league in the country. Probably good for recruiting but I doubt it helps with academics.
  3. Confirmed!!! Stan T. was named as head coach. Better things to come for Bethlehem. Yes they have lost the best senior class they have ever had but the momentum they created is contagious. At the first football meeting of the year they had 37 current students attend. Yes several of these will not come out or make it through two a days but they have the largest and best group of freshman to be coming in next year. They will get anywhere from 10-12 players form that class. Might not sound like alot but is a huge class for Bethlehem. More importantly it consist of some good size offensive lineman which will really compliment backs like Casey Robinson, Luke Wimpsett, and Cam Wilson after the departure of Blake Stanley. Look for next year to be somewhere around 6-4 but the following two years will see them back on top of the district.
  4. Maybe true that the Cats have had a final four drought. I am just so glad however that we can watch our team during March to see how they are doing in the office pool. Hard to imagine having a high paid coach like Pitino and not being able to participate in the real tourney.
  5. Best player in the state that you never heard of is a freshman at Nelson Co. Her name is Samantha Drake. She is a 3 year starter for the Nelson Co Cards and averaging over 20/game against staunch competition. Here older brother was a freshman on the UK football team TC Drake. Did not play much early on but played a lot of tight end in the bowl game. She has already been contacted by both Tenn. and NC. She has been invited to play AAU in California this summer. Much more from her to come.
  6. This is great. I have really enjoyed reading both sides of this story. Please know that I have never rooted for a Louisville or Trinity team in any sport or any game; therefore I am certainly not bias. Yes, it is true that it was much easier for Brian Brohm to turn down 11 million than others. He is from a stable family, he will be successful with or without the NFL. This in no way takes away from the character and loyaly beyond reason that he has shown. I may never root for Louisville but I will always root for Brian Brohm. This is the kind of loyalty that I think sports need when you look at all of these players/coaches hiding behind business decisions when infact they are compelled to make their decisions based on greed not loyalty. i.e. Bobby Petrino interviewing for every job opening he could find while he was supposedly commited to Louisville. Rick Pitino jumping ship at Uk then showing back up at Louisville to lead then to 3 straight NIT appearances Major league baseball players flip flopping teams like they were running for political office. Less than 30s of playing time for any kid raised in Ky during the most recent UL vs UK basketball game. These are the examples that set Brian Brohm on a pedastol when deciding to forgo 11 million dollars to stay home and play with his hometown team.
  7. News has little impact on Cats. They need to continue to focus on building their program and not worry about Louisvilles. It does not matter if Louisville has Brohm or not the will still be at least two teams on the Cats schedule better than the Ville. No need to worry about the Ville when you have the big boys like LSU and Florida coming your way.
  8. Additionally Leinart had an opportunity to return to a legit contender for national championship.
  9. If Brohm stays he will go behind Woodson next year.
  10. Petrino is a great coach but do not fret. It will not take Einstein to replace Petrino and compete for the Big East title.
  11. Come on. Give credit where it is due. They are having a great basketball year. They have an excellent chance of making it into the Big East league tourney and possibly the NIT.
  12. Do not be concerned. Louisville will dig there way out. I know this because I could coach and win 9-10 games against the schedule they play. Additionally, calling Clemson disinterested is an ironic comment from someone who routes for a program that hangs it hat on a win over a very disinterested Alabama team in the Fiesta Bowl.
  13. I coached at a Single A school last year that won our District. We were mixed in with much larger schools but did overcome the disadvantage of other teams having 7 times as many boys to pick from. I am not for a total classification system; however it is foolish to think that "size does not matter" Point in case. I have coached an AAU team that represents several counties for the last five years. We have never been beat by a team representing one community. I would like to think it is because I am a great coach, or because my players work harder, or because I have a great system, but more realistically it is because I draw from a much larger pool of player.
  14. In a huge upset Nelson Co. upset highly ranked Scott 86-70. This just two weeks after Nelson opening the season with 30 pt loss to Central Hardin
  15. I will be anxious to see the score of the North Hardin vs Central Hardin game. Do not know who will win but it will be close as the teams are easily matched. Then look at the score of the Central vs Fort Knox game to see how a coach with class handles the situation.
  16. He should be improving in both as he has had plenty of practice.
  17. I agree that what you are saying is true. My son attends private school so I am partial to their programs. I must point out however that even though the financial aid is based on a fair system the information is dispersed less equally. Example: I coached several years in the CSAA football program. Several private HS scouts attended the games and approached my better players with information about their schools and how to receive financial aid. At no point did they approach my less talented player or our student body attending the games. So I agree that the way financial aid is distributed is fair but it still allows for recruiting in areas such as Louisville and Lexington.
  18. Great point. I think he is a good coach but I do agree that Brooks with Kentucky's talent would win 8 or 9 games. Had Brooks and Ky been in Rutgers shoes they would have also been undefeated coming into the Louisville game.
  19. He certainly will not leave for 5 million but I do think he would like to see what he could do in the big time. i.e. SEC
  20. Last I heard newspapers were about selling papers. Does Rose Hill have much of a following?
  21. That is a shame. I really expected something special playing in Danville. Posts last week mentioned teams in awe of the atmosphere etc. The team was great. Very good sports as were the fans that attended. Fans on this site are very knowledgable and friendly. I was disappointed however that there were so few local fans in attendance. Hopefully the program will get the support they deserve deeper into the playoffs.
  22. Just the contrary. UK fans are always quick to get on their own players especially their QB's. Woodson is an easy target to pick on if he does not perform. He has always had the tools and regardless of the reasons (Brohms injuries, Woodson's extra work over the summer, etc.) Woodson is emerging as the better QB. This debate will be settled 5 years from now and hopefully saved in the BP's archives when Woodson is starting everyday in the NFL and Brohm is coaching in the toybowl of the LCSAA.
  23. Not always so. Bardstown was much better on a wet field when matched up against Bethlehem.
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