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Everything posted by LUCK

  1. How quick you are to throw out the history that makes this game so great. Shame on you for brushing off all those Trinity alum before you that helped make this game is what it is today.
  2. It is the people commenting about it who can not get over the motivational tool used by Coach Glaser during this game week. It seemed to work for his team and these young men played with poise and class. The motivation seemed to work for this game. I sure the umbrella will not be out again it has served its motivational purpose. Good LUCK to St. Xavier and Trinity. I always look forward to the 2nd game as much as the 1st.
  3. It depends on your view of the intention.
  4. He did not bring the umbrella for your benefit. He brought it for his own motivational purposes. This St. Xavier team needed to believe they could win. Just because Trinity won by 10 points last year in one quarter does not compute to a loss by 40 in a 4 quarter game. Glaser is a master at motivation and making his kids believe. As a Trinity supporter I can see how you can look at it as a dis on your team. As a St. Xavier fan I know it was a you got to believe despite what you have been through.
  5. My response to this is that Trinity had to hold to prevent the sack. If they do not hold St. Xavier has the sack and loss of down. The rush was intense at times and Trinity had no answer on the O-Line. The rush at time took Phillips (a great runner) out of the game because he had to help with pass protection.
  6. Don't believe everything Coach Glaser says prior to playing anyone. St. Xavier is better than they were last year. I have not seen Male play this year in person. My prediction, St. Xavier wins by 21.
  7. St. Xavier 42 Lexington Catholic 21 I cannot see how Lexington Catholic has improved that much over last year, and I believe St. Xavier is better.
  8. Not happening. Not interested. Other than expulsion I believe St. Xavier and Trinity no matter how hard they fight changes in the end will succumb to the desires of the KHSAA. After all they are academic institutions first and athletic institutions last. At least I know this is the case at St. Xavier.
  9. St. Xaveir 28 Ballard 14 No way the Tigers lose on such a momentous occasion.
  10. My first inclination is to go with Male because I am not sure Fairdale really thinks they can beat Male. However, this could be an eye awakening first game upset. I will say Male 24 and Fairdale 21.
  11. I think this will be a close one. Manual will prevail. I see them losing only at their own hand.
  12. Does Moeller still have an A and B freshmen teams?
  13. At St. Xavier the games are free. Last year we Scrimmaged Scott Co. and they charged. Guess they wanted to take advantage of the St. Xavier faithful.
  14. At Brother Thomas More Stadium - St. Xavier Tigers take on the Ballard Bruins. Let the games begin.
  15. I was at the scrimmage and was not at all impressed by the passing game of St. X. Question to all: Have you ever been impressed with the passing game at St. X? St. X uses the pass mostly to keep you honest. They occasionally go one on one fly pattern and try to out athlete you on the outside. Otherwise the passing game is unimaginative and ineffective for the most part IMHO. St. X is definitely a run first, run second, run third, pass only when and if you have to team. That said I think the quarterback that is first on the depth chart at this time is the best and right choice. I guess I am a little old school, I still enjoy St. X's offense. I may not always agree with the play selection or the field management, but hey that is what makes being a fan fun.
  16. Freshman will also scrimmage at 7:00 PM against Fern Creek on the baseball field.
  17. I was told they will back up the game as far as 9:00 PM if the heat index is too high earlier.
  18. Great looking field! Johnson Central and the community should be proud.
  19. Am I missing something here? Shouldn't the KHSAA investigative committee be made up of independent members with no connections, political or otherwise, to the KHSAA and BOE. Would this be exercising too much common sense?
  20. In my opinion Proposal 2 does the following: Moves the perceived problem of recruiting from the 8th grade level to the 5th grade level. Sooner, more probably than later, there will be allegations of recruiting at the elementary school level. There will be no real investigations into the allegations. The perceptions will stand as fact as they do now. What has really changed?
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