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Everything posted by Tiger2023

  1. I was thinking about a playoff game in the mid 80's when Ballard had a very good quick running back that went on to play at U of L. I want to say his last name was Hamilton or something. Does anyone remember the year and who went on to win State? Was that the year Trinity beat the Mark Higgs team? I remember the game and X could not get their arms around him to bring him down on end arounds... Go Tigers
  2. Sounds good, I will wear my C. Renner Jersey to the Trinity vs Ballard basketball game because I respect their basketball program so much. We will have free parking for you at the fairgrounds. Grab a corn dog for the walk. Go Tigers
  3. I always laugh when I see people that show up at a rivals game in the their teams attire. A simple hat or something for your team is fine, but I think if I go to a Trinity game with a X hat, shirt and so on I would look like someone that just wants attention or to get a rise out of others. I am sure those that do this will say they just have passion... Just my opinion. Go Tigers
  4. I would be the first Tiger fan to wish we truely had an arsenal. Don't get me wrong, I love our program and Coach but wish the offense would incorporate a passing game that did not involve 3rd and 15.... a game plan like the one against Trinity a few years back would be nice to keep people honest. On average smash mouth football does beat all but 2 teams we play. An when we are loaded we beat the other two. Tigers by 17 in a great HOME opener. Go Tigers
  5. Everyone has heard the definition of insanity quote about doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result. If I was technical I could find the same bantering going back and forth from last years threads. If the schools were the same and both perfect the rivalry would not exist. I LOVE X for my reasons and other LOVE T for theirs. I still believe they are the 2 best options for young men in the area. If my boys chose T they will just have to deliver a ton on news papers to pay for it themselves... haha
  6. The "passive aggressive" jabs some Rock faithful and others are making about our facility are childish. If you don't like our place feel free not to stop in...
  7. Can someone PM me regarding how Blake's college basketball career is going? I hope he did well, I think he would be a Jr or Sr now... His dad coached me in grade school
  8. If we blow our own horn some would say we were braggging. What was the old saying, "Speak softly but carry I mean build a great stadium..." If our lack of publicity bothers someone, drive over and take a look.
  9. Not sure where you are heading with that post. 99% of T and X players disappear from the sports headlines if that is what you are going for. Brohm/Bick would be the recent examples I can think of. Vic had/has a tough home life. I wish the best for him and hope he has a good college career and graduates. Go Tigers
  10. I met him during a Jr Achievement Class I taught @ Central. He was a quiet yet very driven young man. I wish him and Central the best tonight.
  11. Even after having to endure reading Barerocks post in the Male X thread I am pulling for the Rocks. I suspect there are even public schoools pulling for Trinity b/c of the "talent and advantages" H seems to have over the other Jefferson County schools. Here's to our rebound in 2007!!
  12. I understand the H corners play man everywhere, but can someone explain why they never face the ball and their shoulders are almost facing the sidelines? Trinity has the offense to exploit this and first team to 40pts wins. Trinity fans, take your radio b/c Male has a terrible PA system if one at all. Good luck to both schools.
  13. You really need some perspective on life and high school football. Male whipped us last night and Trinity whipped us for 10 minutes. I am embarrased for you after that rant. :confused: I hope your Trinity brothers can somehow help you. I wish Trinity luck next week. I will not drop to your level and respond directly to your opinion of our school and program. Go Tigers.
  14. Not sure what was condescending about his remark and I think you are trying to stir something up. He did not bash Ballard at all. Ballard might have gotten better but you must admit Trinity usually rolls over them. Go luck and I hope we get a chance to play in round 3.
  15. We won that is about all I can say. We were flat and sloppy for the 1st half that won't cut it next week. I have never seen an X playoff team look so unemotional and disinterested. Vic needs to play through a bruise if he wants the next level... The PAT situation looks like a grade school game. Here's to a great week of practice. Go Tigers.
  16. I guess everyone is a bit hung over today. I think this will a close game early with Vic breaking it open in 3rd 1/4. Could be one of the more competative round 1 games.... I like X by 21. Go Tigers
  17. Nice Rant. Not sure what sparked it...:confused: I made a simple statement about what any normal fan would see as a questionable late score. Might want to relax before Sunday gets here and enoy your 9-1 regular season.
  18. 05:41 THS - K Flynn 18 yd pass from N Petrino (R Tydlacka kick), 1-18 0:06, THS 38 - SCHS 7 Nice late score, working on 2 minute drill I assume??? Good luck to Trinity players in playoffs.
  19. Like usual, way to keep things in perspective. Congrats Tiger Seniors on a solid season. Besy of luck in playoffs.
  20. I think I speak for most X fans and will miss many things about Manual Stadium: The endzone and grass area around the locker rooms where we all played as kids dreaming about playing for the Tigers one day Sound of the speakers and announcers Walking back to X b/c we were to muddy for the bus Many former players have specific plays or games that they will remember forever... I thank Manual for allowing us to play there for so long and wish them the best in raising money for their needed renovations. X and Butler might want to have the power washers ready around 10 tonight. Go Tigers
  21. Any word on changing the game site?
  22. I wasn't knocking Brian just stating we don't give up many points win or lose...
  23. I will miss the game tonight due to some poor scheduling on my wife's part. I hope to get updates. I look for the Tigers to spread the field and allow Vick to break tackles for long runs and try the quick hitters with Duece. I also look for some passing to the tight end after a play action to Vick... The O line just needs a crease for Vic/Duece to Bust open the Junk Defense... On defense I am sure H will score but not as many as some think, maybe 21-28. X rarely gives up over 30 and I don't think Bush is playing to score in the 50's. Even Brohm and T rarely broke 20-24 points.... GO Tigers Tigers by 3 in a Thriller!
  24. We had nice completions last night. I loved that play when we hit Eckman in the flat out of the back field. We must have a few plays like that to make our running game effective. Do we have a screen play for Vic or Duece the the system? If not, we need one. Solid Game for the Tigers.
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