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Everything posted by Tiger2023

  1. Looks like seeing X on a silly national poll has struck a jealous nerve with you. We look forward to Dec. Go Tigers
  2. That is a long drive, gotta admire that carpool driver. I wonder who has X's longest drive. You have to admire that dedication.
  3. CentreRocks in a landslide!!!! Next election in December...
  4. Much like UK fans were accused last year of Obsessive Cards Disorder I feel some Trinity fans have a BAD case Obsessive Glaser Disorder..... Yes, I believe the umbrella was a bit odd. However, in NO way do I believe that was classless or anything of the sort. I happen to see the umbrella come from the student section, not from Glaser and I saw him lay it down. I am not sure where the broom came from but that has been a symbol used in all sports by many teams over the years. As someone mentioned the Trinity players left quicker than a fire drill and nothing was done in front of them. In short, to say any of the post game celebrations were classless is pure OGD. It was kids having fun and enjoying one small victory in their young lives. Go Tigers. #1 in State for now....hopefully we can say the same in December.
  5. Who can Trinity and X fans copmplain to about the SLOW!!!! way we are herded into the PJ stadium??? I left my tailgate at 7:20 and almost missed kickoff. They have got to have more people checking bags and such. The gate I went in (corner of Floyd and Central) had about a 10 foot area to get through and it could have gotten ugly. It seemed to me the gate had 2 other gates that were closed. :confused::confused::confused: Great win and I look forward to round 2.
  6. Beatty from paper, "Was that the best D we faced, No.." How many points did you hang on Cincy X???? Looked pretty darn good to me and 37,000 others. Great Game Tigers. See you in December. :dancingpa
  7. I agree the brooms might have been a little much and we all know Trinity coaches have total control over all players. They are all just kids give them a break, both sides included. Go Tigers
  8. Nice Defense of your post but I am not buying it! Maybe from Danza or Rockmom but NOT you. Go Tigers
  9. Everyone has been so nice so far with very little bragging and so on. Nice/typical of you to get it started. Go Tigers
  10. Sounds good to me. It was nothing more than a joke don't try to spin it into anything more... Enjoy the week.
  11. I still call it sandbagging. Jody could have had some influence on the pick.
  12. I think we all know the Rocks have to be the favored regardless of LIT or national polls. I feel that the Tigers must stop the run and not be put in third and long to have a solid chance to win. I have not seen Trinity but have been very impressed with our team speed on the defensive side. We must pressure Stein and make it tought for him to see down field. We did run a few of the similiar formations and passing plays against Manual that helped us in the win big a few years ago. I am sure how effective they will be this time but can make it interesting. Go Tigers
  13. Correct me if I am wrong but LIT ratings are a math formula and not a poll. I feel everyone would still put T ahead of us unless we beat them in 2 weeks. Go Tigers
  14. Thanks for the reminder on how great you guys are on the football field. I had forgotton. Great job jv Tigers.
  15. This data makes it look very close over the 15yrs. Hard to argue either side has the upper hand.
  16. Lord, is it really true only private schools recruit???:laugh: I am making no specific reference and implicating no one in anything, just a joke about the whole debate. Funny Picture though..
  17. It was just hard to understand what happened on the play b/c 3 or 4 plays they were focussed on the non holding calls. I am OK with some complaining but do it after the play so we can hear what is going on. Sounded like a good high school game.
  18. The radio crew has been questioning the calls all 2nd half. Sounds like Tim P is going to be tough this year.
  19. I would be very proud if I were a Ballard fan/player; great effort. That QB had a nice arm and played a solid game. We have a TON of work to do. Can we PLEASE stop the roll out passing and dive plays with no hope of a pull then pitch? Go Tigers, Keep Working Hard!
  20. Thanks for info, I did not realize that was the year of the upset. I think that upset even tops the state game from 2 yrs ago as far as the talent Trinity had, 2 NFL players.
  21. If you do sit on the visitors side I would like and honest opinion of the sight lines. For example can you see the game from all rows over the players.
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