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Everything posted by Ranger

  1. Typical intensity of a SK vs. Scott game. Chambers is still shaking the rust and isn't the player he will be once he has some more time under his belt. Smith, definitely an unstoppable and very strong first half but I would argue his second half was not all that good. If he scored 9 points, I would be willing to say he didn't have more than two field goals but put up way more than double digit attempts. What did he shoot for the game? Doss swatted several of his shots- although a couple of them clearly looked like fouls. Officiating for the game; dismal both ways. Reilly had a good first half shooting and then SK didn't seem to look for him in the second half. Good game to watch but Scott was in control and the better team tonight. Is it me or does the style of UK offense dictate what the boys in high school do? When Pitino was at UK, everyone wanted to fast break and jack 3's; now, everyone wants to dribble drive and try to beat their guy one on one.
  2. Panda- awesome coverage and pictures this year of all the top games. Like the Above the Rim pics in this series. You need to publish a schedule of where you will be on what night and have it added as a sticky!
  3. Worthless poll with only 9 coaches voting.
  4. Ditto on Mulligan; IMO, she was ready last year. I don't care what grade she is in; she can handle the rock and more importantly understands the game.
  5. He's a great player and Gallatin has a good team. This was a good and close game game until late in the second half. The difference was SK's depth down the stretch. Impressed with Gallatin's tenacity and fundamentals. Wouldn't be surprised for a rematch at the Roy. Great crowd at the Joe.
  6. A couple of shots... Doss saw limited action due to foul trouble but was a load when he was in the game. SK needs to do a better job of getting him the ball though. He didn't get it on this seal. Ayers with the block but was whistled for foul. Number 12 had several steals on the night. Creating havoc here for SK offense. Reilly with the half-time buzzer beater from 22+ Nice play by #12.
  7. SK has a very talented freshman class. Owings, the point guard, is probably the best true ball handler that they have had in years. She is small but has a good understanding of the game. They will be fun to watch over the years. I wouldn't use this game as too much of a barometer though as Grant plays a few 8th graders at the varsity level.
  8. A couple of more... SK defense trying to catch Elliot. Matt Reilly preventing Ryle int. Elliott taking off.
  9. I know but there were tons of fans on both sides of the field. Wish I would have counted the numbers; crazy IMO.
  10. A couple of protocol observations and questions: 1. I am surprised that NFHS/KHSAA rules allow more than 100 of people to be standing on the sidelines. I haven't been to Ryle in awhile but that was the first time I have seen that at any venue. Not sure of the exact number but it was in excess of 100- some small children actually sitting on the sidelines. Ryle was cautioned once for it but the chain gang was often delayed getting in place because of sideline crowd. Orange cards saying Ryle HS Football 2010 Field Level Pass seemed be the ticket to be able to roam the sideline. Made it difficult for teams, officials and fans in the stands. Is that typical or was it because there were so many fans in the stands? The far side stands were pretty empty though. 2. Music during the game; SK would be standing on the line of scrimmage and AC DC would be playing over the loud speaker. Home field advantages I guess? Not sure how many kids were wearing those t-shirts but I would say that SK owes some type of formal apology.
  11. SK was man handled in the second half. No turnovers by Ryle, two red zone turnovers by SK, big play after big play by Ryle and better team wins. Congrats to this group of seniors. It has been a blast two watch you the last 4 years. Here's a shot of the first interception. I am focused on Carroll making a TD catch and number 13 jumps in the frame and makes a remarkable catch. It really wasn't a bad ball by Lawrence; just a better play by the Ryle defender. On the second one, Lawrence made the signal to Winkler that it was coming his way but the play was never there.
  12. I was impressed with Vinny Miller. SK came at him all night; hit him hard and he had his team right there at the end. He dives for a first down on a 4th down carry here. Not sure how many 4th downs HC converted but it was a bunch.
  13. Possibly the biggest offensive play of the game. Lots of other pics at the SK Blog.... http://www.skpioneers.blogspot.com
  14. Cool thing about the drop though was Lawrence went right back to him on the very next play for a catch that was much tougher than this one that was missed. Odd thing about the game is it really didn't seem like SK really ran that many plays. So many of them were huge gainers. SK's TD's came off plays that probably averaged 25 yards. Didn't get an exact count on Scott's bench but they couldn't have had more than 35 kids dressed...wow.
  15. Agree; a classic case of tasting the TD before they had the ball on at least two occasions.
  16. Details and photos @ http://skpioneers.blogspot.com/
  17. http://skpioneers.blogspot.com/ Lots of details if you want nitty gritty on the game.
  18. This would more appropriately read two, not some, but I understand what you are saying. I need to make sure I figure out the source of the Kool-Aid in one of the fine Indy eating establishments so I can be sure to avoid it.
  19. More pictures over here: http://skpioneers.blogspot.com/
  20. Sage Powell delivered a pretty hard hit on Brady on this play. Not sure if Powell was trying to hurdle him or what?
  21. SK is getting better week to week. O-line is more cohesive. Linebacking corps is fun to watch. Receivers present a host of options for Lawrence. The Bradley kid was fun to watch. I could see Swanson flying through the air from the opposite endzone. On the other hand, Powell delivred a blow to Bradley that was also very tough. SK was able to keep him in check with first getting him wrapped up and then the other guys coming in for the finish. He was rarely solo tackled.
  22. Sit by him/her? No way. However, I would like to ask him what his motives are for inciting other fans, players, teams etc. It would be interesting if he/she would identify the clothing and location of where he/she will be tonight. I would be willing to say there would be a whole lot more SK fans with words for him/her than Cooper fans. But then again, I still contend this isn't a true SK fan and this person won't even be at the game.
  23. Easiest TD Rabe will probably ever score. Definitely one of the stranger plays I have seen in awhile. SK hit on all cylinders where they score TD's in all three phases if you count this play.
  24. I'm convinced uk#1 isn't a real poster but some kind of plant from a rival school trying to stir things up; or maybe it is Guru stirring the BGP pot. Kidding aside, I know the humble fans like Neerfan and me, who have been watching SK football for decades, remember the single A schools on the schedule just so they could eek out a homecoming win. (No offense to single A schools but these weren’t the best single A schools.) There were several years where those homecoming nights would represent the Neers only win. Conversely, SK must have felt special as they were scheduled as everyone else's homecoming games. We (the fans who have been around for the lean years) are thrilled with the recent success and hope that the trend continues. Last year's team was more than Miles and there are several kids from last year's class that are missed, especially Hansel, Piccorilo and Brown, just to name a couple. This year's team isn't on the level of the last few years but it also wouldn't surprise me if they get on a run by the end of the year. To answer Guru's question, I don't consider them dead in the water but at this point, they would have to be considered the dog when compared to Ryle. Winning state for a 6A team other than X or Trin is going to be a tall order, but anything could happen. Is it possible for SK to win state this year? Probably not likely but then again I guess there is another movie in there for Bulldog if the miraculous happens. In the meantime, uk#1fan, come out from your real alias of being a Colonel, Bird or Eagle? By the way, the one night where you claimed to be on the sideline wearing UK and Bengals garb, I didn’t see you at the game. Hmmmmm
  25. 11-6 in the second half isn't easy in my book. Score could have been 11-8 if they made their two point conversion but New Richmond kind of quit after the Reilly TD on the next SK drive. Game was closer than the score for the first 2.5 quarters as SK didn't look sharp in the first half.
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