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Everything posted by Ranger

  1. Agree 44 will be a key next year. I really thought he improved over the course of the year and I would have liked to have seen 44 in the second half, especially when OC went with #30 despite the fact that SK continued to press. To me, OC's ability to start handling the press was one of the keys to the final outcome. SK probably needed to come out of it but when they got down by 5, they had to stay in it. I hope Chambers knoggin is alright. He got tagged pretty hard for the second time in about as many weeks. He hit the floor and the next thing I knew the Henry County Constable, Two members of the Fire Department, parents, cheerleading parents and who knows else were running on the floor. Several sherrifs officers were lining up in front of the SK fans. My compliments to Nick Repka for taking over and adding some calmness to the situation, getting Cody patched together and back out on the court. I saw Chambers dad walking down with his coat, I assumed to leave and the next thing I look up at the scorers table and Chambers is going back in....pretty gutsy.
  2. I reallly like going down there to watch games but what a long trip back when the Neers go down. I didn't pull in the driveway until after 11:30 and I went straight home. Disappointing loss for sure. Officiating was horrible but you have to take care of business and make the foul shots you are given. When was the last time Owen County won a regional game?
  3. Thanks compliment Panda but you are still da #1 man.:ylsuper: (Does anyone besides me think he needs a different member name) Here's the goal tend call which I guess was the winning bucket...again, the kids in the background make the pics. Focus point is more on the student body in the first couple and then the play in the last shots.
  4. Here's another view to Panda's series...perhaps the best part of this is the fan reaction in the background.
  5. The arena backdrop didn't seem to bother Newport; I will go with them for that reason. Great to see the support that they had there tonight.
  6. His hops are unreal. This flush was good. This was a botched alley oop but look how high he is...this was without the aid of pulling up on the rim.
  7. From tonight... Good match-up on horizon Impressed with Lape's play tonight. BOK wasn't only empty facility this week. SK's gym cleared out after second half of second game. Look for a packed house Friday though...
  8. Homer with a slight lapse in objectivity....yes, sore no; Did Stowers coach to win and did his players want to win, absolutely, that's why they were so upset. Did they show everything? I guess we will find out next week. I would say there was some exaggeration in the round trip bus ride comment as it is probably closer to 4 than 5.
  9. Not sure I follow the logic of how getting to the line, only 3 foul shots made, connects with defensive choices. The two fouls on 23 you refer to were good ones. The first one was the 6th team fouls- a free one; the last one she couldn't give Ginn the lay-up after the turnover (not hers) when the ball rolled right under the WV basket! She made a nice play to hustle and get back and I would much rather send someone to the line in that situation and put pressure on them to make the shots. Only making 17 FG's in almost 60 shots was the problem, many of the misses coming from point blank range. Don't forget, 23 hit two 3's down the stretch in crunch time.
  10. Priceless; awesome capture P Man. WV 4 for 4 from the line under 2 minutes; that's what it is about.
  11. Wow, last second shot was closer than I thought. Would like to see what Don Weber got on that; if I am not mistaken, he was standing next to Panda. Still staying with my prediction; SK is very good at the Joe and wins the region.
  12. I predict SK/South/Owen/Anderson. I am going with SK with the three-peat. They are very good on their home floor which gives them a nice advantage. I believe their only two home losses were to Boone and Highlands; ironically, these were possibly two of their better games during the season.
  13. A neat deal for the middle schoolers at Scott today. A very nice sized crowd was there all day. Kudos to the announcer; not sure who he was but he did a great job. I was impressed by the level of play of both the girls and boys teams. Good to see the Kenton County schools playing against the Boone County schools again. A couple of shots from the 7th Grade Final:
  14. Ockerman boys in 7th grade over Holmes in convincing fashion.
  15. Ockerman 20 holmes 9 at half in 7th Twenhofel wins 6th and 7th grade girls
  16. 7th Grade Girls Final tomorrow: IHM versus Twenhofel. IHM advances by a convincing win against Highlands and Twenhofel comes out in a thriller against Camp Ernst. Should be a good one at Scott at 3:30. Twenhofel led by Robinson, Smith, Figgins, Blau and Schmiade.
  17. What was the nature of Chambers' injury? I think SK needs to give Doss more minutes. Even if he doesn't get the ball inside, he draws way more attention. Glad to see the 6 points.
  18. Even though a L, this game should give SK some confidence going into the post-season. They have struggled in the contests with the more competitive teams recently and were right there tonight. Even with the T that gave Highlands foul shots and the ball, SK still had a 3 pointer fall just short that would have tied the game. (See shot below.) I didn't understand Highlands' strategy at the end. They ended the game with 5 fouls to give! They should have been way more agressive on the defensive end. They had a 5 point lead with two minutes to go yet they let SK claw back from that deficit. Highlands missed the foul shot with three seconds left and SK goes coast to coast to get off the potential tying shot? Highlands won but I thought they gave SK every needed opportunity at the end to make it close. Nice SK crowd for the seniors despite the boys playing up the pike. Congrats! Ponzer's almost buzzer beater...
  19. 7th Grade Girls at Twenhofel: In games yesterday, Twenhofel beat Beechwood and Turkey Foot beat Woodland. Turkey Foot and Twenhofel play tonight at 5:00. The two teams split on the year. The loss to the Foot was Twenhofel's only loss on the season so it should be a good game. The Indians looked very strong yesterday dominating Woodland after Woodland swept them during the year. This is an awesome tournament for the youngsters and gives a good look at the future of high school hoops. The future looks bright for SK with the talent at Twenhofel.
  20. If you read everything above and what I read other places today, sounds like they give him a shot at RB. I guess the question is 40 time but in his case, the 10 yard time plus his strength will be more important. Time will tell.
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