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Everything posted by MountainThunder

  1. Fall is for football. I wouldn't mind seeing soccer move to the spring, but understand that the weather problems there are the spring rains which can put a real damper on that season. The fall is football time and always will be IMHO.
  2. I liked him when he was at UK. He was a walkon who wanted to be a coach and was the human victory cigar. Hearing these stories about him makes me think he may not be the guy I cheered for when he did get in the game.
  3. :laugh::thumb: When are we leaving? Sounds like a fun road trip to me!!!
  4. Seems we have several guitarists on BGP, and I thought it would be cool to see what guitars BGP members have, what their favorite guitar is and how long they have been playing! I'll start. I am down to 4 guitars right now as I don't play as much as I used to due to time constraints. Schecter C strat style w/locking floyd rose tremolo & 2Seymour Duncan humbuckers, Alvarez classical, Charvel electric/acoustic and a cheap no name bass made in Korea just for recording. My son has a nice Taylor acoustic that I bang around on sometimes so I guess technically, we have 5 in the house. My favorite guitar I have ever owned was a Fender American Ultra Strat with 3 different Lace sensor pickups, LSR roller nut. My ultimate guitar would be a Gibson White Les Paul Custom. Played since I was 6 or 7 years old. I turn 45 next month. Played semi-professionally for several years in various bands, one was signed to small now defunct label in Indianapolis, used to do studio session work, record some at home, etc.
  5. I agree with him on all three points. I especially like moving the Sweet 16 finals to Sunday afternoon.
  6. Actually Couch led them to the playoffs. Holcomb finished off in the final game and the playoff game as Couch was injured. Then the injuries and the QB carousel started. After that, the Browns had 4 different QBs go on the IR (Couch, Holcomb, Garcia and one other that the name escapes me). Their offensive line was horrible. Russell has been a stunning failure, and apparently not because of physical ability.
  7. :thumb: They are supposed to be student-athletes. Patterson graduates in 3 years and will be a potential 1st round draft pick. He understood that he was there for 2 purposes, and served them both well. It can be done.
  8. I have learned it was her 4th perfect game (2nd or 3rd this year). She faced 15 batters and struck all 15 out.
  9. Apparently, you are not permitted to wear an American flag t-shirt or bandana, .... on Cinco De Mayo. Any other day it is okay, but not that day. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36981179?GT1=43001 I really don't believe that a Mexican-American would be sent home for wearing a Mexican flag shirt on July 4th if they were in school. I don't know what to say. I wasn't aware that it was an American holiday. I also wonder if it would be offensive to wear a Union Jack on July 4th?
  10. :thumb: On the contrary, while I think Page's play is often sloppy (technically speaking only) that is not necessarily a bad thing. Part of it was his style and often blues based music (rock, blues, or otherwise) is a bit sloppy. Page is/was a genius in his riff creations. He was a good lead player, but it was his ability to create some of the best riffs in the history of the genre that have impressed me the most. He is one of the all time greats IMHO and should be on any rock guitarist top 10 list. I still listen to Zeppelin and never tire of the riffs he came up with. He was an innovator and the older I get and more I listen, the more I just say 'wow' to so much of what he came up with. Here it is 4 decades later and Zeppelin's music still is listened to and talked about. It don't get much better than that!
  11. Star Bakery in London. To quote Wayne Campbell "excellent munchables"
  12. THAT would be very interestin indeed!!!
  13. Lifeson is very underrated. Plays many solos off time compared to most guitar players. Other guitarists I have played music with over the years either love him or hate him because of how he plays. My all time favorites would be: Segovia, Eric Johnson, Eric Clapton, SRV, Ace Frehley (I know he is nowhere near being an elite guitarist, but he inspired me as a guitar player when I was a young kid and can't help it), Billy Gibbons, Steve Morse, Chet Atkins, Van Halen (may be a jerk but he changed rock music, Vai, etc. You are right, I could probably list guitar players I like all day long and never run out of names!!!
  14. I have never considered Page as a technical genius. I think that he and White are similar in that creativeness is their real strong suit. Page has come up with some of the best riffs in the history of rock n roll. His play is often sloppy so technically he is not the best IMHO, but his creativity has been so influencial on rock music, still to this day, and he is one of the all time greats. He was an innovator looking for new sounds and that is where he and Edge are similar. Edge was looking for new sounds and utilized the delay effect in the rhythm parts of songs in a very innovative way to create his 'sound'. Technically, he is not a great 'player' and nowhere near Pages level, but his use of effects (like his style or not) has been his calling card. I have yet to see the entire fillm, just parts. But what I have seen has given me a new appreciation for Jack White. He is a good guitar player who is driven by his creativity and his unabashed appreciation for musicians who came long before him and wants to learn from them. His slide playing was MUCH better than I would have thought. Very raw and full of emotion which is a HUGE part of playing slide guitar. I was impressed with what little I have seen from him and can't wait to watch the entire film!!!
  15. I don't think the '02 team had nearly as much talent as this past year's team HOWEVER the '02 team had more experience. I thought they should have went further just as I thought this year's team should have as well. But in a lose and go home type situation as the NCAA tourney is, one off night and you are done. Pitino even made that comment in '98 saying that if it were a best of 5 or best of 7 series, he would feel good against any team in the tourney. But one bad game and bye bye means you can't slip up, even a little bit.
  16. I think we will see fewer of the 'one and dones' for one main reason, .... the NBA's collective bargaining agreement. If that was not an issue, IMHO, Bledsoe and Orton come back and the Cats only lose Patterson, Wall and Cousins to the draft. Big different in losing 5 and losing 3 players. Once the new CBA is in place then I think we will see UK have some one and dones, but not the mass exodus we saw from this year's team. Cal never lost 4 one and dones at Memphis and I don't he will at UK in the future. And Cal HAD to bring in that level of talent to rebuild the program and bring the spark back. Look at how many early entrants are declaring this year, primarily because they want to have that guaranteed money that might possibly not be there next season if a new CBA isn't reached.
  17. I have to agree with Hoopboy (just a little bit) on this one. That was a VERY young team, new coach, new system, etc. LOADED with talent, but the games they lost, you could see the youth and immaturity in some of them. I would love to see how good they could have been this season if they all came back. Goodness, gracious, sakes alive they could have been scary!!!
  18. You expect anyone to believe that the fax/letter was in no way a reference to Tubby? I was born at night, but not last night. However, the bottom line of this entire thread is that IMHO, I don't see Cal leaving UK. And, I am hopeful that I am right on this one. He has brought the fun back to UK basketball!!!
  19. You obviously have never read his posts have you? It was and if you read his followup posts, the intent is unmistakable.
  20. I never called him a saint, but exactly how many games have any his teams had to vacate due to NCAA findings? How many banners have been taken down? I didn't want this to about Tubby, and I really do love Calipari and what he has brought to UK so far. I am a little nervous, but so far only am disappointed in the GPA. I don't want him to leave and honestly don't see him leaving.
  21. I didn't think Corbin was a preseason favorite.
  22. You can't miss any shot at Tubby can you? This is about Coach Cal, who most UK fans love having. But let's be honest, how many wins have Tubby coached teams had vacated?
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