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Everything posted by MountainThunder

  1. Eric Johnson "Venus Isle" I drag this one out at least once per month. LOVE IT!!
  2. If he was benched in college, it was not based on talent. How long has he been in the league now? He has developed his talents into being one of the game's top PGs.
  3. Apparently he failed the test in September, appealed the results, the appeal was not heard until February so he was allowed to play the season. Knowing that, I would not have a problem revoking the award.
  4. I am actually debating dropping some Dimarzio EJ212s in my Schecter. The Eric Johnson signature models have been getting rave reviews and the price isn't too bad at about $65 each thru Musicians Friend.
  5. Like him or not, Clinton was always willing to answer questions from the media. He may not have always given a straight answer (after all he was a politician), but they did have access to him. I knew that there was a dropoff with Bush, but looks like he was pretty active. But to think that Bush did around 3 times as many Q&As than Obama is quite a bit staggering.
  6. Players have been getting caught and suspended in the NFL for years. The policy isn't perfect, but it also isn't new and it appears to work. Baseball hasn't been testing that long so when someone gets busted, it is still pretty new to many. Plus like Jim and others have said, baseball is driven soley by stats on whether you are a 1st ballot, 2nd ballot, 3rd ballot, or never HOFer. In the NFL either you are a HOFer or you are not.
  7. Les Pauls are heavy, and the 3 pickup version always seemed a bit heavier to boot. But you are right, so many different tonal variations! I LOVED em! The downside was that to hold one on your shoulders for 3-4 hours a night got a little tough at times. I also love Strats, and the H-S-H configuration was always my favorite. With a good coil tap on the bridge humbucker, you could get about any electric guitar sound/tone you wanted! And they were lighter!
  8. I know what you and Hoopboy are saying and do understand. However, I have tried to raise my kids to understand that there are certain words we should not use in everyday language and IMHO, not at all. But when they are used in a public speech it is much different than what little kids hear on the playground as 'taboo' words. I don't want to see foul language normalized the same as normal everyday adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc.
  9. Dylan has had songs covered by every musical genre in existence. That speaks volumes about his influence. The Beatles are another one. When many artists say these words 'I haven't made my Sgt Pepper album yet', it says a lot about the influence they have had as well.
  10. A buddy of mine had a Squier Strat and replaced the single coils with some hot rails and it sounded really good! I had a Squier H-S-H back in the late 80's early 90's and I really liked that guitar. Wish I still had it. Here is a pic of it (sepia tone from a music video I did with the band I was with at the time so it is a little hard to see).
  11. I have always loved the sound of a 12 string.
  12. I can't see them paying what it would take to get either of those guys. Neither would want to live in the shadow that Bobby Keith casts in Tiger country and have both built their reputations primarily in one county (Wright in Laurel Co and Holland in Perry Co). Just my take, but I can't see either one leaving unless it is a pretty sweet deal they are offered to leave their current positions.
  13. I generally don't do a lot of customizing on my axes. I will often switch to Grover tuners (or Sperzels) if they don't have top notch tuners, sometimes change pickups, etc. I'm looking to pick up a Les Paul (hopefully) in the next few months. Haven't had one in several years and have had an itch for one lately.
  14. I do agree that there is a difference between cussing someone and just using inappropriate language in your speech. Knight was not cussing them out. However, I really question swearing during a speech when young children were probably present. Poor judgement IMHO. But it's not like he pointed to a child and called him a 'stupid so and so'. However I do believe that it was inappropriate given the situation.
  15. Influential absolutely. The most influential? Not sure on that one. I love Zeppelin, but I wouldn't say they are the most influential.
  16. So a place with families there to celebrate a graduation that language is appropriate? Why not just get up in 1st grade and start dropping F bombs on the kids. I mean if they are going to hear it, why not just start them out then? :idunno:
  17. No way Ed could win. He stiffed too many UK fans on tickets. You can mess with their medicaid, but don't stiff them on tickets to see the Cats!!! As far as Richie Farmer for governer, I would like to hear his ideas on what he would do if elected. It is ashame that he is within 7 points of a sitting governor and has not even said he would run, and has given no ideas for a platform. That indicates that he hit the 37% in the polls on his name alone. I agree with Jim that this is a shame. I could care less what sport he played, if any, I would never endorse a candidate if I had no idea what they would plan to do.
  18. 29 points, 18 rebounds and 13 assists. Wow is the correct term. Rondo was 'da man' last night. He is already #2 in Celtics history for career postseason triple doubles behind (you guessed it, Larry Bird). That was a simply amazing performance.
  19. Rondo has improved every year in the league and is now shining as one of the best PGs in the NBA. Great to see a Kentucky kid doing so well!!!
  20. He was not born in America, but moved here as a child with his mother. While he is liberal on most social issues (gay rights, abortion, etc), .... you will be hard pressed to find someone who loves this country more than he does. He has done numerous tours and benefits for the troops, gone overseas to visit them, etc. I agree. I bet he would send as many shirts as those kids wanted.
  21. I really like that Fender Jag bass! Very sharp.
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