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Everything posted by oldonetechnique

  1. I can as well, I am a sore loser but there are conditions................they must sell out and leave what they have on the feild. I think that is where Randy Moss has it wrong, its not OKAY to just be good...and then be a sore loser, did you lead, did you do the little things during the week in practice, during the game, did you take criticism, did you do your all to lift yourself, your team up and still come up short, hey if so, go crazy cuss someone out storm off.....If you didn't your just soft and a crybaby!!!
  2. I agree no one is saying he is not good, just some of us believe there is more to football and being great then the ability to sometimes catch a bad ball. But I still do not think anyone is misunderstood..........Wanting to win, and pouting when you don't is no excuse for walking off the feild or dogging a route, or not blocking....and the reason we are talking about Moss doing this is because someone asked.
  3. Yes huge overkill, my son was not allowed to complete an art project one time due to the fact that is depicted him shooting a deer, another time he could not do a science test that involved him shooting his 22 rifle with his dad to test bullet penetration in different wood. Instead he done the old baking soda volcano....silly.
  4. I like the above post I never argued with Moss being a good wide receiver, But he is more noted for the negative things more than his skill, you have to look in a stat book to know how good he was, due to the fact you didnt see it on the feild play after play. I don't think he is misunderstood at all..............Wasn't sure what that met in your post and still don't, most the opinions I have of him were supported by his own self-admittance......While he is great, and has been very talented and maybe he has revolutionized the position of WR, at the end of the day he is not a winner, or a go getter........you look at some of the other questionable characters in the NFL, that are still coveted as great heroes, Lawrence Taylor, was a grinder worked hard, played hurt down or up, Ray Lewis--nuff said, Even Ricky Williams after his vacation came back and worked and played hard ALL GAME! MOSS IS NOT THAT GUY.
  5. Don't watch baseball, if they stormed off the feild by themself in a huff because of something that was going wrong on the field shame on them, I would whip my 5 year olds butt for the same thing, even he knows better. Still no response to why Randy Moss is misunderstood?? Cause hate spills??? Like you said haters gonna hate, defend your boy Moss.
  6. Okay explain your case help me understand him?
  7. How do you feel about Ray Lewis??? Moss is a joke, good reciever but never consistently played to his ability, smoke another Randy!!!! This is a guy who walked off the feild and left his team once, and got kicked off another team. Even if it is HATERS, sometimes you bring the haters on yourself. :laugh:
  8. My thoughts on the game. Very good game, Light issue really helped swing the MO for 49ers it was getting ready to be bad for them. 49ers to me acted like punks everytime one of them got hit or missed a play they got up and ran their mouth or tried to start a shoving match. Ravens did not back down and did this some as well, but 49ers let it get to them more. As for the non calls, they were both sides, the refs let the DB and WR's play very physical game at those positions and I think it gave an edge to Ravens, Boldin is gonna win those battles. I thought Older brother out coached younger brother, and it showed on the goal line stand, Kapernick did not do well with edge pressure all night and thats how they stopped them and held them to FG several times, GO RAVENS!
  9. I like Ray, He is what he is, made plenty of bad choices, paid for some got away with others, many of us could be in bad shape if things went the wrong way in our 20's. I think he has managed to do some good, in his later years, and he is the best LB the game has seen.
  10. Maybe he is the one that private messaged me Zija, lol.
  11. Do not know who came up with the Gray shirt business, :lol: But man false information is annoying. Believe it or not Timmons is pretty good, and OSU did in fact offer him!:thumb:
  12. IMHO, anything anyone says now is just speculation, those I have talked to close to the program or close to Ryan are always professional and do not give any private information. The coaches at FCHS and those who sorround Ryan to me... genuinely care about Ryan and feel the choice is to be private between Ryan and his Family. Until he decides. Wish he had a brother..:cry:
  13. Thats awesome I knew they were gonna come, just took some time, Alot of folks doubted his talent when they took so long but Cal, MO, and OSU, and Florida are no slouches.
  14. It is shady, College football is shady, and despite what anyone tells you these coaches dont climp the ladder by being all on the up and up, very few do if any. When you go to college your a number, a chess peice. They may like you but end of the day that is the truth.
  15. Hey this happens alot in football especially with coaching turn over. But to me, WHO is this High School coach think he is, keeping his student athletes from prospective programs>??? He does not own them, I think he should have kept his mouth shut. What you do is tell your kids how he treated you before and let them decide.
  16. If they were smart they would go out and find a top notch coach and use the AD position as part of the deal to get him there and set his job duties teaching wise.
  17. This place is a death hole for coaching, stay away from Dunbar, not sure what they are looking for but chances are your not it!
  18. That's a shame would have been nice to see someone new in 6a. Good season Scott County
  19. Congrats to Cooper great effort by them, they took alot of things away from my Flyers, some of that we done to ourselves and some were the result of Cooper. Our defense was our defense, made some big plays but could not consistently stop Cooper. Good luck down the stretch, this next week is a bad match up for you guys, Harlan will match you up front.
  20. Just to settle any dust between the two teams, as an FC fan we think Cooper is the better TEAM. They are better on special teams, and especially defense. We thought we could score more but it did not work out that way in the end. Conner had two Studs that were better athletes than anyone on the Cooper team, but 11 on 11 we felt Cooper was better.
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