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Everything posted by oldonetechnique

  1. Their top players get aide? I have known about 20 players that have played at MSU, maybe more 20 of them that were multiple year starters, some of which earned national, conference, or division honors. What do they all have in Common?? They recieved absolutely no Aide other than what every other student qualifies for. :no: Maybe the new staff is bringing out some changes. But honestly not sure the school is saying the same thing as the football program. Time will tell. Look at the hiring of a new coach, could have been a statement about the direction of the football program. Nothing against the new coach, but seriously you hire from within, and then proceed to fire every coach on staff????? Doesn't really say your on the way up does it??? Again from the outside looking in.
  2. Liked the episode the distance of the hometown did not bother me that much he was getting ready to fight a war, and he felt like he knew where guns and ammo were. This is a year out of the initial outbreak, (give or take) so I see this is a possible gamble that was needed.
  3. Maybe was a bad day, but it was not good, Like I said I live in Lexington now, and drove all the way there to eat the ribs I was for sure upset.
  4. HAHAH, Highlands complaining about people recruiting football players into youth leagues??? Say it isn't so?
  5. Last time I went to Montgomery Inn it was not good, I remember going there when I was a teenager for every fathers day, and For my parents anniversary, I could not wait to take my wife with me to eat here, portions had shrunk, and the ribs were not even good I complained and they brought me some new ones out and they were not any better.
  6. Doesn't matter what race you are you tell bold face lies on tv long enough you get caught! HA!!! This administration has told more lies about this gun stuff than anything I have seen in a while. I know all politicians lie but dang, they just make it up as they go.
  7. This needs to be stopped, honestly, this to me is almost exploitation of a kid, 14 and offering him??? So much for go to school work hard develop character and maybe you can get a scholarship and play at the next level, instead run a 40 at a camp, and your good to go......This kind of thing will undermine High School sports.
  8. FCHS, that bad???? They usually are a middle of the road team seems like they are in the birm thisy year?
  9. To me Te'0 is just a mess, I don't think he will ever pan out as a stand out player in the NFL, He is a product of Notre Dame HYPE, and BCS, Flawed system, and just all around media taking off with stories that are half truths. Feel kind of sorry for the kid to be honest. But go back and look at the highlights this kid has....Not a ton of these are really good linebacker play, some just plain luck.
  10. That is not what I was implying, just simply was responding to a few of the posters on here. my comments mostly were just referring to it as a lifestyle and a subject I want to keep absent from my home. For the record I believe hate is also a sin that is judged harshly by my creator.
  11. As a christian I am not to judge them, always forgive them, have love for them as humans. I do that, I teach those things in my house, even when the discussion of boys dating boys, and girls dating girls comes up. But I do not need to covet them or invite them to be my guests. No I don't think my kids will catch the gay, lol. I just think its the best interest of my family that I do it this way. Did your parents not have kids that were not invited to your home growing up, due to they were a bad influence, or into serious trouble, or something?? Like I said there are several people I would not bring into my home, for various reasons. What is someone was a racist, a child predator, a murderer?? While all these are far fetched or extreme circumstances....should I invite them in and love them and show an example in our dirrerences?? I just think some folks mistake NOT Judging, for approving. If my son comes home with a boyfreind someday I will love him, I will respect his mate, I will not judge, but I will not approve of his relationship and tell them it is okay, just like if my daughter comes home and tell us she has cheated on her husband and is still having this affair.
  12. As an adult you are in charge and have to make choices to protect your families best interest, hanging out with those that threaten the family unit to me is the right thing to do.
  13. Ok, It may not be very christian, but honestly I don't understand why it would not be?? I would not turn them away if they needed something I would help them and teach my children to do the same. But what I mean some folks see it as okay to not allow druggies in your house, cause you dont agree with their lifestyle choices, but dont see it as okay for homosexuality. Not sure if it would be considered christian or not. But that is my choice. I don't treat them bad, I dont speak derogatory towards them or about them, I just simply do not want those influences present on my family til they are old enough to have been taught our beliefs.
  14. I tried to explain this to my wife she has a few gay friends, I do not welcome them at my home, I treat them well, I actually like them as people, but in my house with my kids I do not welcome them and show my kids that this behavior is okay....I compared this to some of my life long friends, who have made or continue to make bad life choices, drugs, dealing drugs, etc... I still love them, will help them if I can, just they dont come over and hang with me and my kids.
  15. Not sure, WHY???? With all the trash in the world people wanna take time to not like this guy??? Baffles me.
  16. This is probably too old, your dead in ten years, or for sure in 20, but hey man his kid will be cared for better than most why not have two or three.
  17. I agree its dumb but as a hospital being a place that serves the public and conflicts and intenese situations probably need to be avoided to me good move by hospital, keep the peace best interest of baby, and mother. While we may not agree, what did it hurt?? The nurses feeling may have been effected but I think she was also protected from a potential problem as well.
  18. Well my mama always taught me what happens in the dark always comes to light. So I would say if you do it, be ready for the consequences. I think the sad part is that most people do not know the whole truth and nothing but the truth, due to the fact coaches, are normally classy people who don't spread their business, air their laundry, or blame others.
  19. I think Coach Smith is that good, but I would also question catching lightning in the bottle a second time, there is a reason he is revered as one of the best, no one else has ever done what he done at Boyle as far as turning nothing into something. But credit also needs to be given to Boyle County kids, parents, and administration who let him coach his way.....Finding a place like that is rare these days. Anyone in the area of familar with Boyle knows there was no cutting corners or 2 hour practices those days. I would think Chuck would even admit that. Then add in having to beat Trinity and X, not sure you will see Boone County in the mix consistently in that aspect. However who would be a better hire????
  20. Why does Yeast always come up for jobs, what has he really done to be listed among these other coaches?
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