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Everything posted by OldCamelNewBird

  1. After watching the HHS vs. Ryle Game last week, I honestly cannot single out one of the linebackers because they all were in on every tackle. Ball, Hurtt, Stein, Roller, and Fitzgerald all were in on the tackle depending on who was in at the time. Ball and Fitz both had picks. Hurtt looked a lot faster than last season and seemed to be right around the ball every time. I think he picked up a couple of fumbles. But my point is, Highlands' defense revolves around the linebackers. You don't need to be a brain scientist to figure that out. They run the same defense as the 04 HHS team ran when they won state. If all of the assignments are done correctly, they should have no holes to run the ball through. This also depends on the D Line to plug the gaps and the defensive backs covering anything over 20 yards past the line of scrimmage. On offense, I really like our chances. After seeing the developed passing game last week, I like Cecil with the ball in his hands picking apart the defense. As long as the recievers can catch the ball, we are golden. The tight ends need to keep the good work up. Our line is GOOD, probably the best since the 2000 championship team. If we can run something other than pitch and counter, we will score a couple of times on a breakaway. Is it too late to change my vote? My mind tells me we will lose, but my heart says we will win. I will go with my gut and say: HHS- 21 TM- 18
  2. After watching this film, 4.69 speed is decently fast, but not amazingly fast. I really do think that all of Highlands linebackers and defensive backs are close to that speed, if not the same. It seems to me that Trotwood's offensive line screwed up a bunch of assignments and/or got beat a few times, causing him to scramble. Another thing is, I wonder how many short passes he completes because there aren't any shown on the video (this may be for the hype of the highlight tape). If there is one thing that Highlands is good at, it is adjusting to teams strengths every week and attacking their weaknesses. I feel better about our chances after watching these clips. From what I have seen, our defense does not allow quarterbacks to scramble back and forth across the field 3 times in one play or especially the long ball. Let show them what we've got.
  3. I hear he shoots fireballs out of his eyes and can crack opponents helmets just by breathing on them.:eek: I would be unbelievably proud if Highlands pulls off an upset against a well known Ohio team. We have had some bad experiances against Ohio and I would really like to remove that streak from our backs.
  4. I hope I am wrong because I would really love to see Highlands win this game, but I am going to predict: Trotwood-28 Highlands-14
  5. I thought Highlands looked excellent tonight other than the first half of the 3rd quarter. They seemed pretty flat and made many mistakes in about the first 5 or so minutes after half. Cecil looked very solid passing and running. Conners did well other than when he decided to hand the ball over a few times. I actually thought Zack Hurtt had a couple of sweet runs too. Highlands needs to work on getting pressure from the offensive line and the defensive backs need to learn how to tackle in the open field. On an awesome note from lineman to lineman, I loved watching Ryan Ball returning punts tonight. He sure punished a couple of tacklers when he ran one back for 20 or 30 yards. I love it! :ylsuper:
  6. Ok, I got a little ahead of myself. I should have said, no team FROM KENTUCKY will score 45 points against highlands in the next 5 years. A note on the game, Ryle might stand a chance if they can score 28 points or so (which I don't believe will happen) AND if their defense can stop Highlands' BALANCED ATTACK :sssh: (also don't see it).
  7. No team will score 45 on Highlands for the next 5 years. Mark me down for that.
  8. It would really suprise me if they did. Wouldn't that be cool though? I think they have been putting Bathiany and Collinsworth back there during most of the returns, but then again, that has been quite problematic.
  9. Really, this year's line is probably bigger, faster, and stronger than last year. Hemfling is like 6'4", Stein is around 6'3", Ball is a hefty 6'0", the other guard (depending on who rotates in) is about 6'0", and the center is about 6'0" too (maybe shorter, haven't seen him recently). These boys are angry and ready to push some defenders around. Ryle's line is going to have to be deep and in great shape to keep up with these linemen. They are all very very strong, hard working individuals.
  10. With this prediction, either Ryle's defense couldn't stop the Ft. Thomas red team or Highlands truely does have "the most athletic team ever". On a serious note, I REALLY DOUBT that Highlands or Ryle will score that many points. I know we are all happy with the birds' offense this year, but that might be stretching it a bit against a team who went to the 4A state game last season.
  11. Without Chuck and Brandon, I don't see them getting there anytime soon.
  12. Ryle could possibly score on a missed assignment, but that's just about all that they are going to get until Highlands brings in the young birds. If Cecil is back, it might get out of hand as early as the 2nd quarter. Highlands - 41 Ryle - 7
  13. Conners had a few sick runs running up the middle. I really thought the male db's were going to chase him down, but he seemed to pull away in the open field. I was much more impressed with him this week than the last against beechwood.
  14. Does anyone know for sure what time this thing starts? I know it origionally started at 7:00, but my mom said she talked to a football mom who said they changed it to 8:00. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  15. HHS goes 14-1 with the only loss coming in the 2nd week to Trotwood.
  16. Answer - Yes, 4 of which have never played offensive line before. This is not too unusual since the HHS state champ team of 2004 had 4 linemen who were in the same situation. The thing is, a couple of these guys hit a little harder.
  17. 1. Highlands (Could definately win state) 2. Covington Catholic (Always reloads, they have a big pond to pick from) 3. Dixie (Will put up a good fight against Highlands and Cov. Cath) 4. and 5. Holmes and Scott (Won't be able to rival any of the three above)
  18. I don't know, but I guess it's for the same reason they don't keep track of tackles and sacks.
  19. Honestly, I think the rankings should be: 1. Highlands (Very solid defense and pretty sick running game) 2. Bowling Green (Return some good players, have a couple of big D1 recruits, and have shown recently to be pretty dangerous) 3. Cov. Cath. (Always seem to reload some way or another, and pose a big threat from year to year) 4. John Hardin (Have some athletes and can compete with every team in 5A) 5. Dixie Heights (They are always dangerous around playoff time, but are very inconsistant throughout the first half of the season) 6. Johnson Central (Don't know much about them, but they seem to have come on strong in the last two seasons) 7. Hopkinsville (Always seem to find their name in the rankings consistantly) 8. Warren Central (Could be a definate sleeper) 9+. TOSS UP
  20. I see what you're saying sonce Cov. Cath. did win state, but Highlands' freshman teams have gone undefeated the last 4 years and beat Cov. Cath. pretty badly every time, as I remember.
  21. I thought Cecil was playing Safety...:confused:
  22. Yes, I actually watched them on ESPN U not too long ago for their sprint football game against army. It was pretty neat.
  23. His brother Drew, is a student at the Naval Academy. That might have something to do with it.
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