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Everything posted by OldCamelNewBird

  1. Sounds like Roller is an animal tonight. The announcers keep "Ohhhhhhh-ing", saying Roller is lighting everybody up.
  2. It makes the smaller teams look better nationally, if they beat a larger team. :thumb: That is the only positive I can see to the watered down six state championships.
  3. Dave Rath on a post I think he scored twice I think Bud had the coverage.
  4. I just can't imagine any 5A team throwing something at us that we haven't seen and handled already. We'll stop the run between the tackles, we'll stop the option, you can't pass deep, you can't pass short. So unless CC has a couple of little skill players that run a 4.5 and can get around the corners, I don't know how they are going to score more than 14. Highlands' average game score this season has been 44 to 12, CC's has been 31 to 16. To get my score prediction, I found the average scoring difference between both of the teams' scores and came up with: Highlands - 32 CC - 15
  5. Field goal was wide right I have looked at the video several times. The problem if you can call it a problem is that Kody kicks them so high it is hard to tell if it is between the uprights
  6. Yes, it is. I look for the end result to be very similar to the previous weeks, as well.
  7. When I was playing at Highlands a few years ago, the heat was the only reason we would ever take any pads off for a whole practice. There were times at the end of practice where we would take them off for sprints, but never the whole practice (unless it was 95+ degrees outside). I can understand a team being a little beat up and warn out, but that's no reason to take the pads off. IMO, this will only make a team weaker and more laxidasical. If our coach gave us a break like that, he wouldn't be helping us (by going easy on us). With that said, I don't think it is that huge deal. But I don't think it helps a team at all. If you are going to practice without pads, you might as well have a "films practice" or walkthroughs instead.
  8. Wow, I thought Hopkinsville would have atleast one crazed fan vote for them. 74-0 is a heck of a landslide...
  9. I am going to going to go way out limb but I think it is a real possibilty that both Scott and Holmes beat Covcath. The early slide by the Covcath QB I believe is due to him looking at the yard markers incorrectly thinking he already had the first down or maybe he just wanted to practice his punting. He needs a lot of punting practice.
  10. I know you can wrap up the legs, but you take a chance of getting kicked in the face and hands, or missing all together. I'm not trying to be smart here, I'm just trying to make sense of the situation, how else would you tackle someone from behind? :confused:
  11. I think I must be the only person in the US who doesn't like this rule. To me, it is starting to move towards where you have to think about how you will tackle somebody without getting a penalty. Already in the NFL they are beginning to implement rules that you can't strike a quarterback in the head, you can't tackle him below the knees, you can't tackle anybody by any part of their helmet, and now the horsecollar rule. It seems like the pads are beginning to hinder the game of football. I understand that everyone is worried about the safety of the players, but when are we going to say "enough is enough, lets just play ball". I played football for 10 years and never witnessed anybody hurting their back from a horse-collar tackle. It happened all of the time. Usually, if somebody tweaked their back on a tackle, it was because they were using incorrect form in the weight room and were using too much weight. I could just be ranting about a more general idea. But in my opinion, this rule is not necessary and almost never results in any injury.
  12. Since Colerain runs an offense that really doens't pass the ball much at all, it favors Colerain. Highlands is a team that tries to make an even split of the run to pass ratio (but usually ends up running out the clock ). We are going to have to be able to step up on defense and run the ball like crazy on offense if we want to stay in this game.
  13. Guys, you won't find much of a bigger Highlands fan than myself, but I was not impressed at all with the Highlands offense on Friday. Ryle is an above average team with some big hearted players, and they were able to stick with us till the end. Against a team like Colerain, you have to be flawless to be able to pull out a win. I just don't see that happening this early, with such a young team. Guidulgi overthrew too many receivers, we never had a consistant running game going, and like someone said earlier, our best play was a screen play. IMO this doesn't cut it against Colerain. I would LOVE to see us pull this one out, but I highly doubt that this is going to happen. Hopefully the Colerain inexperiance can play a part in the game, but from what I have heard, Colerain has a special team this season.
  14. I remember South Oldham running this offense as a sort of last resort against Highlands in 2004. Let's just say, it didn't turn out too well. I imagine, with 10 guys who can run and catch, this could be slightly productive. But you would have to have a quarterback who can watch 10 of his receivers at a time, while also watching another 11 defensive players running around them. I just don't see how this would ever lead to a state championship offense. There is just too much confusion and it seems like it would make teams more one dementional as a dominately passing team. Usually, this isn't a good thing to be so unbalanced (unless you have Tom Brady at the helm :sssh: ).
  15. Highlands has backup runningbacks that run just about as well as Connor does. Crawford, Head, and Fennell are still in the picture. Those are three tough and quick backs that are going to put up a lot of yards and points. Since we are now a "pass first" team, it would not suprise me to see atleast 3 passing touchdowns. The strongest point in this game should be the defense though. Highlands has some tough players guarding the endzone and I would be amazed if Ryle scored more than 14 points. In the end, I beleive there will be two rushing TD's by one of the three runningbacks listed above, two passing TD's to Collinsworth, and another receiving TD to one of the tight ends. Score: Highlands 35 Ryle 7
  16. I thought that Tony was a bit "off" tonight, to be quite honest with you. He made some good passes, but for the most part, he seemed to overthrow receivers multiple times (too high) and he missed a couple of times along the sidelines. He did throw a couple of nice long balls though and I was impressed by his run. He has definately picked up a step from last season. Connor looked very good running the ball, but I was actually most impressed by Tyler Fenell. He ran with some good power and never seemed to get tackled in 1-on-1 situations. The defense played pretty well, no one really stood out from my point of view (which is a good thing in my opinion). There was a lot of flying to the ball and good, solid, tackling. The quarterback and #44 for Beechwood were solid players. They both had some nice runs out in the open where they almost got away from the Highlands defense. There wasn't much passing other than one across the middle, which racked up a few yards. Overall, I was impressed with Beechwood. They will be a tough tough team to beat in 1A.
  17. My family and I will be there tonight. Hopefully this will give us a little more to talk about. Us Highlands fans have been pretty dead this season so far. :creepy:
  18. I wanted to suggest the possibility that the Mannings played a big role in getting Jarrod in Indi. Think about it, he plays a few seasons with Eli in New York, they sign Woodson and he loses his job, and he just "happens" to get picked up by the same team as another Manning (Payton). Sounds to me like Jarrod has earned some sort of respect from the Mannings that makes them want to have him around. Just a thought... But it is great to have these guys doing well in the pre-season game. There is nothing better than seeing guys who you know and possibly played with or against, being so successful and playing the game we all love.
  19. 1. The travel cost would be near nothing. 2. It would be a great rivalry. 3. The game would be fun for fans. 4. The game would most likely get a lot of publicity in NKY. Those are just a few that I have. It seems like there could be a few more, but I'd need to think about it a little longer.
  20. He will be a major asset to the team if he can fix the issues that he had last season. In those first two games that he played in, I was very impressed by his ability to "blow things up" inside.
  21. Maybe he was talking about Holmes... I don't know why he would bring that up now, if that's the case, but it's a possibility.
  22. 24 and 22 for Newport played some great ball. They did an awesome job containing McGraw (as much as anyone can). I was very impressed. That being said, McGraw and Simpson still had a bunch.
  23. My point is that I love it... When he loses a ball, he makes sure that he gets it back, if you know what I'm trying to say. He takes the linebacker mentallity to basketball and makes sure to do the little things to help the team succeed. I meant this as a positive that he is very agressive. He's like a high school Dennis Rodman.
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