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Everything posted by 50inarow

  1. I'm a Trinity fan, but I want to commend the great effort from the Saint Xavier Tigers. They played their hearts out. Trinity played great too. What a great game by all! Thanks for the memories.
  2. It was reported that Nick had a groin problem in the beginning of the season (MBA and Manual). I don't know how or if a groin pull affects a QB’s passing ability, but he does seem more “on” lately. In the last two games he has a 72% completion percentage with 21 yards per catch. More Nick-like if you ask me.
  3. I have to wonder why football is still being played in July and August. After all we have learned about heat illness, these things are still happening.
  4. It's very interesting how the same set of data can produce a different outcome: Report says death wasn't coaches' fault HENDERSON, Ky. — A report by an attorney hired by a school system in Western Kentucky said coaches were not to blame for the death of a high school football player in July. "Nothing was done, or omitted, by the Henderson County football staff that impacted the unfortunate death of Ryan Owens," Owensboro attorney Bill Wilson said in a report released Tuesday. The school board hired Wilson to draft the report.
  5. This first came up during a live debate last year. To paraphrase, after McKee suggested a penalty of not being allowed to play kids that left public school “feeders” to private schools (public to private). Dr. Mullins from Trinity said he would be willing to accept if the public’s had the same penalty for kids that left private schools to attend public school. McKee’s reaction was “of course not”. Classic. They only wanted it one way.
  6. Anderson showed why he will be Mr. Football. He is 195 of pure power. No one tackler was able to bring him down. Simply amazing. He is right up there with Brohm for his position - ie you can make a legit case he is the best the state has ever produced as a high school player. And for what it's worth, I predict the Tigers will not miss him much at all next year.
  7. I'd be surprised it Manual plays Eastern either. Too bad for the kids.
  8. This is not factually correct and has been discussed several times.
  9. One year = different era? I think LSU is talking in generalities (not Ryle) about playing more as an individual vs as a team.
  10. That might be the case. But your voice is not heard through the noise of "cheaters", "recruiters", etc. We will never (I pray) change to match the policies of the public schools in order to placate a biased point a view. When publics tell us to becoming a closed school system, we tell the publics to open. When the publics tell us we need to limit, we tell them to embrace freedom. We feel we have done nothing wrong, and our system is not flawed.
  11. We will need to agree to disagree on intent. One thing I will agree on, I know for a fact Trinity would love to have a fourth team. Frosh, Soph, JV, and Varsity with full schedules would be great. I'm not even sure the KHSAA would allow that if we wanted to. I know we have enough players. X does too. However without local teams, the concept would not get off the ground. I wonder if the KHSAA would allow "reserve" and "jv" games between schools if they so choose. That would give T/X players one more game during pride week. Fun!
  12. OK, so maybe open enrollment does not make sense for them. But it's up to them to decide. Just like it's up to private schools to decide how best to run their schools. That’s all we are saying.
  13. I really don't have all the answers, but from JCPS web site: Which learning environment will help your child most? To ensure we meet the needs of every student, JCPS offers an array of learning environments and educational opportunities: * Most parents always have the option of sending their child to the school serving the student's address. This often is called the resides school by JCPS staff. Our easy-to-use School Finder can help if you need to determine your resides school. * JCPS elementary schools are grouped in clusters of five to ten schools. If you're the parent of an elementary student, you might want him or her to attend another school within the cluster of elementary schools serving the student's address instead of the resides school. Why? Because a program might not be available at the resides school but is available at another school within its cluster. Contact your resides school for information on the schools in the cluster serving your address, or click here for more details * A magnet school is a school that provides a specialized learning environment or focuses on a specific academic area. For example, Central High School Magnet Career Academy offers a program for students who want to focus on law and government. Most magnet schools accept students from anywhere in the District. If a student is accepted, JCPS offers bus transportation regardless of where the student lives. Some magnet schools accept students only from specific areas. A magnet program operates in the same way as a magnet school, but it's a program within a school. Magnet schools and programs are offered at all grade levels-elementary, middle, and high school. o A traditional school is a type of magnet school that focuses on basic skills in a traditional learning environment that requires uniforms, daily homework, and parental involvement. A traditional program operates in the same way as a traditional school, but it's a program within a school. Traditional schooling is available for elementary, middle, and high school students. o A magnet career academy is a type of high school that lets students focus on training for a specific career. For instance, Southern High School Magnet Career Academy lets students focus on transportation technology. Doss High School Magnet Career Academy lets students focus on training to become teachers. JCPS offers more than a dozen magnet career academies. o A Montessori school uses the Montessori approach to learning, which encourages critical thinking, exploration, and self-directed education. Coleridge-Taylor Montessori Elementary and Kennedy Montessori Elementary are magnet schools. Rangeland Elementary offers a Montessori Program that serves students in the Rangeland cluster of elementary schools. * An optional program is a small, specialized program within a school. Cane Run Elementary, for example, offers the Creative Arts and Global Communications Optional Program. Many other optional programs are available for elementary, middle, and high school students. JCPS provides transportation for students in an optional program only if they live in the school's attendance area. * High school open enrollment gives all incoming ninth-grade students an extra opportunity to choose a school. It offers a student who isn't interested in magnet or optional choices the opportunity to apply to a high school other than his or her resides school.
  14. Let me say that I have no issues with the public school system. A child WITH PARENT INVOLVEMENT can receive a good education at a public school.
  15. No, no, no. My desire is for publics to stop telling privates who is allowed into our school or on our sports teams. It’s up to the public schools to choose their enrollment policies, not the privates. Same goes the other way around.
  16. Good. Missions aside, some MAY have different acceptance policies. I tire of publics telling us we must change our policies to gain their acceptance.
  17. Chaos? I thought Jefferson County already has open enrollment. Did that cause chaos? :confused: :laugh:
  18. IF there are limits placed on public schools, they are limiting THEMSELVES. Don't get angry with private schools if they do not to accept public school limits in regards to who may attend. Since YOU don't like the rules YOU force on YOURSELF, why not CHANGE THEM? Stop being angry with private schools because we take a different course.
  19. :laugh: Actually, I though it was about freedom from oppression, pursuit of happiness, liberty, etc. But that would not fit so nice into your argument, would it? I'm pretty sure the founding fathers would be just fine with a family deciding to send their children to the school of their choice in the pursuit of happiness.
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