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Everything posted by 50inarow

  1. Thanks for the information Guru. I think it would be great to have four teams (frosh, res, jv, varsity), but it just does not happen around here. But to your point about this thread not about slamming Trinity, you really have to be around the rivalry to understand. This stuff is brought out year after year, going back at least 20 years, if not longer. If you were to look at the achieves, you'd find X fans complaining that Trinity brought juniors to JV every year BPG has been on the net.
  2. Can we make a rule about Male fans starting T/X flames?
  3. Wow. A lot of great match ups this week. I hope they all will turn out to be good games.
  4. How I would rank the top 7 in 4A. Numbers indicate the HL's rankings. 1. St. Xavier 91.2 2. Male 90.0 4. Henry Clay 85.4 7. PRP 80.2 10. Scott Co. 78.3 24. Simon Kenton 67.3 3. Trinity 89.7
  5. Neither am I. I don't think parking at Trinity is worth $3. You can park down many side streets for free an get out of dodge a lot easier.
  6. ^Interesting. I guess it's no different than Manual charging for parking either. If you want free parking, there plenty to be had around St. Math's.
  7. For those of you new to BGP or not familiar with the T/X rivalry, this is one of the many explanations Xmen bring up in an effort to take away from Trinity's success. Unfortunately for us all, this is one of the areas they excelled beyond being just nearly good. ANY and EVERY year Trinity wins a big JV game, they cry "you play juniors". Yet they choose not to play juniors. I thought Glaser wanted to play all the kids. Maybe Beatty should get on the radio waves and tell "all those 8th grades that want to play football, including their junior season, should come to Trinity". Perhaps X could add “we don’t play juniors in JV games” to their long list of excuses when they lose the big games. “We just did not have enough experience”. I wasn’t too sure the win over Moeller was that big a deal until I saw this thread. If an Xmen has started pulling this stuff out, Trinity’s win must be a big deal. Congratulations ROCKS!!! Way to make nearly the entire state of Kentucky proud! :dancingpa
  8. :lol: I said we would be lucky to make it to the 3rd round. You public school guys sure are touchy.
  9. You tell me why would we want to GIVE Manual the ball back? That logic makes no sense at all. I'd hope we would try to gain the first down every time in that situation. If Manual wanted the ball back, they had their chance. It's called stop the offense. Relax Ram. Don’t confuse my comment on Manual’s season with what happened on the field last night. In any regard, Trinity will take some time for their offense to settle. Our defense will continue improving. And maybe we will see Manual in the third round if we are lucky.
  10. Come on now. We are trying to get our Offense in synch. Of course we are going to play our starting QB. And what 4th down play are you talking about? If it was to keep the ball out of Manual's hands, that's the correct thing to do. Is this the best you can do to tarnish this win since the tape trade thingy went out the window when your coach declined our offer? Maybe, maybe not. Having a defense gives the O time to get in synch. One thing is for sure, 10 out of 10 times, Trinity beats Manual. 8 out of 10 times they beat them by a MUCH larger margin. Will this be a long season for the goats. :confused: Looks like it...
  11. Team win against a good Moe team. B. Petrino stood out on both sides of the ball. Z Petrovic was putting the balls almost completely out of the end zone on kick offs. He also nailed a 40 yarder (there about) to go up by 3 in OT after missing a 52 yarder with 30 sec's to go in the 4th. What a leg! Netherton caused a fumble on the last play of the game to seal the deal. Moe's defense was very quick to the ball. They had a very good front 6. Their QB caused the Trinity D plenty of fits with his legs. Trinity's JV plays again at Oldham Co Monday PM (6 I think I heard). 3 games in 7 days. Should be fun.
  12. Again, not all private school kids/parents are rich. Not all public school kids/parent are poor. You are still trying to play class warfare. And BTW - did you offer to send every kid to camp or pay for their shoes? If not, that is a violation. Maybe you should report yourself to the KHSAA. :thumb:
  13. 3 goal line stands, 2 interceptions, 2 caused fumbles, 1 blocked punt. Ran to the football all night with speed. These guys are on the way. I think the DB's are starting to get a feel for turning with the receivers. We'll find out a little more next week. :thumb: And Tydlacka is a monster. 51 yards per punt average. I seriously hope U of L offers this kid today.
  14. I'm not sure we are going to be able to debunk that myth. And beside, no one is stopping anyone from the public schools from signing up to attend a camp or buy a nice pair of shoes. This is plain jealously. And it is misguided jealously at that.
  15. RM must be getting older and wiser if she is agreeing with you in P & R.
  16. We are tired of defending ourselves from small minded people that are full of accusations which contribute to some of the animosity toward public schools. The arguments never change. The accusations never change. Privates are cheaters, have too many boys, have too many coaches, etc. It never ends. While public schools call us arrogant, we in turn and call them lazy and whiners. Why? Because all we have done to gain our "unfair advantage" is work our tails off. Nothing has been gained the easy way. Publics assume we must be doing something “illegal” to gain our advantage. While defending ourselves from these accusations, we share with the publics what we have done in the past and continue to do to advance our programs (work hard, start an optimist league, etc). Public's reaction is "that's arrogant". In our defense, we don’t know what else to tell you. Do nothing different and nothing will change. Or… publics can try to mandate privates out of “their” KHSAA. But we didn’t do anything cries the private schools! We simply work hard at… Those arrogant private schools, we’ll show them. Let’s take away all of “our” public school kids. But that means we can’t have “their” private school kids. Who cares! Next we’ll make them stop giving financial aid to their kids. But our kids don’t pay anything for school at all, so does that mean they can’t pay? Don’t be ridiculous! Next we will make them have districts, or else. But a lot of the public schools don’t follow districts. It’s actually better for academic choice. Be quite you, whose side are you on anyway? And on and on it goes. When it stops, no one knows. True theater of the absurd type of stuff. :lol:
  17. Unless something happened today, I think you are wrong. Besides, shouldn't this be in the Manual/T thread.
  18. Both should have their first games this Thursday, correct? Where/When/Who?
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