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Everything posted by SEMPERFIFALCON

  1. Return works fine for me as well... If I type enough to get to line two then no problems, if I don't then I have to hit return...
  2. My point is this, you have made it clear where you stand, and I hope I've made it clear I'm nowhere near that location... I believe that cops and servicemen should get the benefit of doubt, and if people want to be sympathetic, be sympathetic to those that put their life on the line. If you wanna place blame, place blame on those that make these men have to make decisions that society gets to pick apart in slow motion...That's it for me, I'm going to shoot something...
  3. If he bangs on my door naked and doesn't follow my commands and comes toward me, no I would not feel sorry... and the scenario was the guy beats on your door, you do nothing, he leaves and gets gas from your garage or his car etc. and set your house on fire, or he leaves and goes next door and kill your neighbor's. Would you regret doing nothing when you had the chance?
  4. They will be answered. Those questions have always been answered, the difference is the public draws conclusions and the public outcry often determines the outcome of that questioning, please the masses...
  5. You've drawn a conclusion and that's clear by your post, the only info or insight you have is some articles you read on the internet... That makes you uninformed...
  6. You like scenarios that make you feel warm and fuzzy, what if you don't address the situation and the aggressor douses your house with gas and sets it on fire? What if you don't answer the door and he leaves your house and kills your neighbor and his two children? You could've done something and didn't because you air on the side of the criminal and give him the benefit of the doubt...
  7. This is beyond questioning authority... this is uninformed people drawing conclusions that seem to air on the side of the criminal, each case is different the only thing that remains the same is the uninformed people drawing conclusions...
  8. That's the difference in me and you, you knock on my door and I'm going to address the situation not huddle my family together and "hope" everything works out... I have little to no value for someones life that chooses to get juiced up on LSD and harass and assault everyone in sight...
  9. As society continues to not defend those that defend them it will lead to a society where good men do nothing, then people will be left to defend them-self. For a society that loves parity it will love the fact that its a level playing field for good vs evil...
  10. Not sure I'd be considered "reasonable" but I would not advise getting juiced up, naked and decide to beat on my door...
  11. First off the article doesn't say he had the weapon pointed at the suspect only that he had his weapon drawn. Not that the article is anything worth referencing anyway, because you can tell which way the article is spinning after the first paragraph. There's a million scenarios and hypothetical's that if told to a dumb enough sympathetic jury this guy will spend several years behind bars, its getting to where its a no win situation to defend those who wont or cant defend their selves. Policing and Military force has changed so much in the last 50 years, call me crazy but I believe in beating the wife beating thief on the way to the police car, I'm a fan of waterboarding. Hell, my opinion is this kids family should be grateful they get to have an open casket, if he banged on my door I would've put two in his face and been tempted to do the same to whoever raised him...
  12. A seasoned Marine told me and those with me something I'll never forget before we went on our first push through Iraq. He said its better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6... That mentality has kept many Marines alive, it's given the media lots to scrutinize about as well...
  13. Guarantee you've never even remotely been in a situation where you had to make a life or death decision. You keep throwing hypothetical's around like a slick haired Georgia lawyer... put yourself in his position and after you finish pee squirting, try to think what he was thinking, maybe he thought the person was in trouble, maybe he thought he was a student who was being hazed, sexually abused or robbed. Maybe he answered the door because the guy was beating on it, had he not answered the door and something like I mentioned above was happening to the student you'd (by you I mean society) have a post up calling for his job for not answering the door... Once the guy kept coming toward him, the officer has a right to defend himself with deadly force, had he used his pepper spray and it failed like it probably would have the criminal could have ate his face and seasoned it with pepper spray. Then all would have been well in the world...
  14. The flipping end over end was a little exciting wasn't it?
  15. Should he be flipping end over end?
  16. Does this guy understand English?
  17. Normally I do too... The post got too long and I lost interest. But keep up the good fight, too much scrutiny on those that protect others with their lives (Military and civilian) only to be second guessed at every turn. Most of the time those doing the second guessing have no idea what it feels like to be put in those types of positions...
  18. I was going to comment, after reading Scribe's post I have nothing to further to say... he speaks for me on this one...
  19. Different topic, but, Mayfield wouldn't have hung with FC in 09. You're right, most years Mayfield would be in the mix, but not in 07, 08 and 09. FC was a machine in that span.
  20. On a different note, I have been impressed lately at the success of ALL the teams in Warren Co. It's pretty amazing to me that one county (albeit a large one) can have every team be competitive. If Allen Co, Franklin Simpson and Glasgow were up to par this would be an outstanding year for football in South Central Ky...
  21. I can't stomach to watch this team. Not to mention their stupid no huddle screws my dvr skip button up!!!
  22. No doubt. If this group stays together and keeps 20+ kids playing they're going to do some really good things...
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