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Everything posted by PepRock01

  1. This is a great hire for St. X. Wallace sounds like a great fit based on what I have seen and definitely will bring X to new heights. I for one am happy for X.
  2. Given the fact that they have lost the millenial market and socially conscious companies tend to be more popular with that generation it was likely a targeted move to try to draw them in.
  3. We definitely ruined the Western Roman Empire then all the hipsters moved over to Constantinople.
  4. I read the story, I fail to see anywhere that would indicate millenials are lazy.
  5. KY's obsession with small schools has a lot to do with this too, in KY they want to keep most schools no larger than 1000-1200 students so they just build a new school and split them up...as opposed to adding on and hiring enough teachers to keep the ratio where it should be.
  6. So why exactly is most of the state so dead set on restrictive boundaries instead of just letting all funds follow the student from public school to public school? I have never understood it in areas with larger school districts, if you only have 1 school I get it but if there is more than 1 why not just allow for it? Or better yet, if you live near a county boundary then you could go to the neighboring school system... having 120 counties is absurd anyway with our population (but that is another discussion).
  7. It's not and I agree they shouldn't be calling then state titles.
  8. If we want to brag about having just ONE state champ in basketball and having no classifications then you cannot logically call the All A Tournament, as amazing and great an event that it may be, a state championship. Then you are in a logical fallacy. I have no doubt the quality of play, level of competition, quality of teams, intensity, or anything of the sort. Winning the All A is an amazing accomplishment and hanging a banner of being "All A Tournament 2018 Champions" is 100% fine and I would encourage it. You just can't call it a state championship as it is not recognized as such by the only relevant HS Sports governing body in KY. Trinity has won a number of "titles" in club sports but they aren't official state championships and if any of those sports were ever recognized they would still not be considered state championships. That is fine, and I have no issue with it.
  9. It's not football, I don't really care. I am just arguing a point of detail not passion. HSBBall is irrelevant in my world. I just want things to be given their proper names.
  10. So KY has 2 state champs? Well we better start labelling things accurately then. No more of this "One state champion" nonsense.
  11. So you are saying that Kentucky crowns more than one state champion im basketball? Sort of undoes the mythos of the Sweet 16 and our "One State Champ" mindset doesn't it?
  12. I'm not against it at all, I am just a stickler for accurate terminology.
  13. It isn't a state championship, it is a tournament championship. A very good and competitive tournament that, in a classified system, could be a foundation for a small division state title. But if it isn't the KHSAA championship then it isn't a state championship.
  14. All I'm saying is that if it isn't officially a KHSAA championship then it isn't a state championship. I don't like 6 classes, I liked 4. If you want a small school state title then classify it, if you want to hold this mythical ideal of the Sweet 16 up to be this paragon of sports then don't try to cheapen it by saying that another tournament is also a state championship then go right ahead. Call it All A Champs, All A Tournament Champs, just don't call it a state title because the only ones who bestow those in KY are the folks at the KHSAA.
  15. Except that 1A-6A is how we do football in KY. If you want your tournament championship to be an actual state championship then classify basketball and it can be. Otherwise it is an impressive tournament championship, but currently KY only has 1 state championship in basketball.
  16. You know many years ago I made this exact same argument and was darn near crucified on here, now most of you are saying the exact same thing. Where were you then? :lol2:
  17. My father once told me "Sex is like beer, even the worst I've had is still pretty good."
  18. Beatty's first game as T's HC too, he sure didn't start with an easy one. :lol2:
  19. I am actually with you on this one. Let them do their thing, my only criticism with Wolford was the fact that they started him a year too soon as HC. Glaser deserved to be the coach in 13 where they probably would have won state.
  20. I agree 100%! If they had half the heart of that show and a fraction of its narrative competence, the prequels would have been great.
  21. Just never watch the direct to DVD sequel. Dear lort don't watch it.
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