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Everything posted by 75center

  1. World rankings prosperity index had them about 40th at the end of last year, not sure what INN was going by.
  2. Where are you getting your information from? Last I saw Israel was ranked around 40th. Not what I would term "most" or "best".
  3. I'm the same way until I've had about 40oz of diet coke.
  4. Bowling Green's population has increased well over 50% in the past 25 years.
  5. Our prayers and thoughts are with him and his family.
  6. So sorry to hear this, will keep his family in our thoughts and prayers.
  7. I'm still not seeing how it's not free will if God simply knows the ending but doesn't affect that ending. I think I'm missing something.
  8. How so? Knowing is one thing, altering is what would affect free will, wouldn't it? I still have free will to make my choices, how does God knowing what choices I will make affect that?
  9. Thanks, we will need it. Now and in the future. I have all my good luck processes going full blast.
  10. Nope, just wondering why YOU have changed your tune.
  11. I think the email issue is a big deal across the US and is a real reason Hillary's numbers have been spiraling downward. Honesty, integrity, good decision making, following federal regulations, perhaps violating federal law, transparency, etc. Some voters still care about these things. Apparently not the Dems though.
  12. And yet you've mentioned your admiration for a poster who for years has come on the site telling everyone how his team is going to crush everyone in 6A on their way to the state championship. Every year for a team that has won nothing. You've said you admire his support for his team. Now you have fans of teams who have over 30 state championships saying they might have a chance at an upset for a team they would get at home in the playoffs. Why the confusion? Do you think CCH and HHS have got where they are by giving up against any odds? I expect all reasonable fans of both programs know what we're facing.
  13. Considering Pulaski's wins are against teams with a cumulative 8 and 26 record that shows you how bad HHS wins are. No argument there.
  14. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Once again, support for my statement.
  15. You do understand you just supported my statement, right? No, you probably don't. Enjoy your jolt of energy while the country laughs. Or weeps.
  16. I don't but as a Warren East HS fan I can make a real good assumption as it would certainly be unusual for him to have seen any of the teams WE has not played, particularly those in NKY. If I'm wrong he can correct me, no problem but I think it was certainly worth the questions.
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