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Everything posted by ChickenWyngz

  1. Actually sounds fun. The only problem is Baker seems like that kind of competitor that would play right into this and be completely lights out every time he plays the Bengals lol.
  2. Quick up the ladder for Kitchens, but that seems to be the way in today's world. Really hoping Williams ends up in Cincy now since the Browns cut all ties to him.
  3. Coach Eckstein was also a long time coach at Bellevue. I'm glad to see he's doing well enough medically to coach again. Awesome guy. I have zero doubt Bryson Warner will do a great job turning Boone around and right the ship for them. They are landlocked and face many other challenges that others have mentioned, but there is more talent in the hallways than 1-10 campaigns. I'm excited to see the future for the Rebels.
  4. Maybe he would be gone with a chip on his shoulder and ready to bring some attitude to that Cincy D! I'd take him in a heart beat as DC here. He'd have the chance to beat the Browns twice a year.
  5. I agree. It was a lousy attempt at sarcasm, but as I stated, if any coach could pull it off, it's BB.
  6. McDaniels is officially pulling his name from all head coach openings and remaining with the Pats. I'm starting to think him even interviewing each year is another step in the mastermind that is Belicheck. McDaniels pulls some key strategy hopes for the next coach from the interview and Bill uses it to his advantage. Long shot crazy thought I know, but if there was a coach that could orchestrate all of that BB is the guy!
  7. I'm there with you. I was really hoping the story would detail more and only posted it in hopes to hear more of the details you're requesting. Makes zero sense.
  8. Can a mod move this to the appropriate forum, if this does not fit here.
  9. Link Unfortunately our society will not even allow one to grieve without worry. A man in Florida has been arrested in connection to making threats of violence at Tyler Trent's vigil. I sure hope there is an extra miserable corner in hell for people who get their thrill's off of others going through the absolute unthinkable.
  10. Come on Bulldog! Don't you know the Bellevue's, Ludlow's, Dayton's, etc should never even compete with the "big dogs?" Not saying that's what was going on in this thread, but that may be my least favorite narrative in NKY sports. It shocks people that these small schools can have some outstanding ball players too. Also, to answer your question below, yes, there should be classification, but never 6. Way too many.
  11. If I'm a Browns fan I agree with this. As a Bengals fan I hope they give it to McCarthy.
  12. I was wondering if anyone in here can point me in the direction to get a map showing city limits around NKY? I have heard you can do this at the courthouse, but I'm not even sure where to start within the courthouse.
  13. After he took off on the Colts I'm not sure why anyone thinks he's going anywhere. Man's going to stay in New England and be the next coach there.
  14. This is from an OSU fan, but homie brought a good bit of that on himself. Zero chance some of the sideline antics weren't played up and no one will convince me different. If it was that bad get in the box up top and quit being a distraction to your team.
  15. If he was active less than 10 games they did not send the 5th rounder. He met that criteria and Cleveland will get the pick.
  16. I'm fine with that at this point. It's a loss anyway you slice it, especially after last year. I'd rather it be a little bit less of a loss by cutting him and paying him rather than paying him to sabotage a young clubhouse.
  17. Who all is on that list? Without looking it up the only one that comes to mind is Hernandez, and it was hard to come back and play anywhere from a jail cell.
  18. Red Reporter ‏ @Redreporter 16h16 hours ago More Here's some fun with a) how wishy-washy WAR calculations can be and b) just how bad Reds pitching has been for awhile now. Since the start of the 2016 season: - Tanner Roark: 9.8 bWAR - the entire Cincinnati Reds pitching staff: 9.2 fWAR
  19. If he doesn't like the Bengals front office reputation, why would you go with Jerry Jones? Payday?
  20. I've had that thought. I'm not sure how you go about proving that he isn't truly hurt, but once he was a total jerk push the issue just to push it.
  21. 100%, they didn't make fake national champion t-shirts and turn down anyone who would have come along to play them.
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