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Everything posted by BrosefStalin

  1. Who are the favorites to represent the 9th Region in this year's state tournament? Who are the top returning players? Top newcomers? Top storylines?
  2. So what do we think the worst case REALISTIC scenario is here?
  3. There are reports of an ex-NKY legend coach riding towards Mayfield on a steed in full revolutionary war gear with a lit torch! This could mean something?
  4. Where does this rank in terms of recent upsets? This one sent shock waves across the state...but is it REALLY that big of an upset? One that is for the ages? Curious what some of the girls hoops experts think.
  5. In an era where most of us older fellas decry the lack of toughness and "give a darn" by kids/athletes of this generation, I applaud both teams and both staffs for the display of toughness and giving everything that had without the game REALLY getting out of control on the floor. Great, great game to watch. Really awesome postseason atmosphere. Both teams left it all on the floor and while there were moments of extreme chippiness, you could also see players from both teams catching themselves and preventing it from spiraling completely out of control.
  6. Following the format: Jacob Meyer (Holy Cross) Quantez Calloway (Holmes) Cameron Boyd (Beechwood) Zack Barth (Highland) Billy Wogenstahl (Dixie) NEXT THREE - Caleb Brooks (Cooper), Landen Hamilton (Conner), Kiernan Geraci (Dixie), FINAL TWO - Joel Iles (NCC), Maddux Hoffman (Holy Cross)
  7. I do think a 9th Region All Star team could beat the Colonels. Here's who I'd have on my AS Team Jacob Meyer (Holy Cross) Quantez Calloway (Holmes) Cameron Boyd (Beechwood) Zack Barth (Highland) Billy Wogenstahl (Dixie) BENCH - Caleb Brooks (Cooper), Landen Hamilton (Conner), Joel Iles (NCC), Kiernan Geraci (Dixie), Maddux Hoffman (DEFENSE), Jeremiah Israel (Lloyd), Donovan Robinson (Ryle) ALTERNATES: Will Herald (Highlands), Javy Ward (Holy Cross), Camden Fedders (CRU), Jashaun Pouncy (Boone), Cole Shumate (Boone), Robert Sanders (Newport), Lorenzo Price (Dayton)
  8. Any announcements on staff? Excited for Dixie. Seems like such a home run hire.
  9. Ryle/Boone fans...who gets the #3 and #4 seeds in the 33rd? Both 1-5 and they split their regular season matchups? Thanks for any help in advance.
  10. Are you guys doing live coverage of the JV game too? If so, that's awesome. Just want to also say that you guys at Holy Cross Radio are amazing. Love listening to you guys. Thanks for all you do.
  11. Great hire for Dixie! Congratulations to Coach Burke and the entire Dixie football community.
  12. My sources tell me the orders were to take the horse OVER the Dixie Heights sign in the front lawn for a photo opp. No worries, the tenders will be protected.
  13. I hear they'll send out riders with torches up and down Dudley and Dixie Highway announcing the new King when it occurs. I'm stationed at KFC waiting for any sign of an equine presence.
  14. Anything new on this opening? Very quiet on this front.
  15. Huge bounce back win by the young Tigers squad last night keyed by a 22-point second half effort by junior guard Cameron Boyd. The young star, Boyd, finished with a game-high 31 points on 9-of-16 shooting, 3-of-5 beyond the arc, and 10-10 from the free throw line. Boyd controlled the second half attacking the usually outstanding interior Dixie D. Boyd is now averaging 20.6 PPG. Equally as impressive - as noted in several comments above - was the heady play of 8th grade phenom PG Cash Harney. In 28 minutes of action, Harney finished with 12 points on 4-of-8 shooting, hit all four three-point attempts, and finished with 3 assists and ZERO turnovers. He burned a 3 with 35 second left to put the Tigers ahead 58-57. Put mildly, the sky is the limit for Harney. For Dixie, senior Kiernan Geraci led the way with 23 points and 12 rebounds. Senior center Billy Wogenstahl was held to 16 points and 6 rebounds. The talented big man - who had several college scouts in the gym to watch him and Cameron Boyd - was held 2 points below his scoring and rebounding average by a much smaller but scrappy Tigers inside presence, led by junior forward Trevor Logue. Tip of the cap to Erik Goetz and his staff for having the Tigers prepared and ready to battle one of the top teams in the 9th and the state last night.
  16. The sad thing about all of this is that if THIS is swept under the rug and dismissed as "it's what we do", can you imagine what else goes on? Disappointed in a lot of adults in that system that should know better.
  17. The Dixie contingent is quiet here. I'm really curious as to what the status is of the rest of Brossart's staff and if any of that crew is even in consideration/being interviewed for the position.
  18. If true, could this indicate a cleaning of house at Dixie? If Brossart and Elkin are both gone, who remains with the ability to lead the ship? Nick Rice? If no one, does someone come in and bring in a whole new staff?
  19. Who are the front runners for this position? Was this a shocking step down? Quite a run for Coach McDermott! Congrats to her and the Pandas.
  20. You have the motivation/inspiration this fellas had to actually consciously make the decision to do such a moronic thing? I mean was he trying to pet the tiger? Who does that? On a side note - what facility is stupid enough to have a pen/cage where people can put their arms into it regardless of their addle-mindedness
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