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Everything posted by Bud_Kilmer

  1. Very impressive what Franklin county has done recently. With that said I would never have thought SC would get pounded like this. Is the split going to cause this significant damage to the cardinal program?
  2. This score surprises me. Owensboro football should be solid across the board this year and it sounds like Catholic is at the bottom of the barrel. That doesn’t happen very often
  3. I might be wrong but I think this will hurt academics more than anything else. Im just an advocate for smaller schools wit closer knit environments. As far as athletics, I think this will keep and lot of kids from playing sports or making the team. Which might in turn cause them to get in more trouble and grades to suffer. You also eliminate a special rivalry.
  4. New school name, colors and mascot I assume. I cant halp but think this is a very poor decision. That is just my opinion though.
  5. Mayfield will win this game, but closer than the experts think. Mayfield- 27 Graves- 21
  6. I agree with everybody. I also expect Mayfield to be quite a bit improved and to be contender in the end. It wouldnt be right if they were'nt.
  7. @Killowatt59@Purple88 I definitely hear what you are saying. Stadiums don’t last forever and replacing them will be necessary for everyone at some point. I guess I’m saying they just don’t build them like they used to! Which goes for a lot of things. I completely understand that building concrete/brick stadiums are very expensive and almost impossible for districts to do. Wouldn’t say that BG new stadium is cookie cutter, it is very nice. I also agree that the tracks weren’t built around the fields but I know that’s another necessity sometimes.
  8. The only problem in my opinion, is over the next 10-15 years everyone will end up with stadiums similar to this ( metal bleachers, turf, track). Don’t get me wrong, it’s very nice and I blame no one for doing it. But the cookie cutter stadium will be very popular soon. I hope the old traditional stadiums with character hang around as long as they can! (Owensboro, Mayfield, Russellville, etc.)
  9. Really hope to see Bryan Station make noise. I still have no idea why FD is the only lex public school that’s not 6a ( or maybe I do). I think it might take a 6a private school in lex to be a true contender in that class to compete with trinity. With that said I’m a public school guy through and through. Wish all lex schools the most luck!
  10. I wish fort Campbell the absolute best and hope they have success. They experience the two extremes more than maybe anyone in the state. They have had runs of pure dominance followed by years of real struggle. I wish they can find some steadiness in their program but I know that’s a real challenge.
  11. I like a lot of your points @FB Head. I just think it suits Murray to be different than a lot of other WKY schools and 2a schools. If Murray tried to run a spread offense (similar to Mayfield, Caldwell, etc.) they will probably have the same success they’ve had over the last several decades. It’s hard to out Mayfield, Mayfield. But if you run this style which if ran correctly can have you control a lot of the clock, make the defense wrong and gives defenses something to prepare for and be disciplined. The reason a lot of colleges like army and navy run it is to beat teams that are better than you. It also helps come playoff times in cold bad weather. I do really hope that they can incorporate a good pass game with it. You have to play 1 on 1 coverage against it. Throw it 8-12 times a game and it can put up some more easy points for you and make defenses really think.
  12. I just know if I were an AD I don’t think I could pass on a guy with 4 state titles and the winning percentage he has over maybe another area hc that had mediocre success or a young coordinator. I understand what you are saying about the pass and it will be interesting to see if he incorporates some play action and rpo stuff because he has guys to do it and it would be effective. Murray won a whole lot of games with Steve Duncan who ran no option at all and just handed it off and got what he can get. Flexbone is much more complex with reads and motions. Several teams in the state make title runs consistently with similar styles (belfry, Scott co, etc). Now I know Murray doesn’t have that kind of depth and talent usually. I just think the flexbone is very tough to prepare for and defend if the team executes and has some horses. Give Murray sometime to get this system set up and they will be an even tougher out come November.
  13. I think Owensboro did about as well as they can. Not to say playing bg team wouldn’t be nice. Would love to see Owensboro win one this year. 5A is the most competitive and interesting class in my opinion
  14. Was at Union city tn for 12 years or so then took a 6a job in Mississippi at olive branch. Went 5-5 in his one season there then resigned. Not sure why he left OB but I assume maybe he likes the smaller school feel and likes this area better and has family closer. All of those are just guesses. I wouldn’t call him a guy that bounces around a lot though.
  15. Let’s be completely honest, McCracken probably never beats the big 3 from Louisville, especially Trinity. Whether they schedule them in the season or not. That is not a knock against MC at all, it’s just a tough reality for big schools outside of Louisville.
  16. Absolutely! Mox ruined my career trying all that razzle dazzle crap. Now I’m retired and watch high school football and think about how much better I can coach vs other guys.
  17. Most of the time the flexbone does not use two TE's but I could be wrong. Definiltely will read one or multiple players on every play. Hopefully he will utilize some RPO's and play action more than Duncan did. Bowling's offense will be much more complex than anything Duncan ever did though.
  18. This seems to be a slam dunk hire in my opinion. Coach Bowling has 4 state championhips under his belt at a small school. He came from Olive Branch, a very good 6a program in Mississippi playing great competition. I believe he will get things rolling at Murray. Good luck to him!
  19. I wonder if Gregory has applied? He seems like a great selection to me. Does anyone know if he has interest in coaching again?
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