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Everything posted by OldhamOldie

  1. If the buzzer sounds and the game is over, the officials are not permitted to issue technicals in high school basketball. I just got the text message from a ref who is a friend. But if there is time on the clock, it is still a ref's decision. That comes straight from one of the striped shirts I trust for clarifications. So if there was time left, the ref can call a T. Now, this sounds like a bit of overkill if it was just a celebration by the player.
  2. That would be a problem for the refs in question. I know many of the refs in the 8th Region. Do you know who officiated this game?
  3. If that is the case, and I am taking your word for it, I would say the refs need to use some good old common sense. But that's the coach in me speaking. How they came up with .8 seconds is hard to fathom, and that is what alarmed me when this topic was brought up.
  4. It sounds like everything is lining up right for Bellevue. Don't forget that exactly 40 years ago this week Bellevue pulled off a stunner against Newport in the district and advanced to the regional. Can Steve Ridder's alma mater repeat history 40 years later?
  5. Devin Young scored 13 points in the third quarter for South Oldham. The Dragons are 25-4. Trimble County plays extremely hard, but South Oldham's defensive intensity and outside shooting were just too much in this one.
  6. South Oldham jumped out to a 50-16 halftime lead and never looked back. The Dragons used a 26-9 run in the second quarter and advance to meet the Oldham County/North Oldham winner for the 29th District championship.
  7. No, we are just talking about a great player. I am an Oldham County person and root for all three of those schools, but I respect what Owen County is doing. If/When South/Oldham/North plays Owen County, I always pull for my schools. But it would be silly not to recognize what a tremendous player Carson Williams is.
  8. The great thing about post season basketball is every team starts 0-0. We've already seen several huge upsets tonight throughout the state in other districts, so who's to say maybe the unthinkable can't happen when Highlands plays Newport Central Catholic? I know it's a long-shot, but the Highlands players have to be feeling ready for the challenge.
  9. I know very little about either team, but I can not fathom Highlands losing by 60 again. Or even 40 points, for that matter.
  10. He is big, strong, athletic, runs the court well, and his shooting is improving. By the time he leaves college five years from now you will be singing a different tune. And McDonald's will probably have a different meaning for you by that time as well, if I were to guess the future. lol
  11. And while Carson is playing Division I basketball, your player is going to Bellarmine. So what?
  12. Yes, he will play pro basketball one day. Whether in the NBA or overseas, you can count on it. I notice every one of your posts is negative about Carson. An axe to grind?
  13. I would say an 81-point turnaround from Saturday is a reason for Highlands to be happy this evening. Congrats to the players and coaches for hanging in there and advancing on in the districts. My question is this: Has Dayton ever beaten Highlands in basketball? I would say that would be rarer than Highlands beating Dayton three times in a season.
  14. I did not know this either. It seems strange a state's top player would not be the one nominated, but thank you for the information.
  15. Thank you for the information. I was not aware of how that process worked. Unfortunate for Carson Williams.
  16. They are partying in Ft. Thomas tonight! What a difference 48 hours can make!
  17. If this is correct, I have a question: If Williams wins Mr. Basketball, how can he not be nominated by this state? It would look silly for Mr. Basketball to not be nominated, and someone else to receive such recognition. Any ideas on how that process works? I am curious.
  18. Are you saying Williams was not nominated? Who does the nominations?
  19. Great job by Gallatin County! Sounds like a tremendous game by both. Should be an interesting game coming up against Owen County in the next round for the Wildcats! Congrats on the win.
  20. You are correct. My buddy who speaks with the NKU coaches said Brannen pulled that recruiting coup off himself. Carson really had no intention of going there, nor did Faulkner I am told. Ignore these 9th Region people whose only interests are their "own."
  21. You are better off to ignore some of these posters. I believe they are 9th Region fans, thus prompting their hate of Carson Williams. I don't get it, but it appears that way.
  22. I saw both Goodin and Faulkner play this season, they are both outstanding. Goodin plays on a more talented team, but Faulkner carries a team that, frankly, might not have won three games this season without him. It's a tough call between the two of them. Both are going to be special players in college and beyond, both are fantastic players. I don't know how a voter chooses between the two of them (Williams aside for this discussion).
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