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Everything posted by Hatz

  1. Danville and Boyle got nasty in the early to late 90’s when They shared a District and Region in AA. The rivalry got less nasty when it was just for bragging rights IMO.
  2. Don’t forget CJ Frederick was part of the plan if not for an injury.
  3. Brooks had the same points as Toppin with five more minutes played. Then again he wasn't in foul trouble. He had 3 rebounds to Toppin's 1. 3-7 vs 3-5 from the field. I'm not ready to give up on Brooks right now. I don't think he has Toppin's upside but he has an important side. I'm likening him to Lavon Williams of ancient times. Not a man offensive threat but provides some points when needed and rebounds as well. Maybe a poor man's Charles Hurt. I don't think Brooks/Toppin is a problem because they both tend to pick up the other's stats when needed. Cats just need another player who can get a good look off the dribble like Ty Ty does.
  4. Great Hire! Up and coming young Coach. Great things will come from this hire.
  5. I’ve seen it before. The last one was blatant and unnecessary. Cowboys discipline did them in.
  6. Favorite Joe B. Coaching Jobs at UK: 1. 1975. Turned a 13-13 team around from the year before and convinced a team that had been abused by Coach Knight and the Hoosiers earlier in the year that they could play with and beat the 31-0 Hoosiers. 2. 1976. 10-10 with Robey out for the year. Carved out 10 straight wins and beat a great Alabama team and UNCC with Cornbread Maxwell on that streak. 3. 1978. This team is forgotten among the greatest because there was no super star, NBA type player. But they beat those type of teams along the way (MSU with Magic, Arkansas with Sidney Moncrief and Duke with Gminski and company) Plus, still the gutsy call to bench his AA's at half vs FSU and lean on Cowan, Williams and Casey the first 8 minutes of that 2nd half. If it had failed I think the pressure would have been enough to make Joe leave. 4. 1979. To rally that team of 8 players, none taller than 6' 8", and come within an OT of going back to the NCAA tourney was a tremendous feat. They had to win 4 games in 4 nights to win the SEC and came very close to doing it. 5. 1985. That team making the NCAA tourney was controversial. But they upset Washington (Deltef Schrempf) and UNLV to get to the Sweet 16 and give St Johns a run for their money. It was a great time to step away from the program and still be young enough to have a great life. I know that I left off some great ones but Joe was unsung because he only won 1 title. But he had the horses in '75, '77, '84 to have won it also but it just didn't work out. Perhaps the best thing Joe did was embrace Denny Crum in retirement and vice versa. They were great rivals and even better friends later. RIP, Coach.
  7. Do we have any knowledge who the applicants are? I think this is a better program and opportunity than people realize. Saddled in 6A? Yes. But competitive with anyone not named Trinity, St X or Male. Who knows what the future holds?
  8. Allen got 9 minutes. No shots taken. Hopkins got 2 minutes. Ware 13. He got rebounds and a couple of points. Is Allen the difference maker?
  9. How do they leap frog over a Michigan team that manhandled them?
  10. There was a family from maybe Laurel County that had two play at UNC in the 60’s and another was small college all-American at Georgetown. Maybe Tuttle?
  11. How old does it make me if I remember when you were posting on here while still in the UL Band? 😉
  12. Just never saw the fascination for Allen’s game. He has great form but under pressure he doesn’t seem to hit the 3 like he’s labeled to. Just my take.
  13. Finley won the District when only one team went to the playoffs. They lost in the Regional to Corbin twice. There were only 3 rounds of playoffs then. Lost by 1 to an unbeaten Corbin in ‘79 and was blown out by eventual State Champ Corbin in ‘80. Won Sub-District in ‘83 and was undefeated before losing to Somerset, State Runner-up.
  14. They didn’t. Closest was 1979 when they lost 6-5 to Corbin in the Regional.
  15. I agree with all the above. I love Wheeler's game when he is mentally into it he is a great PG along the lines of Ullis. Collins right now reminds me of Andre Riddick. If it's not a dunk, don't count on a score. Blocks shots unless he's muscled out. Allen is a mystery for me. Maybe he would do better in a 3 guard lineup, I don't know. Almost everybody took a step back last night in improvement and they looked as disinterested as I was watching them. Hard to "get up" for every game but if they don't screw on the mental helmet these next few games are going to be awfully rough.
  16. The only period of consistent success was under Ron Finley in the late 70's to late 80's. He left there to coach Campbellsville. He won 4 District/Sub-District Titles if memory serves.
  17. Decided to look. Boyle returns 3 on the OL for next year. 2 TE's and the #1 RB and #2 RB as well. Defense shows the Rebels returning: 2 on the line, one of which is Zeismer. 2 LB's return and 3 DB's Sage Dawson will likely step into the QB spot as a rising Junior and the Rebs will need some Receivers to step up. Should be interesting.
  18. Some others can answer better than I. Im pretty sure Boyle returns Tommy Zeismer, the Stone kid, Avery Bodner, Sage Dawson, some of their OLine as well. Rebel or someone can complete the picture with more in-depth analysis.
  19. I don’t think Bryan Station has ever won. Tate’s Creek in 1975 I believe.
  20. Imagine how much worse I’d be without his influence. 🤫
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