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Everything posted by Hatz

  1. I think it's despicable. Does that help? Personally I think both sides are so caught up in "it" that it's hard to walk around in these actions without fainting from the stench. :walk:
  2. Question for old Bird Fans. How did CC beat HHS so badly in 1979 but the Birds went to the playoffs and the State Finals I believe?
  3. I think my point is, did the US pay back Iraq businesses? I've never heard of demanding pay backs to private businesses before from a victorious revolution or take over. Pretty sure Vietnam hasn't paid back any either.
  4. Sorry. I must have misinterpreted your statement on page one.
  5. Are you referring to private business that lost that money or the US government?
  6. But it certainly didn't start with Carter. Carter was trying to get the hostages home alive. That, for better or worse, was what drove his response. I'm not sure that any President has been perfect in responding to Middle Eastern terrorism.
  7. But Reagan sent arms to Iran for their influence on the Hostage holders in Lebanon.
  8. I hate to tell you but global Islamic terrorism was in play long before Carter and the Iranian Hostage crisis.
  9. You know thunder1, this is the first time I have ever agreed with you. :lol2: The only greater Rebel team than 2000 was that same team with a healthy Jacob Tamme all year. That would have been the greatest Rebel squad ever!
  10. And he just pulled his campaign out of Virginia if that tells you anything.
  11. Catfish Hunter was 10-2 in his Post season appearances. 5-1 in the World Series. 3.26 ERA overall in post season.
  12. Nixon did more and was pardoned. Still the thought of HRC in the White House bothers me as much or more than Trump.
  13. Recent polls seem to have Hillary clinching the Old Dominion.
  14. Exactly my point. In fact I don't think VA had gone Democratic since LBJ in '64 before Obama.
  15. When the GOP candidate pulls out of Virginia with a month to go and concedes the state to a Democrat is a clear sign that there are deep issues in the Grand Old Party.
  16. I've long thought that the only hope Trump has was to win in the key states and probably lose the popular vote.
  17. People often act as if our current Presidents are the only ones who are doing things "under the table." It's always been that way and it amuses me how much we forget that. Thanks for the input Bluegrasscard. :thumb:
  18. I always thought Casey and Weinberger were the ones who hatched the plan and put it in place.
  19. That would be my ideal as well. Like you said: I have a good idea what we would get with Hillary. I have NO CLUE what a Trump appointment would look like.
  20. I'm not sure how much that chance will be. Even Reagan appointed two that are far more middle of the road than Reagan backers wanted. (i.e. Kennedy and O'Conner)
  21. Public. My experience has been that our local privates have quickly shuffled these problems off to the public schools because of the costs to their budgets. Public schools HAVE to take all students who are in their district.
  22. More than most know. My wife is a teacher and my daughter is studying to be a special education teacher. These services eat up a lot of money in a schools budget so many private schools can't handle it and shovel them off to the public. My wife's school: ED is about 25 out of 300. LD is about 30 more. Out of three grades. It requires a mile of paperwork, two full time teachers and an aid.
  23. How big are the special ed departments in most private schools? How many students are there in them that require special needs and conditions?
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