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Everything posted by StrongSide

  1. I went and saw this movie this weekend and I thought it was excellent. Highly recommended.
  2. Injuries like this make me cringe. It is crazy how landing just a little off balance can have such repercussions. Hopefully he makes a full recovery and keeps his weight under control while being immobile.
  3. It went on when I played back in 2006-2010, most if not all of the racist remarks came from opposing players. If a ref heard it I would think they would say something.
  4. To bully is to use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Google is a great machine.
  5. I don't find that funny but to each their own. Winners/ambitious mindset versus losers/content mindset there are different breeds of people in this world and I was always taught to at least try to be the best at what I do. Never have I been associated with people or a team that says "hey guys, lets just go out there and hope for 2nd best". I think Ricky Bobby said it best "If you ain't first, you're last".
  6. I know my aunt was inducted into hall of fame a year or so ago but I am not aware if they retired her number.
  7. The feeling I am getting from this thread is that we teach kids to set their goals low so they can never be disappointed. We wonder why these generations are "soft".
  8. Why else would you play? I can't explain another reason for playing other than wanting to win/be the best. It is natural to want to be the best at what you do.
  9. I saw a lot worse being said on barstool this morning by an eagles player NSFW. I don't know what these guys are thinking.
  10. We made a living on the TE dragging across the middle. Hard to stop.
  11. Yeah I don't know a coach can have some influence on how he reaches kids and gets them excited about playing but I guess like you said in the end it comes down to the kids "wanting" to be a part of something special. And if they don't it's a shame imo. But hey they can look back on their high school career some day and reminisce on the best day they had playing that video game. Oh wait no remembers that kind of crap.
  12. I loved that game, by far my favorite HHS game ever.
  13. Hawaii missile alert: How one employee ‘pushed the wrong button’ and caused a wave of panic - The Washington Post Falsely pushing the ballistic missile warning button has to be one of the worst ways to start your weekend. Should jail time be involved for the pusher?
  14. This may very well be the case and it is something I have thought myself. If it is the case, I think that falls on coaching. You have to get your kids to buy in to what your selling or change your sales pitch. OR better yet keep that same sales pitch that has worked so well in the past.
  15. I can't see TB losing this one but it would be pretty awesome to see Blake Bortles give a big middle finger to all the doubters.
  16. Not necessarily about classification but talked with a birdie close to program and was pleasantly surprised to hear things are much more organized/Dale esq at winter weights. About dang time!
  17. Same here, I actually have a visitation to go to at 11 then boss man said don't even bother coming back afterwards we are getting out of here early.
  18. If they provide great service at low cost and know what your company typically orders it would be silly to pull away from them. Bad business decision.
  19. Same boat as a few others here. Give us a major snow storm if it's gonna snow none of the light footing around stuff. Then go ahead and clear up and be 75 and sunny please.
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