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Everything posted by MayfieldFan

  1. It is a crazy mystery! Trump brags about sexually assaulting women 11 years ago. Falsely. Gotta keep in mind, for some unknown reason, Trump thought it would be good to brag about committing sexual assaults that he wasn't doing. And in a huge mystery, women come forward and say he assaulted them in a very similar way to his false confession lol. I mean, we all know you guys are going to say these women are liars. Poor Trump was just locker room talking and making up lies where he assaulted women and he ends up dovetailing his locker room talk with future lies. Or maybe he is a serial sexual predator, and he was telling the truth on that bus.
  2. Been predicting this since before Trump got the nomination. The article is dead-on accurate...with a few exceptions. The origins of the problem are not Goldwater, imo. I would say the southern strategy, where the Republicans set out to capture white southerners opposed to the civil rights act. The other part of the mix would be Newt's strategy of demonizing opponents. The last part would be the fractured media where people can get news delivered with a confirming bias....the echo chamber. Put all that together and you get the Trump supporters. And like I have said, the party will break apart. Watching it happen on a daily basis.
  3. She answers questions like a lawyer. She does not inspire.
  4. Have appreciated reading @GrantNKY 's posts in this thread.
  5. Maybe he has done more to divide this country, but it is only because he is an easy focal point for racist attitudes and feelings. The only thing he has done wrong, in this area, is be black. If the division helps to see the line between caring about other people, and hating them because of skin color, then let's draw the dividing line and send some education across the divide.
  6. If it helps to keep you state-side, some white people care. I do. I try to understand as much as possible.
  7. Isn't that right after he was on the parallel bars that dismounted into the stairwell? Edit. nevermind, it's in the clip, question answered
  8. Is there a non-complimentary way to have them? I would hate to find out at this late date that I have them in a less-than-positive way.
  9. great post @rockmom One more thing, they hate her in part for qualities that they admire in men. (I am not her biggest fan either btw, to say the least). But, just as one example, there has been criticism over this public position and private position statement of hers. It's criticized as a character flaw. But for Trump, it is a "shrewd negotiating tactic." Same characteristic, but for her it's a flaw and for him it's an attribute.
  10. This question is both too late and premature. For many of us, the answer has been clear for a long time, so the question is too late. For the rest, the question is premature. Why ask it now, things are only going to get worse from here to election day. The party has not fractured yet, but that is coming. Remember all those other times where the VP and P nominee are like this? When the party leaders openly abandon the P candidate? When dozens of senators and congressmen and etc all call for his head? Nobody remembers it b/c it never has happened. That's the opening sounds of the fracture. People say he stopped the bleeding with the debate performance. LOL. The parade of vulgarity is just getting started. This is just the opening round. Expect new disturbing allegations and details every day. Zero chance that there aren't worse tapes and videos out there, and HRC is just sitting around, waiting to "leak" them.
  11. The decision about who won the debate is not a decision made in a vacuum, considering only the words spoken last night. For example, a fair rendering of the question who won the debate could be 'who won the debate, clinton, or the guy you just heard on tape admitting to being a sex criminal?"
  12. Trump did much better than the first debate. First debate was the worst debate performance ever. Tonight he was maybe second worst, or close to it. HRC was not great at all, but a bit better than him. All that said, IMO she "won" b/c she went in ahead, and comes out ahead. The only people impressed by him tonight were already in his camp. He made no gains tonight and she made no losses.
  13. He should have done some debate prep on "breathing."
  14. Can I like this a million times more? @mcpapa gets it. People have been wondering how can he say these things and not lose support? It is not a hard thing to figure out lol.
  15. They are not the biggest culprits, not even close lol. I'll let you guess who has this market cornered.
  16. Good thread. I haven't seen any of the Harry Potters. People who have not seen the Godfather? And people who have tried it and didn't like it? I guess not everyone can like those movies, but they are so good that for anyone who enjoys movies generally I would suggest to give the movies a second chance.
  17. The snippets headlines of each of these appear much worse than the whole thing.
  18. Not do or die. Done dead. During the primaries, I predicted Trump would win the nomination, lose the general election in horrendous historical fashion, and destroy the Republican party by causing it to crack in half. I also predicted the best part of the slow motion trainwreck was going to be all the people trying to convince themselves, and others, that maybe somehow Trump could win. So, from the liberal side of things, ....thanks conservatives for giving us the white house (again), the senate (most likely), the supreme court (assuredly) and the house (close but probably stays Rep).
  19. Who wins? Clinton. Why? Demographics. This election was decided years ago. If you put 51 blue jellybeans in a jar with 49 red ones, you can say "it's close" but blue is gonna win every time. That is the demographics of our county. How ingrained is it? How polarized is the electorate? Well, ...Trump has made fun of a handicapped person and was critical of a prisoner of war and the republicans are still behind him with a few notable but statistically insignificant exceptions. If grown men and women are able to perform a Jedi mind trick on themselves into believing its not abhorrent to support such a candidate, then it should be apparent that nothing in the election really matters and those jellybeans are just waiting to be counted.
  20. This last 1:43 is gonna take a long time if the DeSales booth never starts the clock lol. 3 plays later took 6 seconds off the clock. Edit: to not disparage a clock operator I don't know, I was going by the clock on the screen, and I think it must have been out of sync with the actual clock.
  21. Fans of documentaries should check the series "Documentary Now" on netflix.
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