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Everything posted by MayfieldFan

  1. Also, if a tenth of these HRC theories are correct, then a little russian blackmail is not going to deter her in the least. She has killed hundreds of people, skated past hundreds of crimes, dozens of investigations, and you all think a few russian-stolen emails are going to slow her down? or wait, ...is she incompetent? If the things you all say about her are true, then she is what you all wish Trump to be. And if they aren't true.....the tin foil hat store is down the street.
  2. Not really. Trump has openly promised to curb freedom of press so that media who publishes "hit pieces" on him can be sued. Edit: Trump quote from rally in Fort Worth. “One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win… is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws. “With me, they’re not protected, because I’m not like other people…We’re gonna open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you never get sued before.”
  3. Except for this post apparently. Republicans love them some Putin.
  4. A fresh look at the undead by John Cleese in a hilarious recap of The Walking Dead | Inside the Magic
  5. Christopher Hitchens once said that one of Trump's accomplishment was that he managed to cover 90 percent of his head with 30 percent of his hair. FWIW equal opportunity criticism link: Hitch was no fan of the clintons. Here is a link of him discussing the clintons.
  6. Unless you run around the country for a month or so before that saying that "my fiance is gonna ask me to do something unfair and rigged." Trump has been running around saying the election is rigged, so characterizing his statement at the debate as simply "wait and see" is not accurate.
  7. The rigged election. The russian espionage. Syria/Russia/Isis Trump expertly locked down all the voters who voted for him in the primaries. Well, except for the ones who don't vote again as the reality sinks in over the next couple weeks. Every state blue. ...
  8. He might be doing better in the sense that he is standing upright and not wandering around, but his words are ten times crazier.
  9. No more red states and blue states. They all going blue after this.
  10. Kudos to Chris Wallace (posting during the economy discussion) Trump is scarier when he actually talks about a policy? Interesting strategy to commit treason on the stage.
  11. Just sitting down for a bit, besides the comic relief this provides, there is one troubling aspect. Trump is also bringing Pat Smith, whose son was killed in Benghazi. That's serious and somber. I know the whole thing is politicized, but she lost her son and that just has to be respected and acknowledged in a decent way. She chooses to come to the debate, but I don't think that means she should be brought into the fray, so to speak. But then Trump goes and brings the half-brother from Kenya. I don't know, to me, it is an insult, by Trump, to Ms. Smith. She lost her son, she is not part of a sideshow, and this action by Trump feels that way to me. Feels exploitative.
  12. Is this intentional? It's funny either way I suppose.
  13. It's not an imposition on you, but it is on me. For there to be religious freedom, everybody has to have it. If the government gets involved in this, then not only freedom is imperiled, but religious liberty. Again, separation of church and state. Additionally, and I make this point more for your sake than mine, but you say "Christians" this and "we believe this" etc. But no one person speaks for all Christians, and there is no uniform set of Christian beliefs. I think the assumptions that "I'm in the majority" and "my version is the majority" undercuts the importance of separation of church and state unfortunately. This one is pretty simple imo. If you value religious freedom, don't support the one candidate who openly doesn't.
  14. Question is better posed to be asked of Trump, since he is openly proposing religious tests. A couple points, if you care about religious freedom, find an atheist and say "thank you." We are the only ones who consistently fight for religious freedom. Most religious people fight for the right to impose their religion on others and call it "religious freedom." Trump's religious test today for Muslims is tomorrows test for Mormons and the next days test for Catholics or Church of Christ. Everyone assumes their "religion" will never be the one discriminated against. Why is that? It's not a slippery slope, it's a cliff. Separation of Church and State.
  15. I live in a world where everyone around me believes in God and I do not. I am used to living with vast differences of opinion and beliefs. With that said, my two cents: Politics is not ugly. Politics is what we make of it. We define politics just as we define every other aspect of our lives with the choices we make. Bernie Sanders is a politician and has been one for his entire life. No scandals, no hints of being a dishonest person, no blinding ambition. Just a decent guy his entire life. And couldn't the same sorts of things be said about Kasich? Had we chose Sanders and Kasich as the nominees, politics would not be ugly. They give us what we want, what they think we want. And come election day, we are going to earn the two candidates we have, by voting for them. People say, don't complain about the state of affairs if you don't go vote. Isn't also fair then to say don't complain about the candidates if you hold your nose and vote for one of them. If you hold your nose and vote for Trump or HRC, ...you still just voted for them. The second cent: Sometimes things are unpleasant. I am happy, in a way, for the coming of candidate Trump. We are shining a light now on some dark corners of our nation's basement. Nothing really new is being learned, except for I guess some people are a bit surprised how prevalent some of these hateful ways of thinking are. But we get to expose them, reject them, and move on. Unpleasant...I guess. Ugly, whatever, ...it's a fight worth having. This is a fight for equal rights and equality under the law. A fight worth having and worth a little ugliness along the way.
  16. @mountain ref visited on Valentines. I always had a hunch.
  17. Awesome. I think those kids liked it...:clap:
  18. I didn't know that it was possible to smell desperation over the internet.
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