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Everything posted by h.s.sportsrbest

  1. At what cost? To quote Bob Kravitz: "...As for the local reaction, I fully expect the Hoosiers hardcore fans will go into justification mode."
  2. "...in my next 30 years....I want to have some fun....try to forget about all the crazy things I've done...."
  3. Great line from a great movie. Very apropos. :thumb: :thumb:
  4. Until Jasper shows me he is a threat to score, I prefer him coming off of the bench.
  5. I'm pretty secure...plus, I'm not in any hurry to have physical contact with LRCW.
  6. Keenan took himself "away from us." Sick or not, if you come to work than come to work. Steve Johnson has been huge. By the way, we have Tamme to thank for Woodson's TD run. Highsmith smelled a pass to Tamme (based on formation and field position) out of that formation and went to help the safety on him, leaving the middle wide open. Pellini was eating his lunch on the sideline. I'm a little shocked at how little a role in the offense DeMoreo Ford has had. Tamme has to be a Mackey candidate, doesn't he?
  7. You know it's a huge game if I'm missing the battle of Covington (I jest) to attend. I can't wait to be out in Union for this official slobber-knocker on friday night. I'd expect Boone to win by 7 - 13 points. Can't wait.
  8. Guam backwards is Ma Ug. FYI...
  9. Even if it is true? Or especially if it is true.... :lol:
  10. I've said all along I think Woodson will end up in Miami...it'll be the first time I've rooted for the Fish since the days of A.J. Duhe. :thumb:
  11. The Buzzards are invading Baton Rouge at the wrong time. Couple of defensive TD's make it look worse than it will actually be, but I think: Auburn 12 LSU 38
  12. I don't know EJ Fields from Sally Field (having never met either one), but let me say how great it is to hear about these talented young men that are also outstanding people off the field. You just love to hear stories like that -- good luck young man! I'm sure your friends and family are as proud of you as they can be; I look forward to watching you play at UK.
  13. I'm just giving you grief. LRCW is about the nicest and classiest individual you'd ever meet, and being compared to him is an honor. Is that a violation of some Man Law?
  14. Although I think the score will be in the 41 - 27 range, I agree with your sentiments. * Off of two straight losses. * Off of a bye-week. * UK coming off the biggest win in most of our lifetime's. * Tebow is a unique animal, and running QB's have KILLED UK the last few years. For the 157th time, I hope I'm wrong and GO CATS!!! I can't wait to be in attendance for this one...
  15. Actually, we are NOT similar. :jump: :walk:
  16. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....
  17. He had Kansas #14, so even that would be low for UK. Tough to defend if he is pressed on the issue this week.
  18. That is weird because he was fairly pro-UK while doing the UK / South Carolina game the week before. Now if you had told me Doug Flutie would have done this it would have made sense. I'm trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and assume he did super-impose UK and KU. Where did he have Kansas ranked? That would clarify it...
  19. Where is everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) that was saying I was crazy in July when I said this team was bad? I was all but tarred and feathered on this site by many for having the audacity to say they were, at best, a 7 win team. Hmm? They are flat out horrible. Heck, I said in early August they had the worst linebacking corps in the NFL and that was with them all healthy. They are embarrassing.
  20. On this point I have repeatedly agreed 100%. :thumb:
  21. Also a point we've made in 18 of these threads. :thumb:
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